Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Skateing snow, shoveling snow, iPod looks like snow...

Well Yesterday the snow came in like crazy so skateing was out. I did get the chance to play with an iPod though. Apperently this lady at works son...was givin an iPod by a teacher at college. Now the iPod supposidly was in lost in found for a long time and then they gave it to the teacher...why do I smell soemthing fishy? If I lost my iPod, you know I would be in the lost and found every day untill that thing showed up. Anyway. He had to go by a usb cable for it and the PC they have at home does not have a USB port, yikes! So she brouht it in I figured out he model, charged it up, DL the manuals and then copied the 3.5 gigs worth of music that was on the 20gig ipod. I did also take a walk with it and boy am i hooked. I need something like that. The cool thing is that by the time i can afford one Ill be able to get something like it that will hold more music for cheaper probably.

Today the snow was on the ramp. I walked over to the ramp and somebody had left a big fat shovel! So I shoveled for about 20 minutes and then the ramp was wet so I changed and just did some simple stuff till the the ramp dryed up and by the time I left the ramp was dry. Feels good!

My rebates from kingston are in processing...I havent heard anything from PCusa and I have to mail my CompUSA rebates.

The wireless mouse is really nice. I have liked all the Microsoft mice that we have had so far.

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