Every time I crack open Ender's Game, I have to then read the whole thing plus Speaker for the Dead and finish with Xenocide. This time around I am listening to the Audio books and am taking every opportunity to listen. I am working my way through Xenocide and the people doing the read do an incredible job.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The Ender saga strikes again...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
My touchscreen's back and you're gonna be in trouble
It's back, it's back
Halleulah, halleulah, halleullllaaaaahhh...
It went away and you hung around
And bothered me, every night
And with I wouldn't go out with you
You said things that weren't very nice
My touchscreen's back and you're gonna be in trouble
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
You see it comin' better cut out on tit double
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
You been spreading lies that I was untrue
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
So look out now cause it's comin' after you
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
(hey, it knows that you been tryin')
(And it knows that you been lyin')
it's been gone for such a long time
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
Now it's back and things'll be fine
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
You're gonna be sorry you were ever born
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
Cause it's kinda big and it's awful strong
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
(it knows I wasn't citatin'!)
(Now you're gonna get a beatin'!)
(What made you think it'd believe all your lies?)
(Wah-ooo, wah-ooo)
(You're a big man now but it'll cut you down to size
(Wah-ooo, wait and see)
My touchscreen's back it's gonna save my reputation
(hey-la-day-la my touchscreen's back)
If I were you I'd take a permanent vacation
(hey-la, hey-la, my touchscreen's back)
Yeah, my touchscreen's back
(La-day-la, my touchscreen's back)
Look out now, yeah, my touchscreen's back
(La-day-la, my touchscreen's back)
I could see it comin'
(La-day-la, my touchscreen's back)
So you better get a runnin'
(La-day-la, my touchscreen's back)
Alright now
(La-day-la, my touchscreen's back)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(La-day-la, my boyfriends's back)
My touchscreen's back now
(La-day-la, my touchscreen's back)
Know it's comin' after you
(La-day-la, my touchscreen's back)
Because it knows I've been true now...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Smell memories brought on by songs...
I am listening to music via my Orb server today at work.
Witch in the Ditch by Erasure just came on and my nose seemed to fill with the smells of Domino's Pizza and the way my car smelled from making pizza deliveries. I can almost even see Norristown as I would drive around and listen to Erasure almost non-stop...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
AllofMP3.com to Be Shut Down...

AllofMP3.com to Be Shut Down
Under new political deal between U.S. & Russia
Posted 2006-11-29 08:38:56 by Karl · tags: [Fileswapping] [legal] [Politics] [world]
For some time the United States has been applying political pressure in order to get Russia to shut down allofMP3.com, the country's hugely popular on-line DRM-free discount music store. Slashdot points to an official document (pdf) that outlines an agreement where Russia will shut down allofMP3.com (and any sites like it) in exchange for being let into the WTO.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
C.R. Stecyk III - DogTown godfather - rough cut deleted scene
This clip is a very rough cut of a deleted segment from the DogTown and Z-Boys documentary that talks about the original DogTown articles that C.R. Stecyk III wrote for the original SkateBoarder magazine. It begins with some material that will be familiar to those who have seen the film, in it's rough cut form, but then goes on to show various quotes from the stories and an entire scene that is an homage to the DogTown godfather Craig Stecyk that was cut from the film. Craig Stecyk is the reason the DogTown Z-Boys became famous. Stecyk is the one who wrote the stories and took some of the very first photos of the Z-Boys that were seen across the globe. His words inspired legions and helped shape skateboarding into the sport/art it is known as to this day. Those interviewed in this clip include Craig Stecyk, Henry Rollins, Jeff Ament, Ian MacKaye, Glen E. Friedman, Marc Reiter, Stacy Peralta, Nathan Pratt, Jake Phelps (Thrasher magazine), Fran Richards (Transworld magazine). |
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Nooooooooo.... iPAQ touchscreen loses touch...
So... Friday I turn off my RadioTiki Podcast on the iPaq and slip it into my coat pocket and head into the house. Later that night everybody is out and I go to get the iPaq to update my music. I turn it on and tap the screen to turn the wireless on and nothing happens... I tap it again, nothing. I quickly use the control pad and make my way to the align screen application. Still nothing it wont register a screen touch :o(
I soft reset it and still no touch. I go and back up the iPaq and hit the hard Reset. Now its worse I am stuck at the welcome screen that says "tap the screen to set up your pocketPC". I tap, it does nothing. I press the selectino button and it takes me to the align screen set up screen. Now I am dead in the water.
