Wednesday, July 06, 2005

4th of July Weekend


Me on my board.

Good Beer
Originally uploaded by tagar.

The 4rth of July weekend was picnic-filled for us. First on Sunday we went to my Cousins house. They have the Washers game seen in the previous post. His mom used to host the 4th picnics but that has now been passed on. It was a good time. Now all of the cousins (10+, of which 4 or 5 were there) are grown and most have married, hang out probably like our parents did.
BEER COUNT: 3 or 4 Lions Head, 1 Sam Adams Scotch Beer (blech)

Monday we went to Sarahs family Picnic. That was a good time to since I show up and I see lots of kids on skateboards. Well the skateboards were of various sizes and the kids were just haveing fun with them(what else could you do with them?) I just so happened to have my board so I played with the kids most of the kid had the basics of an ollie and I gave him some tips. Of course he wanted to do a kickflip right away. Whats with these kids wanting to do advanced stuff before they can do the basics... Lets see, we played with these plastic spinner things and we bought these cool ballons that you pupmp up and then the part hat you blow up on them is tight so they fly around and let the air out slower than normal balloons. They sound like fire works as they fly.
It took a while but I then found the yummy hoegorden beer...I'l post a link.
BEER COUNT: 4 Hoegardne things.

We took of and watched the Skipback fireworks from a church feild about 2 or 3 miles away.

1 comment:

MadTagar - Master of the BLOG! said...

I am working on a permanent post that I will update with the beers I try and have tried. Since I dont get beer other than going to Picnics, eating out or going to sarahs parents the count wont get to high.