We went to
Ringing Rocks this weekend. It's only about 30 minutes from our house and it's possible that I went here as a child since this is the kind of place my Dad would have taken my sister and I as children.
I am kind of surprised that you can still take hammers here and bang away at the rocks. I mean, you can see the rocks chipping away as you whack them. I could easily imagine the county roping off a section of the boulder field that you can hit, while saving the other parts of it for climbing around on. Its not really that big of a space, its kind of like a squat hour glass with one river of rocks poking out the side.

We had a good time and it is really cool how differnt the rocks can sound. Most of the time you can find the cool sounding rocks by looking for the rocks that look like they have taken a beating over the years (the white spots in the pictures) but you can also find less hit rocks that make some really high tones.
I found some really good "pools" that would have been great for finger boarding too but forgot mine (I almost always have it on me).
Image on the left is looking down from the entrance.

Looking up from the bottom.

A perfect keyhole for fingerboarding...

Sarah in the Rocks.