I get online with HP and the guy has me soft and hard reset, download the latest ROM update and install that... of course nothing works. We get around to ok you need to send it in for repair. Cool, is it covered be warranty. We check the serial number... Your warranty ran out August 6th... Dread... bummer. Can I close the call... Pshsh, sure I click the close call button.
I look around for do it your self fixes. the cheapest will be 85$ for a touch screen since its not cracked. That does not include instructions(why?) and they say that this is the hardest repair to do. Or $104 to send it to them and have them do it. So I do some more searching on how to get around the align screen to at least have a little usability untill I can get it repaired and I can't find a thing. It will be Christmas if I am lucky to get it repaired so much for the GPS I was hoping to get for it.
So over the weekend I keep trying hard resets to see if it would pop back to life. I also read that sometimes the cable can come loose for the screen. So I hold my breath and remove the screws and pop open the case. Everything is so small. Then the camera cable comes unplugged, that was easy enough to plug back in though. I find the screen cable and unplug and replug but it is still not working. I see something else that says that there can be wear on the cable also. So by sunday I have taken almost the whole thing apart and put it back together and it stil "works".
Sunday night again everybody falls out and I am looking for screen repair tips. I come accross away around the align screen.
1. Do a hard reset
2. Sync with the PC, making a generic partnership
3. On the PC browse to the iPAQ. Windows/welcome.exe(or whatever the file extension is) and delete it.
4. Soft reset the iPAQ and wahoo we are the iPAQs desktop.
Now you can use a remote connection application to control your pocketPC from your PC and another application called FakeCursor to use the "d-pad' like a mouse pad on a laptop.
So now I can use the iPaq again untill I get the repair done. I can't play my Worms game as it requires taps to set up games but I can do everything else. Text entry is the other slow part...
All though this puppy is pretty sweet HP iPAQ rx5915 Travel Companion
Jedi costume...
So the Luke costume ended up being a tuff one to pull off in a pinch. What Sarah was able to assist in putting together for me was a Jedi costume. My first ever. I think it turned out well. It makes me want to dig in and get more detailed with it...
Check out the pics... I still want to get them in photo shop and jazz them up a bit.
Friday, October 27, 2006
So I am going to try to pull off a cheezy Luke costume
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Finished Microserfs today...
So I went to the cafeterria to finish up Microserfs. It's kind of neat to read Microserfs and jPod right after one another. They both have the same feel but one is from the begging of the internet boom and jPod is more current. Both about very smart "geeky" people looking for a "real" life other then just codeing.
The thing is I had 20 pages togo and was ready to be done and move on to something different and then wham... the last 10 pages of the book have me almost in tears in the middle of the caffeteria. I really didnt see it coming. It's not a tottally said ending but not what I expected.
Anyway check em out if you would like to look into the coders world.
DJing would be fun...

We went to my sisters wedding this weekend. At the reception the DJ was set up with a laptop and a small selection of Cd's. Now if that was me I would get a wireless any ware card for the laptop so that if I could not have a regular wireless connection I could at least get on with the other type(Verizon, T-Mobile and what ever else is out there). I would then also have an iTunes or some music service or multiple services. I would ditch the box of Cd's and if somebody requested a song I would just go online and buy it and add it to my collection.
I requested 'Move your Feet' by Junior Senior (YouTube it and you''ll get to see the video) for Ruby. The song is on one of our DRR (dance, dance revolution) games. We used to DDR Ruby to sleep and Sarah even DDRd while pregnant. Anyway, he didn't have it (and could not get it I guess). I said I have it can I give it to you. Sure. I have it on my iPAQ. 'Does your laptop have bluetooth?' I got a blank stare back from him. It probably did and I either shocked him with the question or he never used it before. OK, how about an SD slot. Yep it had that. So he got the song of the SD card and played the song a bit later.
The second the song started Ruby recognized it and ran up to the dance floor. It's always nice to interject some music that nobody has ever heard before.
So that was my 'gadget moment' of the weekend...
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Just something neat someone(not me) did...
Something neat with books. The person used the same application as google maps
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
What a name...
A pro-Skater from my time, Christian Hosoi had a son recently. They named him Christian Classic Hosoi
Interesting but this guy always seemed snooty to me...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Blog Juice Calculator ?
Friday, October 13, 2006
Reason for the infrequent posts... like anyone cares
Whew.. I have been working on these MS Office courses at work in the morning when I ussually BLOG so that why I have not updated for a while... I squeeze some stuff in here and there...
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Google Docs beta...
