Friday, September 10, 2004

Radnor Township Skate Park Update
During lunch today I went an checked on the Skate Park. They still have not started putting the ramps together, jeez I wonder when they plan on getting this thing done. I hope they dont put any weird restrictions on it. I'll be out there at least once a week. (checks the Radnor Township website) Ok, It sounds as if the park will be done by the end of Septmeber, Whohoo.

School Stuff
Whew, this English class is going to be a dozy. It's more like a writing class. You have to critque stories and elements of the stories. That'sjust not my thing. I am almost never albe to meet page requirments for reports. I like to some things up into as little explination as possible. Well hopefully I can learn how to write about stuff better. I was able to get the book I needed though, well one of the books, Making Choices: Reading Issues in Context. I found it on ebay for $12.50 with shipping instead of the $30 bucks it would have been from the store. Huh, when I looked it up in Amazon to get a link to the book I noticed that I could have gotten a used one for $1.00. hmm...lets check on these others that I need. I still have to find the MLA writting style book, i think it's $20, ugh.
I didn't get my book, GLOBAL STUDIES :
The Middle East , Tenth Edition
, for the non-western societies either...I'm not sure what I am going to do about that. We don't have much money left after paying Rent and for the car.

All things Skateboard
I found some cool fingerboarding websites today. They all seem to be from Europe...odd, anyway I'll put some links in soon for them.

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