Monday, May 18, 2009

First test of sending a video from my phone to my BLOG...

The recent updates to the OS of my phone included a camcorder function with instant upload to youtube. I want to see what happens when I send it my BLOG.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Duck-rabbit and Pandora's Bock

Road construction is getting closer to work...

They are digging up the road to put in water drainage pipes to the water works down the road. The pipes will carry water from the parking garage that is being built next door...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Oh, good. Its going to rain for the rest of the week...

Holding back on my skateboarders natural hatred of rain...

Chris Faulkner
Sent from Android...

Monday, May 04, 2009

Ruby's theory on fairy wings...

Ruby's fairy, Rose, eats Ruby's toe-jam. This in turn makes their (the fairy's) wing bones grow. When the fairies get older their wing bones fall out and you are supposed to eat them... I don't know if there is a reason you need to eat the wing bones...

Chris Faulkner
Sent from Android...