Google just added a wordprocesser to there list of online apps. I have been using the online spread sheet and now can do text docs as well. It doesnt seem like much but MS Office does way more than I'll ever need. If I could ever uninstall it and just use web apps I would...
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wahoo... it works. I can now sync the iPaq to Google Calendar
OK, well it's cool for me.
I can now enter a date in google calender and then sync it to my iPaq calander.
I can even give access to my calendar to Sarah and she can enter an appointment and then I will have a reminder once I sync up...
Here is how it works.
Google Calendar syncs with ScheduleWorld.com which i use sync4j on the iPaq to sync with. No more middle man of using Outlook on the PC.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
mmm...free pizza at work...
I think I'll gorge out and then go home and regurgitate for the family...
Possible sync solution from Google Calendar to outlook to iPaq
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Wooo... crazey late updates...
Here is the skinny...
Got to skate last week or so at the Radnor Park. Very nice day didn't get hurt and hit all of my basics on the mini-ramp.
Ahhh... skimmed through another super tight payperiod and started on another.
Had a great yearly review at work. Got promoted to a HDA2 which I think is a 4% pay increase and then got a 2 for my overall review and that can be another 3 to 4%. Anything will help!
Gryphon turned 7... (I had seen StarWars by his age. Not saying that he should see it yet, just thinking about the age releationship.) We ROCKED Giggleberry Fair(google it) and then slid home for family B-Day party.
Sarah and I are looking for our Project Runway fix. No new show for two weeks. And, AND there were no new American Dad, Family Guy and the new show to our line up the Simpsons.
Uhh.. I started reading Another Douglas Coupland book, Microserfs. It's just a filler untill the library gets the next Star Wars book. They are developing the first new Sith Lord since Darth Vader. Almost 30 years since A new Hope and about 45+ years in the Star Wars timeline...
Thats it for now... lets see next up is Wendy's wedding, Holloween, moms bday, Ruby's b-day, Sarahs b-day, thanksgiving... then and then all of the December stuff
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
3 Fun Days... Movie, CAI Picnic, and Ren Fair
The pictures for this post got a bit wonky...I may fix them at some point.
Well we made up for our not-so-fun-summer this weekend.
First Sarah and I had a night out with out the kids. We hit Rock Bottom. We got our traditional big plate-o-nachos, I had two of the seasonal beers, Rocktoberfest. Since it was my tenth visit I also got a Rock Bottom pint glass. We had a good time and then cruzed around the mall to kill some time.
I got to play with the new 80gig iPod. That this is sweet...
Then we went and saw Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. I though it was a decent Will Ferral movie (he's one of our favorites)
Saturday was the CAI Celebration of Excellance picnic. CAI allways has decent events and picnics and such. This one was in Bellview State park in DE. They presented awards and had food and it was just a nice day. They always keep the kids in mind as well.
Sunday we got up and went to the Ren Fair near New Hope and Doylestown. We went last year as well. It's a great little event. Kids under 8 are free, adults are only $5. They have a ton of stuff for k ids todo as well as the normal ren fair type things.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
electronic mail, Email, email, eMail...
I like consistancy in things I do/ type. I have been trying different style of the word email. I saw a VP's email one time and he had electronic mail, which, is very smooth but way to long to type in short notes.
I've decided on e-mail from now on.
Yea for me!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Chris Faulkners in the NEWS #1
What are the other Chris Faulkners of the world doing...
Quizdom to increase class interaction
-ACU Optimist Online
Murder scene for sale
-Toronto Star
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
from CNN :: Revenge theory in stingray attacks
People are strange...
BRISBANE, Australia (AP) -- At least 10 stingrays have been found dead and mutilated on Australia's eastern coast since "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin was killed by one of the animals last week, an official said Tuesday, prompting concerns of revenge attacks on the normally docile fish.
Read more here...
Refreshed the iPAQ...
Well my iPAQ was acting really bogged down, movies had a hard time playing and the wireless headphones had a really bad connection. I did a back up of the main things (contacts and calandar) , deleted everything off of the iPAQ file store (this stuff will not delete with a hard reset) and did the hard reset (a hard reset sets the iPaq to how it was new so nothing is hogging up the memory).
Now that it was back to its zippy self I reinstalled my essential applications:
- SPB Pocket Diary <- Pulls all the SPB stuff together nicely on the main screen.
- SPB Pocket Weather <- Just the weather
- SPB Pocket Plus <- Allows you to view your contacts, calandar, etc in a nicer format.
