Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Time for some katchup..

... I mean catch up.

Well I think my last real post was late October or early November. I did finaly make it through all of the CAI training and passed all of the required tests. It was WinXP, Office2003 and helpdesk skills. After that I joined CAI's help desk at Wyeth's Great Valley Campus. I think we did 2 to 3 more weeks of training on Wyeths applications and help desk procedures. We went live on the 15th of Dec. and I have really been enjoying it.

On the home front since then... Ruby rolled of a bottom step and broke/dented the lower part of her leg. She had a splint on the first day and when we were turned down for lack of insurance coverage (of course it was one of the few weeks between coverage) we ended up back at the ER for them put on a temporary plaster cast until lthe next week when we could go for a fiberglass cast. Amy drove Sarah down to CHOP in Philly and about 10 minutes after they got back ruby crawled out of her cast... they wanted sarah to come back that night but they had been there from 7 till about 4 plus she does not like to drive in the city. I took off in the morning and drove us back down were they double casted her leg and did a better all around job. Ruby never bothered with the cast and by the time she got it off she was pretty close to walking with it. She was just starting to favor walking over crawling and know she is starting to walk more than crawl again.

Somewhere in there Sarah had a really painful overy cyst and we ended up at the ER again. She had a catscan and they just confirmed taht it was a big cyst. Plus she still has some pain left over from something releating to the hernia operation she had during the fall, did i ever mention that... that was a nice 2 week vaction to use up my TV Guide vacation time.

Gryphon is trucking along. Crazy into Legos right now most notably the Lego knights kingdom stuff. I like the building it the playing with what you build that is the hard part sometimes.

The Holidays started and we spent Thanksgiving at Uncle Daves and then the Christmas holidays moved in. We ordered a bulk of the kids stuff from Magic Cabin on the 2nd so we would be done by the 21st( why the 21st?, read on). Anyway they ended up shpiing some of the stuff and then some got lost and phone calls were made and on and on and bad shipping numbers and blah blah. I had to eventually call on like the 16th and demand that they create a new order for what we did not get yet. We did end up getting the stuff. Actaully we got the lost order and the new order. Sarah called them to see if they wanted to give us a return ticket for the double shipment and they did not seem to be interested at that time. So we will hold on to taht for now.

Solstice Dec. 21st. We decided to celebrate Soltice this year. We did some gifts (got my iPaq finnally :o)) and I took they day of so we could go to a celebration at some friends house. It was nice and Gryphon got to play with the kids. We did also do Christmas and the rest of the gifts and the vistiting of family. They day was less hectic since Sarahs parents had moved out of state and we usually had been starting at there house and then driving all the way back to my parents house.

So now Wyeth employees have off for the week. Nice! But now being and hourly employe for CAI I cant afford to take the time off. I am working the 6 to 2 shift which will be a preview of my next months schedual of 6 to 3, nice. I will get home before 4! I took 4 calls today and 2 were the same person. I dont mind though. I have my iPaq and I am addicted to looking stuff up on the web and plannig how to spend some gift certificates... I'll do more on the iPaq tomorrow.