Wednesday, October 06, 2004

RPM success and G starts putting the letters together.

Oh so thats how you install RPM's
Duh, stupid me. I was trying to use YaST to install RPMs. Out of frustation I was looking through the KDE menus and found the RPM Manager, oh yhea. I remember using this the last time I was on my Linux adventure. So I start this puppy up and BAM, I've installed: Gstreamer, Amarok1.1, SuperKaramba, and qBrew (which I can't find) all up and running. So now I know...and knowing is half the battle.... things hsould get easier from here on in.

CAT, BAT, RAT, MAT....What do these word have in common?
They are all the first words that G is staring to put together by sounding them out. Our baby is learning to spell/read. Sarah said he wassounding out words from the Dr. Suess book "Hop on Pop"

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