- SPB Pocket Finance <- syncs with Quicken, its a electronic checkbook
- SPB Pocket Backup <- backs up all the info
- SPB Pocket Time <- Just some clocks
- SPB Imageer <- Photo veiwer and editor, like a tiny photoshop
- Illum Software eWallet <- organizes my passwords and other accounts and such
- Skype <- I can call out to land lines with this
- Microsoft .NET CF 2.0 <- other apps require this
- Jamdat Worms <- best game I have played on the PPC so far
- TranCreative Magic Button <- When you click the X on PPC programs it leaves them running but just minimizes them, the MAgic Button actually closes them instead
- And my drivers for the bluetooth wireless headset <- I hate wires
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
HP's next iPAQ Mobile Media Companion- rx4000

As mentioned before I have the iPAQ rx3715 Mobile Media Companion.
Check out the next generation it is very nice...
Monday, September 04, 2006
'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin Killed by Stingray

Sept. 4, 2006 — Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the "Crocodile Hunter," was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.
Go here for the rest of the story
Blogger Beta opened up the HTML editing page...
... I just dont feel like getting into that right now...
New stuff from Picasa Web
Everybody knows Flikr. It was bought by Yahoo! and is there online photoalbum thing. Well google is bringing there along, PicasaWeb. It is still in beta and does not have many features yet. I decided since i have most other things google I might as well keep it in the family...
They had a new option on my album site to embed an album in your Blog/mySpace site. So over to the left is my first test of that.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Google Image Labeler :: Good addictive fun

Now this is fun. I ugess google wanted people to start tagging all the images that Google has links to. So they created a game out of it. You go got the site, sign in and then when you start they match you with another person for like a minute and a half. Both of you start typing words that match what is in the picture. When you both type the same words it moves to the next image. You gets point for each match... you dont really get anything but its addicting as anything.
Google Image Labeler
Friday, September 01, 2006
2gb SD card for under $20 after rebate... wohooo

Wow...under $40 for a 2gb SD card!!! Sweet.
Cough..xmas present idea cough....
After the rebate its under $20...
Outpost.com��|��Secure Digital
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Mental :: Man-Who-Ran-With-Tornado
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Sock Monkey Fingerboard

I got a new fingerboard last night, yhea I said fingerboard. Ya got something to say about that?
Anyway, it's a smooth sock monkey graphic.
Go here for techdeck's site.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Jumped to the beta version of Blogger...
So, its a new look untill they unlock the HTML editing feature. You have to pick a normal template to use all of the new features and they save your old template if you want to switch back...
So cool.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Cicada Killer Wasp attacks our home...
Sarah and I gallantly defended our home from a monster Cicada Killer at Midnight last night. While the helpless children slept we risked our lives to bring this KILLER to rest. After it shrugged off a pounding from a pillow that would have stunned or killed a normal pesky insect the KILLER landed on the wall close to a innocently sleepy Ruby. This provoked Sarah into a fit of rage and with red eyes glowing she advanced on the C Killer with a book-on-tape case. The bug had no time to flinch as she crunched the monster against the wall. She turned growling that it was still buzzing. She turned back to her prey and viciously pounded the box against the insect. As she drew the box away from the wall the Killer was stuck to the box and the things juices dripped down the wall. Happy with her kill she flung it out the window... I wiped the evidence from the wall and we slept in piece...
Hmm...Seems as though the female rarely stings and the male can not sting...
Ohio State University Extension Factsheet
1991 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1000
Cicada Killer Wasp
William F. Lyon
Common Name Scientific Name
Cicada Killer Wasp, Giant Cicada Killer or Sand Hornet Sphecius speciosus (Drury)
Although female Cicada Killer Wasps rarely sting unless disturbed, homeowners may become alarmed or frightened because of their very large size (nearly two inches) and foraging habits in unwanted areas. These solitary wasps may become a nuisance when they dig holes in lawns, sand base volleyball courts, flower beds, gardens, and golf course sand traps, kicking out a six to eight inch diameter horseshoe-shaped pile of dirt (mound) around the nest entrance. Males have especially aggressive territorial behavior, but have no sting. Females are difficult to provoke, can sting, but rarely do. The female wasps are not aggressive and control is rarely needed except in unwanted places. Adults appear in mid to late summer (July and August) causing special concern to individuals with young children.
The adult cicada killer is a very large (1-1/8 to 1-5/8 inches long), robust wasp with a black body marked with yellow across the thorax (middle part) and on the first three abdominal (rear part) segments. The head and thorax are rusty red and the wings russet yellow (brownish). Legs are yellowish. Coloration may resemble yellowjacket wasps.
