Friday, October 08, 2004

Fresh from the Radnor Skatepark...the big OUCH!!!

So i get to the park later today around 1:30. There are about 6 bikers 5 skaters and a pack of mixed newbs. I felt more balanced today so when people started trying to ollie off the kicker over a bike i joined in. i should have been able to pop right over but my enexperiance ollieing off the kicker was caueing me to abort my ollie just as ai took off. i hit one nice solid ollie over the tire an thought i was ready to make it next time. i went up and started to bail and landed on my front foot really wierd and sort of rolled my ankle and crushed the outside of my foot. needless to say it hurt like hell and still hurts. the sprained ankle doesn't worry me too much it's more the pain above my little toe. i guess Ill be hobbleing aroudn for while...that sucks...well at least I made it every day for the first week. Man this hurts.

Got Cash?
I dont but G does. $60 from G-pop hamilton. I think he is getting new sneaks with some of it.

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