Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bum, bum...BUMMMM!!! The Hammer Drops at TV Guide...

Well, The TV Guide is getting rid of all of there national digest size (small books) and making one full size color book for hth whole country. I thought that would happen. I created the templates that the ads would go in. Well today they announced that they were going to start with that in October. The Hammer, the hammer is that most of my department is not needed, me included.

Oct 3 is my date. I get two weeks severance for each year so that should be 10 weeks (5 paychecks basicly). I assume that I have to stay to the end to get that money. So the game will be to have a job start after the 3rd...To get a phat paycheck and have a decent job.
I wondered how I would feel if I ever got layed off.... Well, its odd. It's sort of a no feeling. Its nobodys fault really. It's not like they did it based on performance. It was more just job based and my main job delt with the color ads going into the digest book, no book no job, done.I If i am said about anything its that my revitalized skateboarding will also probably be gone in Oct. I guess I'll hold off on getting another board...really that's the worst part about it.


S said...

I'm hoping that something good comes our way..I love you..and you should get a board anyway...you nned to do that for yourself

MadTagar - Master of the BLOG! said...

This can diffenitly take a positive turn. If I can snag a job that starts Oct or Nov. We will be in good shape. My car needs an inspection in Oct so either way we will have the money for that. If I have a job we can pay off a couple CC's fix the car and bank some cash to put toward house hunting next year!

If no job comes up right away then we will be ok for a while...but lets stay on the postive vibe track.