Life Cycle and Habits
Solitary wasps (such as a cicada killer) are very different than the social wasps (hornets, yellowjackets and paper wasps). Cicada killer females use their sting to paralyze their prey (cicadas) rather than to defend their nests. The female wasps are non-aggressive and rarely sting unless touched, caught in clothing, disturbed by lawn equipment, etc. Though males aggressively defend nesting sites, they have no sting. Adults feed on flower nectar and sap exudates.
These wasps are commonly seen in late summer skimming around the lawn, shrubs and trees searching for cicadas. Cicadas are captured, paralyzed by a sting and used for food to rear their young. After stinging a large cicada, the female wasp drags it up a tree, straddles it and takes off toward the burrow, partly gliding. When trees are not available, the cicada (prey) is dragged to the burrow on the ground. Cicadas are very large insects, sometimes called "locusts." They sing loudly (noisily) in trees during late summer. Overwintering occurs as a mature larva within a leathery, brown cocoon in an earthen cell. Pupation occurs in the spring lasting 25 to 30 days. Adult wasps emerge about the first week in July in Ohio. Emergence continues throughout the summer months. Adults live about 60 to 75 days (mid-July to mid-September) while they dig new nesting holes (burrows) in full sun where vegetation is sparse in light, well-drained soils. Eggs are deposited in late July through August. Eggs hatch in one to two days and larvae complete their development in 4 to 14 days. There is only one generation per year.
Burrows & Nests
There may be many individuals flying over a lawn, but each female digs her own burrow six to ten inches deep and one-half inch wide. (They do not nest together.) The soil is dislodged by her mouth and loose particles are kicked back as a dog would dig. The excess soil thrown out of the burrow forms a U-shaped mound at the entrance, causing unsightly mounds of earth on the turf. This ground-burrowing wasp may be found in sandy soils to loose clay in bare or grass covered banks, berms, hills as well as raised sidewalks, driveways and patio slabs. Some may nest in planters, window boxes, flower beds, under shrubs, ground cover, etc. Nests usually are made in the full sun where vegetation is sparse, especially in well-drained soils. Occasionally they establish in golf course sand traps. (A very gravelly or bare area is preferred.)
Cicada Killer Wasps may tunnel as much as six inches deep and another six inches horizontally. At the end of the burrow are usually three to four cells where one to two cicadas are placed in each cell with one egg. If all the cells are filled, secondary tunnels are constructed and provisioned. A single burrow may eventually have 10 to 20 cells.
Control Measures
Occasionally, homeowners, especially in southern and southwestern Ohio become flustered in attempting to eliminate nuisance, massive populations from lawns. Cicada Killer Wasps normally arrive the last week in July and are gone by the second week of August. Wasps may become unbearable causing homeowners not to use their backyard during the day due to these wasps flying (skimming) around the lawn, shrubs and trees searching for cicadas.
One woman mentioned that she and her husband had killed over 50 wasps with tennis rackets, used five pounds of carbaryl (Sevin) dust in the nest entrances, and employed a pest control operator several times with little noticeable decrease in outdoor populations. They mow their grass in the evening (after 8:00 PM), and keep their children indoors much of the time until the Cicada Killer Wasp season is over.
Usually it is not necessary to control cicada killer wasps unless their presence is a nuisance. Sometimes these wasps can be troublesome in high traffic home and commercial areas such as berms around swimming pools, near planters at door entrances, flower beds, golf course greens and tees, and other unwanted areas. Sometimes they may fly erratically near people, causing fear. Males may actually defend their territory by dive bombing people's heads and shoulders!
Many insecticides are labeled for wasp control. If control is necessary, locate the nests during the daylight hours. Treat after dark or before dawn when female wasps are in their nests and it is cool, ideally less than 60 deg F. During darkness, use a flashlight covered with red cellophane for lighting. Wear protective clothing. Males roost on plants near burrow sites, and are best controlled by capturing in an insect net during the day.
One can apply bendiocarb (Ficam), carbaryl (Sevin), or diazinon dust onto each nest entrance if the infestation is not too widespread. Do not disturb the burrow as the female must walk through the dust in order to get a challenging dose of the insecticide. If the entire lawn is involved (10 to 20 or more burrows), a spray with the same insecticides may be more practical. Repeat treatments may be needed for two to three weeks if new wasps move into the area. At close range, adults can be killed with a wasp aerosol of synergized pyrethrins or resmethrin as they light on foliage or enter the nest burrow. The professional, licensed pest control operator should be used especially if one is sensitive to possible stings. Other materials labeled for wasp control include acephate (Orthene), allethrin, amorphous silica gel (Drione), chlorpyrifos (Dursban), cyfluthrin (Tempo), cypermethrin (Demon, Cynoff), fenvalerate, permethrin, propoxur and resmethrin. Before using any insecticide, always read the label directions to confirm current listing of pests, and follow safety precautions.
