This guys art is pretty cool. I think My stuff would look somewhat like his if I followed through with it....
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Ruby and Gryphon pics...from the iPaq
The iPaq can take some nice pictures outside in the sun...
This is a cool one of Gryphon. Ruby was hidingin the bushs and just as I snapped the shot she came bursting out of the trees. It was a nice thoughtful looing picture of Gryphon...and look at that crazey hapy face of Ruby :o)

This one is a awsome shot of Ruby, probably my favorite picture of her so far...

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Sayersville Skatepark
An emial from Skater Joe, and this place could be in my sights at some point this summer...
Sayreville's Free skatepark
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
More Skateing and books I finished...
Saturday skateing went well, of course. I did however fall three times ( didnt hit the ground once last week). I paid with some elbow skin. But I get to here ruby say "Boo boo?" :o) So it is doubley worth it...
There was a kid there olliing off one of the ramps over the picnic table...longways. And he wasnt just making it he was going way over it in full he was just flying... and then he did a backside 180 over it too...nice.
Again Burt has gone missing!
I finnally finished my books I got for Christmas. Harry Potter and the something somthing, Star Wars- Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Survivor's Quest and Outbound Flight. I have also been listen to the Yuuzhan Vong story arc every day to and from work. It was a 22 book story, it was on going for 3 years. I am up to the audio book 17.
I feel a need to change the look of the blog again...hmmm.
Google is really filling out its services... They now offer: A Starting Page, gMail, Blogger, a calander, a notebook, a homepage, an RSS Reader. I am still waiting to be able to sync the calander and notes right to my iPaq. It kind of odd since I did that with Yahoo and my old Palm in 2000 but they havent done anything like that since...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Skating again... I could get used to this..
Wahoo...again I get to skate. I am feeling realy good about how long I will be able to keep this up. The only thing that really holds me back when skating is the same thing that has always held me back..fear. But I am even overcoming that to do things I was never able to do or attempt even in my teenage years...weird.
Burt didnt show this time..I can t remember if he said he was going to a comic convention this weekend or what...
It's nice going at 10 or 11 because the really good people havent gotten tothe park yet and I can feel good about what I am doing...even when they do show I still have a great time. With everything going on in my life any second of skating I get in is wonderful. I doubt Ill get back to every day skating again but once a week would be great.
I got my confidence up on the mini again and disasters and going over the spine feel easy like they did at the Radnor park. the one thing that is odd is that Radnor had this supper smooth coating over the blacktop so you really didnt have to worry about losing speed.
Radnor also had a nice little curved jump ramp that was so much fon to ollie off. Oaks has big straight rams that put you really high to start off and no little curve that I was use to. Its still fun to do Old School method airs off of.
I did a couple "to-tail" spine transfers and maybe next time Ill get the board slide transfers going again. The one thing Radnor didnt have was the cool little fun box that you can ollie over. It is really easy to ollie over these I just havent yet done it again... man I have to get Burt down to FDR its something that any skater in the area should not miss...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Skateing with Burt at Oaks Park.

Me in front and Burt getting to the top of the mini.

Me dropping in... If you click the pic, you can see the kids watching. That's because I am older and hitting wicked smith grinds!! hmm...I look fat..ok well I am pushing 180 since I dont skate everyday anymore and i have found a really good $10 beer(yep, 10$...9.99 if you will, Lions Head check it! and thats 10$ a case mind 25 cents a bottle...).

Well, so I need some better pics. This is after not skating these kind of ramps since last october.... a very week looking ollie.
What a great day. Sarah Took the kids over to the playground and Burt( with a mohawk) and I got to catch up and skate...
I was a little sketchy and just went with my basics but happily I was able to do them all. I managed to go over the spine to tail once and could skate the mini better then last time I was at this park...