Friday, February 29, 2008

Me skating the Garage Mini ramp...

Joe and I were both riding kind of sketchy tonight. I hadn't been at the ramp for about 2 weeks and could not seem to keep a serious line together.

So for my first ever skating appearance on the web, you get to see me at the end of our session put together a mediocre run... I promise it will be better next time. The main thing I wanted to get on this video was the ollie to the vert wall in the middle of the run. Again it was sort of week and I'll get you a better one next time...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You know you want to...

If you click that bubble over my head, you will be able to chat with me...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Since you asked...

So anyway. The previous post about Jacen and Vergere happened in books about 4 to 5 years ago. Jacen sort of apprenticed himself to Vergere and he learned to pull from the light and the dark side and questioned if there really was a seperation.

As it turns out Vergere died during that 20 book story arch (This amount of books was also created to sort of bring all of the writers to the same time line. For many years the books were all over the place and the time line was hard to follow). She was recently reveled to have been a Sith and what she was teaching to Jacen was a step toward the darkside.

Now in his 30s he learned the truth about Vergere and since he trusted and beleived in what he was tought by her, he was convinced to learn more about the Sith and started his path toward being a Sith Lord. He thought he would be able to control his power and like his Grandfather (Anakin Skywalker/ Darth Vader) bring piece to the Galaxy. Yhea, well He got the Dark Lord part down. In the recent story arc of 9 books he has become Darth Caedus. Along the way he has killed Luke's wife, Mara Jade, and tried to turn Luke's son Ben to the Darkside.

Wow, how nerdy of me :o)

Gritty talk about the Force...

This comes from two characters in the Star Wars universe that you have never heard of. I love when they get into this stuff though.

It's between a 20 something Jacen Solo(one of Han and Lea's children) and Vergere (a non-human Jedi that had escaped the Jedi Purge (You know from revenge of the Sith, when Darth Vader started killing Jedi) when she was captured/ went with a race from outside of the galaxy (We learn from other books that Palpatine/ Darth Sidious, was trying to gain power and organize the galaxy so that he could defend the galaxy against this invasion which he saw in a force vision some 60 yeard before it happened. So many Sith were born with this vision of uniting the galaxy to bring about peace.). She returned when those beings then invaded the galaxy and captured Jacen.)

So Read on or just skip it...

I took this from here

To convince Jacen that there was no dark side, Vergere showed him a species of Yuuzhan'tar predator that had just successfully brought down its prey. She told him that the predator's adopted home was filled with what Jacen would call "the dark side." Jacen responded by telling her that what the animal did was not "the dark side," since it was merely following its nature, killing to get food to keep itself alive. Vergere then said to him "I thought the danger of the dark side was that it is natural; that's why it's easier than the light, yes?"

Jacen told her that the "real" dark side would be if the predator killed not just one animal, but an entire herd, and did so not out of hunger but just for fun, for the joy of killing. This prompted Vergere to ask Jacen if he believed the predator took no joy in its accomplishment of successfully killing its prey. Looking closer at the animal, it seemed to Jacen that the animal was pleased with itself.

As Jacen considered this and became more uncertain, Vergere asked more questions. "Kill one, it's nature, kill them all, it's the dark side? Is the line between nature and dark side only one of degree? Is it the dark side if that predator kills only half the herd? A quarter?"

Becoming frustrated, Jacen asserted that it was a matter of "need." That if the predator killed more animals than it needed to for its survival, those actions would be of the dark side. Vergere then launched a new series of questions, asking how "need" was defined. Was "need" the line of starvation or simple malnutrition? Would it be wrong of the animal to kill its prey and eat only half the carcass, wasting the other half? Would the animal's hunting be of the dark side if it and its family were a few pounds overweight and could survive without food for a time?

Jacen's protests that it wasn't about that made Vergere ask what it was about. She asked if intention always trumped action. What if, she asked, the predator slaughtered an entire herd thinking it needed them for food, then realized that it didn't need them after all and left them to rot? Would its intentions matter?

In an earlier conversation, Vergere had asked Jacen if he believed what he (and other Jedi) did was irrelevant, if he believed that the only relevant thing was why they did it.

Friday, February 15, 2008

It's Friday...

I thought it was Thrusday!  Wahoo I skipped a day...

-=Chris Faulkner=-
"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I didn't get to check out everything on this site but, it looks pretty cool. I want to go back and that is why I am posting it here.

New OTHER BLOG widget to the left...

Check it out. now you can see other peoples blogs and a snippet of the most recent post...

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Teletubbies: Behind the Scenes

Teletubbies: Behind the Scenes

If it were not for the internet you would never know about this kind of utterly unimportant stuff... still it's worth a look.