All educational programs conducted by Ohio State University Extension are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender, age, disability or Vietnam-era veteran status.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Keith L. Smith, Director, Ohio State University Extension.
TDD # 1 (800) 589-8292 (Ohio only) or (614) 292-1868
| Ohioline | Search | Factsheets/Bulletins | Ordering Info |
Friday, August 11, 2006
Just in case ** Heather dont look at this link **
Like something out of a horror movie these catapillers took over this yard with there web nest...
This link thanks to Mental from the other blogs I list here.
I'm also addicted to bobbies...

I got this picture from CNN. These are some officers in England checking the home of the terrorists (good job guys). But the odd thing, well not odd, is that they really do still wear those helmet/ hats. I never really thought of it and then I looked at this picture and it was like the only thing I could focus on. That and that the forensic officers looked like old inmates...
Anyway... those hats...hmmm... bloody odd.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
A , FREE,Podcast Client For Windows Mobile
Free podcasting software for the PPC to try out
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Working on a Saturday...
It's been a long time that I have had a job that I worked on a Saturday or Sunday for that matter... I don't remember if my short stint at Marshalls included saturdays...
Anyway, I am working 12noon till 5. I should have brought a book. My phone hasnt rung yet... I have read skatedaily.net, Engadget, jeremykline.com, played fl0w, tried the cheats for fl0w, DL'd minimo and opera for the ipaq, played one game of what ever its called on the ipaq, transfered 30$ from savings to checking, looked for tarus parts, gone to the restroom twice, DL'd Google Earth, looked for Love park, the embarcadaro the pyramids, lebenon, los osos, our new apartment, followed the schukyll river from philly to where it splits in reading...ahh, checked my gmail, wyeth mail, filled out my time card, closed an old ticket, looked at my ORB, watched highlights from the xGames, blogged and its only 3pm... lets see what else I can do it's getting a tad boring...
I dont know what I would say to this guy...
Check out this guy. CAn you imagine your buddy coming up to you... "Dude look what I just did!"
Friday, August 04, 2006
Revenge on Wi-Fi Freeloaders
Hey I like this... but how do I do it? Hmmm
Revenge on Wi-Fi Freeloaders
Upside-Down-Ternet, this is the guys site with what the pages can look like to freeloaders.
Not that I don't take a ride on others open access points. Ya know but if I ran into this I would love to find somebody out there doing this!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
I have noticed how fun it is to type the word 'power'. It's like 'p' then a quick 'o' and then bang out the 'wer' with a sort of a finger wave. It can be done with some force to put some power in it :o)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
This gives me the creeps for some reason...
This just gives you a very odd feeling... especially that picture...
Boy George gets hot, stinky karma
Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Something I have been looking for... Egress 3.0
... Ill put it here to remind me to look at it again.
Egress 3.0
Monday, July 24, 2006
A collective sigh goes out....
... I had $200 left for the Taurus to get inspected, our last hope. $230 was the total for the inspection and new front brake pads and wipers. I can pull the extra 30 from something...whew.
Also I saved us $60 bucks in towing. The Stanza needs a new clutch system and was sitting at the garage. The garage is only a block away. I tested it out and I was able to start and drive the car in 3rd (could not even get the shifter into 1st or 2nd) and drove it home with out a hitch. I bet I could drive it to work that way... So we will sit the Stanza in the back until we can get a new clutch(Next tax refund most likely)
The subaru will go the donation route most likely. Anybody have a good way of siphoning gas. I had just filled it up before it died.
The washer and dryer did get picked up and the humid weather finnally broke.
July has been a bugger of a month. Lets see whats left. finish off moving- just a couple things, yard sale at the old place with left overs going to IMPACT, the piano schedualed for a Sunday(the last day we can be in there), the Peco bill for the old place is still looming. Then since I had to Dance with the security depost and made it into our last months rent we may have a bill from Kratz for damages to the old place. And then we have going back to school sometime in August...
I dread going back to school...
Moving updates... day 543
... Well we just about finished the MOVE. Just a couple things, clean one room and a yardsale oh and the person comging for the Piano and then we can sort through our stuff in the new place.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Post on the Piano... Winterroth & CO.
