Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rooted my G1...

So what does it mean that I rooted my G1 Phone? Hmm... how best to describe it. The phone runs on the Android Operating System (OS). The OS builders , Google, have not yet unleashed everything that the OS can do. Since the OS is open source Google put the code out there for people to work with. Some of those people unlock the extra things and tweak the OS. In order to use what those hackers are doing you have to unlock or "root" your phone. The process was sort of hairy, you had to download things to your phone, use Linux command line commands on the phone, rebooting and installing various things. A couple days ago someone found a bug in the OS that allowed them to make a virtual one click rooting application.

I had wanted to try it before when it was hairy. I wanted to do this because there were things you could do with a rooted phone that would make it run smoother among other things. I wasn't worried about the process to much, I'd done Linux things before and had hacked (with help) my iPAQ to run Linux. When I saw this one click application I couldn't hold back. And it was as easy as they made it out to be. I must say that my phone is zippy-er than it's ever been. It has some extra user interface tweaks and multi-touch and native exchange email support too but, its that quick responsiveness that really makes it worth it. I also went ahead and partitioned my SD card from the command line on the phone so that I can install my applications to the SD card which saves the precious internal memory of the phone.

The link below is for the one click root of the G1 (htc dream).

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Puffy lids...

Ruby had a bug bite close to her eye that really puffed up part of her face. So here she is at the Dr. Office so they can take a look.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm starting to like our uncut grass...

Between the rain and not being home when its not raining and mowing the neighbor's yard, my yard is starting to look fluffy in some parts and meadow like I other parts... kind'a neat.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mercer Museum...

I walked down to the Mercer Museum during lunch today. I didn't go in but, as you can see, I took a picture.