Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fone Phun

Just to keep up with the title of the blog... Like I have told others this is justa snippet of our lives... If I blogged everything it would take most of the day and it would overwhelm and consume you.

Friday came and first the phone dropped off and then the DSL went :o( How odd it is for the computer to be sitting there all lonesome. My wife doesn't touch it. I sit down and then remember that I can't get online and play a game or mess with the music. The Zone Alarm meter shows incoming and out going so I peek over at the modem but no internet light...

Anyway, we get over to the new apartment @5ish and the phone line is dead. I try what I think are all the lines in the house nothing. We wait over the weekend. On Monday still nothing. I call and check the website. Both say that the line was completed and is working. I set up an appointment for the 5th for service and then check the outside box. Everything is plugged in. I test it with a regular phone and get a dial tone on both ports there. Hmmm... It must be something in the house.

I look all over for a magic switch, I try all the ports with the regular phone and nothing. My wife calls our friends who just moved out as I ignore what looks like a network hub up stairs. They tell her that both of there lines worked fine...BOTH? I run back up stairs and take another look at that network hub. It's just a line splitter or something... I plug into the one labeled with their old number, nothing. Then the other number which must have been the added line for the office... Bingo!! They switched us over to the new line that only has one jack....

I call Verizon to cancel the service request and find out how to switch the lines. The only people available are the repair call center. I try to explain the deal but she thinks I don't under stand and that they only hook up to the out side box if the outlets in the house don't work its not there problem. I do understand but I don't know if she does. Ill wait and talk to the regular people on the 5th...

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