So we have an old upright Piano that we can not take with us. I will add a pic later.
Anyway I was looking up info on it and the company that created it.
First Lieutenant, Emil John Winterroth of Company L
Emil John Winterroth Emil John Winterroth in his evening clothes.
Emil John Winterroth born circa 1850. Served as a Lieutenant with the 9th New York National Guard unit from 1885. At age of 34 years, he enrolled in the 9th NY on May 2, 1898 at New York City, as second lieutenant, to serve two years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Company L, May 20, 1898. Discharged July 27, 1898; commissioned first lieutenant, May 20, 1898, with rank from same date, original. Around 1880, E. J. Winterroth founded the Winterroth & Co. Pianos, New York City. Winterroth & Co. Pianos had stores on 125th Street and 14th Street in NYC and other locations in Newburgh, NY and Jersey City, NJ. The last store closed around 1930. (special thanks to Mr. Winterroth's Great-Great Niece, Laura Winterroth, for sharing the wonderful photo and information)
--- and more ---
"Matthew Mclaughlin" wrote:
> some one as give us a Winterroth up right. It's old but I have one Idea
> how old. There's an address for New York City on a label. Does any one
> know anything about this brand or where I might look for information.
Pierce Piano Atlas shows the following:
Winterroth & CO., 105 E. 14th St., New York Est. 1885
1890 - 25000
1895 - 31000
1900 - 36000
1905 - 42000
1910 - 47500
1915 - 51900
Using these numbers you should be able to determine the age of your piano.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
... wrap up on the DSL move.
Update 07/20/2006
Ok, to wrap up this part of the story.
Satuday we get a curtisey call from VOL: Your move request has been recieved (about time)
Sunday: Your SRD is the 24th of July, blah. Guess I'll have to call Dave on Monday...
Monday, I decided to give Dave a chance to call me back... nothing and then I get an email from my wife, from HOME!
So its back up and running. I never did hear from Dave. Bad CSR you told me you would call me back...
The Wireless modem/router is in the front of the apartment(2nd and 3rd floor of a twin.). I can sit out back with my iPaq and get as good a connection as if I were in the house.
So I'm guessing my next post should be moving from here to a house in a year or so... with FIOS? Who knows...
Friday, July 14, 2006
CAR UPDATE.. .. .. .. .. . ...
Just to get it all down for future laughs... Last week Sarah's car kicked it. Needs a whole new clutch...900 some buckaroonies.
Next up is the Tarus back for another go. It has been waiting in the wings and just needs to pass inspection.
THanks to good friends we had to cars offered up for us to use untill then. THe taurus goes in on the for the inspection on the 24th of July.
Verizon DSL move woes...
I pulled this post over from my reviews on broadbandreports.com.
My blog on my communitions things.
Hit my first snag with Verizon DSL.
SRD came and went with no Internet light on my Modem.
Called tech support at about 10:30ish. She can find no notes as to why they have not set it up yet. I have to call Friday when the network group is open...ugh.
Called back today. The first guy had to call other groups and was just telling me that they are still provisioning my line and it had not yet been disconnected from the other apartment. What! That was supposed to be done on the 30th of June! He says they may know a new SRD on the 18th... No, no, no. No acceptable at all. I calmly tell him that is very unacceptable and I need to talk to someone who can do something... He doesn't think anything can be done but sends me to a supervisor.
Dave I think it is, Makes some calls and find that the line was in fact nver disconnected from the other apartment as it should have been. Im still not sure what this means because DSL did not work there on the 30th. He is able to call the Provisioning department and put a rush on it and thinks it will be done today. He said he will watch it and as soon as he see's that that is done he will push the reconnect through. So it could possibley done today, tomorrow or early next week... blah. He is going to call me when something happens.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Fone Phun
Just to keep up with the title of the blog... Like I have told others this is justa snippet of our lives... If I blogged everything it would take most of the day and it would overwhelm and consume you.
Friday came and first the phone dropped off and then the DSL went :o( How odd it is for the computer to be sitting there all lonesome. My wife doesn't touch it. I sit down and then remember that I can't get online and play a game or mess with the music. The Zone Alarm meter shows incoming and out going so I peek over at the modem but no internet light...
Anyway, we get over to the new apartment @5ish and the phone line is dead. I try what I think are all the lines in the house nothing. We wait over the weekend. On Monday still nothing. I call and check the website. Both say that the line was completed and is working. I set up an appointment for the 5th for service and then check the outside box. Everything is plugged in. I test it with a regular phone and get a dial tone on both ports there. Hmmm... It must be something in the house.
