Monday, September 13, 2004

Weekend College-week 3 of 10
English We ran out of paper so I had to hand my paper in on paper that was misscut. It's bad but hopefully I can learn to improve in this kind of writing. Since I had just gotten the book I had to rush to do the readings. In class we picked the readings apart and I took notes on them. This is the first class I haven't enjoyed, nothing against the teacher she is really into and that makes it easier. i just think I would like the math classes better and I am not reallly that confedent at math. Anyway, the readings should be easier now that i can read them while I walk at work. I still don't have the MLA writing style book.

Non-western Soc This is going to be a good class. Great teacher with lots of stories to tell. He is the principle of St. Gabs correctional school during the week. He has a very NPR'ish approach to teaching history. During the class he opened a window and apparently a big what I call Racer Spider, fell on the floor and I watched it as it got onto somebodies backpack and roamed aroudn for abit. At break I told the guy and he searched the bag but found nothing. As soon as he put the bag down the spider popped out and started to run. The teacher helped corner it and caught it in a bag and took it outside.

While on break I approached the teacher about me not getting the books yet and not knowing when I would be able to get them. He told me not to worry and said that he would bring me a set of 8th edition books in!! He said he only used them for the historical content and not the the current event type stuff. Cool!

Money and lack there off
Well after paying for Rent, Eric, paint and the CC we have like 70$ left ofr food and gas for the next two weeks... Bills are getting paid and it will take a few paycheckks to get into this new budget... We are going very basic as far as food and using WIC and we have some money left on the CC so we will see what happens.

G Money
Gryphon went to tucker and Jonahs Birthday party. We got them some books from Atlanticbook Wherehouse. It sounds like they had a sort of free form party with a bunch of kids running around and playing. Sarah said they bult a sandbox that is huge with a mountain of sand. i know Gryphon had fun. Apperantly htye don't open presents while people are there. i guess it makes more of the emphisis on the people instead of the gifts.

Baby and related stuff
I still have to get address to Rowan for the Shower and now Sarah's mom wants to have a little something on the 17th. The baby is kicking up a storm and Sarah paniced a little when whe remembered that the baby has to come out... yhea, i'd freak out alittle to. But she has done it before so don't expect any problems. Oh, we registered at babies are us for some stuff.

Down time
We started watching Buffy season 7. I think we are up to episode 6 or 7. Sarah's parents have season 4 of Angel at thier house also when we are ready!

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