There are not a whole lot of bands that I would say I dislike but, Rage is one of them. While I like a couple of there songs becasuse they sound good overall they sounds really really angry. Not like your avverage punk or rap angry but scarey angery. i have given them a couple tries but It just sounds like an angry guy yelling at me. Sometimes if groups are angry but sound good with the music they can hang with my collection...but when you dont sound good with the music and you are just yelling at me about ...stuff, whatever it is he was yelling aablut, deservid or not...I just wont have you. I am not sayin they suck just that I don't prefer them, not that they should not express what they have to say but I have the power not to listen to his angry ranting. Goodbye Rage...I will delete you!
we had this??? i can't stand them either. we're so alike baby!
Yes, well I got them from David. Like I said I heard a couple songs I liked. I listen too them while you were in florida and thats when I discovered that they were really, really angry and they liked to yell.
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