I use Google's online documents to do and organize my homework. This worked well as I could also work on things during lunch at work... No more though, well I can just email myself with the updates, like Google Talk the firewall here at work has stopped access
Access Denied (content_filter_denied)
The following URL is blocked by Wyeth policy because of its content categorization by our subscription service: "Online Storage;Computing/Internet;Personal Network Storage;Interactive Web Applications"
I guess Googles news reader could be next. i dont think they would stop gmail or other web based email...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Work's FireWall blocks off another Google application...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tenth Anniversary...
We had a GREAT date night for our anniversary. We hit Tokyo in Skipback for sushi and sushi on the deck. We drove around a bit scouting for Karaoke spots(didn't find any). We went to 99 for a drink at the bar ( wont go back there. The tall bass ale was nice but the two drink Sarah got (apple martini and something else green) were only enough to give her a sugar high. We were going to go in to Bertucci for a drink bu they were packed. The Comedy club at the beef and ale in Audubon was next up and we had a great time there. We ended up being the only ones dancing after wards at the bar and had allot fun. Sarah sat and chatted with a guy for a bunch of songs but I just said !@#$ it and danced by myself though all of the bad songs and the songs we requested. I asked for Jr/Sr Rhythm Bandits... he played don't stop your feet. We asked for jamiriqui canned heat and he got that one. We asked for Will smiths if you cant dance to this... we got that one. We asked for crystal method... He didn't have it. I asked for Rage against the machine... he had bring the funk. I rocked out to that one by myself pretty hard. I think he was digging my dancing. Not that I was dancing well but I pulled out my old break dancing foot work an i heard him wooing to something one he knew at the bar... ROCK!!! I just kept dancing to everything my god it was fun. Dana, my cousin happened to come online and i relied what was being played to her and danced till he was done at 1ish. Sarah joined back in for the last group of songs. He played allot of junk rap but there was enough of what we asked for with some other good choices to keep me jamming...We will have to go dancing next time we get to go out.
I tried to tip the DJ but he just said to keep it... ROCK!!!
I was OK to get the kids from my parents and get home...
Pictures later...
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wyeth catches up with Google Chat
Wyeth BNS (Border Network Security) blocks all the fun stuff: any streaming video or audio, social networking sites, game sites and any sort of chat services. One that they did not get right away was Gtalk. I didn't use alot but I would chat with Kyle and Brendon from time to time. Today I see that they caught up with it and disabled it for all network users... oh well.
Monday, July 23, 2007
4WinMobile.com's Xda Flame Mini-Review
Sent to you by tagar via Google Reader:
"Before I start this mini-review of the XDA Flame I have to explain that most of my usage is data and that by far the best mobile signal available to me at home is from Vodafone - who also offer some of the most expensive data rates. Also, I'll say now that I'm pleased with the Flame but it has shortcomings (as you'll find out). I've worked my way through numerous PDA's - both Pocket PC / Windows Mobile and Palm - starting with a Philips Velo 1 and ending up with an HTC Hermes. Along the way I had an Exec which I had to retire when I found I needed more data than Vodafone could offer at a sensible price - so I switched to T-mobile. The Exec wouldn't hold a signal with them but the Hermes would so that was the end of the Exec - but I really missed the VGA screen. When the Flame was announced it came with, what is for me, the perfect spec. This included infra-red - something that is vital for me but no longer available on the new HTC offerings. Because of this I decided to take the plunge and order one from Australia. Five days after spending £527 and placing my order (and that included a weekend) the Flame was in my hand. A couple of weeks after I received the Flame I also received an import duty / VAT bill - which I was expecting - of £110 making a total cost of £637, a lot for a PDA but the perfect spec doesn't come along every day!"
4WinMobile.com has an O2 Xda Flame in their hands, and aside from a couple of shortcomings, they like what they see! Check out their thoughts here.
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
Got our Harry Potter Book...
We were number 310 and it only took till 12:45 to get the book. The BN party was wild and long but we had a good time. Pictures to follow...
Friday, July 20, 2007
July 2007 updates
i hurt my lower back last sunday. not sure how it happened but it was the first time I have hurt my back. It had me on the floor trying to find just the right position as to not be in sever pain. Its getting better day by day now... Im scarred of what this means for any skating that I may have had coming to me...
I got back on track with my online courses. I am trying to plow through one Author a day and answer the questions associated. I am going through my math homeworks at work. I really dislike the Eng. Lit. I don't enjoy enturperating what people wrote about and comparing them against other writers. These writers always over describe things without actually saying what they were talking about. Add that to the old or proper english and terms of the day plus they seem drunk or on drugs and you ended up guessing at what they are refering to... blah.
Gryphon is hyped on the Hogwarts summer corospondince course that he is taking and Ruby is working through some rough 2 year old issus. Ruby is also pretty much potty trained, diapers be gone with thee! She is also very scarely unafraid of the water and I think now that she sees Gryphon swimming under water and jumping all around she is trying to imatate that.
Sarah and I have a new PS2 game that we are gunning for Guitar Hero, check it out.
We got our first working laptop from Sarahs dad. It got rattled around abit on the trip out and the harddrive popped out. i just pushed it back in and it runs really good for being older with 600 or 700 mhz CPU and 256k of ram and still running WinXP with no lag. It found and connected up to the wireless network with out a hitch. So far i was able to get the desktop to get into the laptop but didnt have time to work it the other way.
Thats it for now... going to the harry potter book release party tonight too...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
urnx by tmbg
urnx, ni, imnx
ictv, nicu
icu, icu, nurok
urnx, ni, iw
icatv, icadvd, nicu
icu, icu, nurok
icu, icu, nurok
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Nice article i want to finish reading...
-=Chris Faulkner=-
"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart."
Monday, July 09, 2007
iPhone nano
You just press the call button and it shuffles your contacts and calls a random person. Ha!
Sent to you by tagar via Google Reader:
Filed under: Cellphones
[Thanks, Matt]
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