It took a while but I was finally able to get my desktop the way I like it. With a Linux OS you can really change anything you want.
I don't like to have a static desktop. I want to be able to have the laptop on and see things moving when I am not using it. In the screen shot below, starting at the top left, you can see a video playing on a 'screenlet' (it lets you put little gadgets and widgets on the desktop). This is a mini web browser screenlet and I have a video from Google Video playing. I then took the opacity down so that you can see the desktop through the video. So you can have it playing and it looks like it is part of the desktop rather than something sitting on top... its a cool effect. i like to just set it to play random things and then make it almost invisible, sort of like you don't really notice it to much unless you start at it.
On the right I have a weather screenlet, a picture frame that cycles through pictures in a folder, System monitors for things like Wifi, heat, battery and other things. At the bottom is an awesome looking dock that you can put shortcuts to applications or folders. it also has a Gmail icon that lets me know when I have mail and a clock/calender that is tied into my Google calender. Under the video you can see my IM buddy list.
With everything set to be opaque, it just look cool and things are always moving...