Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I yelled at and chased after a fox last night...

Gryphon came running out of his room. "Something is after the chickens!".
Sarah and I bounded out of the room. I armed myself with a broom that Gryphon had picked up and dashed out into the back yard. It was dark. I saw one of the Buffs (big flufffy yellow chickens) go further back in the yard and saw the other one and something else head to the front yard. I took off after them. As I rounded the corner to the front yard, I saw the something else pulling on the chicken. Then the yelling started.
"Hey! Blah! - it heard me and I could see the chicken break free and the other thing, a small fox or a brave cat, run toward the other side of the house.
I took off after it. I then surprised it as it had stopped around the side of the house.
With my broom in hand, they yelling and chasing started. "Hey, FOX!" I guess I decided it was a fox. "I'm coming after you!" I shouted as I chases out of the yard at full speed. He turned the corner down a path out of our yard. I hope I at least scared him enough not to come back to soon.
I got the other buff back to the coop and we had to search around a bit for the one that was attacked. I did find her and Sarah administered first aide to the bite marks. And we put her back in the coop for the night.
The photo here is from this morning and she seems to be ok.

Sunday, June 13, 2010 Android Result in Philadelphia

Test Date: Jun 13, 2010 5:20:39 pm
Connection Type: Utms

Download: 3675 kbps
Upload: 405 kbps
Ping: 162 ms

A detailed image for this result can be found here:

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