I look all over for a magic switch, I try all the ports with the regular phone and nothing. My wife calls our friends who just moved out as I ignore what looks like a network hub up stairs. They tell her that both of there lines worked fine...BOTH? I run back up stairs and take another look at that network hub. It's just a line splitter or something... I plug into the one labeled with their old number, nothing. Then the other number which must have been the added line for the office... Bingo!! They switched us over to the new line that only has one jack....
I call Verizon to cancel the service request and find out how to switch the lines. The only people available are the repair call center. I try to explain the deal but she thinks I don't under stand and that they only hook up to the out side box if the outlets in the house don't work its not there problem. I do understand but I don't know if she does. Ill wait and talk to the regular people on the 5th...
Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Possably walking to the train....
from: 100 morehall rd, malvern pa to: E King St & N Warren Ave, Malvern, PA 19355 - Google Maps
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooommmm..acceleterate a little more vvvvvvvvvvvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooommmmmm a little moremmmmmmmmmmmmmm...shift VAroommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (up to 10 miles an hour now) vrrrrrommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Just something to look at more when I get the change.
As our kids get older and start using the PC and internet more..
Monday, June 26, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
I thought a wiki might be a cool way to put down things like memories and such. Plus if somebody else wants to add something they can create an entry...
Whats a wiki? Check out wikipedia or Wookieepedia.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
YouTube - skate film
Skate photographer talks about the lifestyle of skating wiht and taking pictures of skaters pro and otherwise... Very nice.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Tim Hildebrandt 1939-2006
Tim Hildebrandt, one of the brothers that painted the original Star Wars movie poster died.... He also did many of the paintings that were done on glass (before computers played a major part in special effects) panes for backdrops in the movies and many of the other art work.
Monday, June 12, 2006
183 | Return to Encke
Sarah wanted to go to the flower communion at Fellowship. The first plan was for me to go to oaks, we'll call it BlackRock now since it is on BlackRock road, while she went to fellowship. I knew this would not work, so since we had to go to Davids bridal later we settle on all of us going to fellwoship and then heading to the Encke skatepark in Radnor :) and then to DB.
While at fellwoship I got word that Lee was back for the summer and was ithing to skate. His mom called him at home and then I gave him the directions for the Encke park.
After changing Ruby in the toddlar room she was none to eager to sit back in the sactuary with all the allure of the toys in the toddlar room. So I took her and hid in the toddlar room with her until service was over and the brunch started.
After lunch we scooted out and got to Encke about 2pm. Lee was already there as were a bunch of good skaters. This was my frist time back since October. This park is in better shape than Black Rock (not that black rock is falling apart) the ground hads that nice fast green coating and the ramps dont have the kinks that Black Rocks seems to have.
It was a good time I got to hit the little fly ramp that BR (BR = Black Rock) does not have. It was so easy to keep the speed up which made trasfers over the spine easier too.
Sarah, Gryphon, and Ruby had fun at the playground there. I guess being on the mail line they spring for the extra nice playgrounds...
... afterthat we popped into Ikea for lunch and then to Davids Bridal for the dress...kohls and then home...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
184lb | 060606 | Curious Emails
Starting today I will post everyday with at least my weight to start the heading...
Another reason to post today 666,060606,6/6/6. It is June 6th, 2006. Number of the beast and all that stuff... >8o)
I had a call at work last week. The client said she got and email from herself to herself with just some numbers in the subject and body. I asked the floor lead about it and we chalked it up to a mistaken email sent by the clien... more later
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Some pictures from todays skateing
Another thing I see from these pics is that I need to hit the diet again. A year or so ago I had gotten down to 170, which was almost what I was at most of my teenage years as well. I was never a skinny guy either. Right now I am pushing 185 or so...
I'l have to cut the cheese and bread down again. Knock off the snacks and slow down on the beer..."damn you $10 cases of Lions Head Pilsner".
Anyway, I am starting tomorrow... it would be nice to get to skate everyday again but for now Ill just keep my 2 big laps at work going along with my weekend skateing.
Joe called again to skate so I am hopeing to get to a cool park again soon as well.
I had one bad bail today. I was just turning into the ramp from a truck stall and next thing I knew I was falling and wham, straight to the flat bottem with my knees and crash my hat went flying... When I got up I forgot what I did to make myself fall. i looked up at the kid and had to ask him...
Anyway enjoy my heavy skating pictures....

Saturday, May 27, 2006
This guys art is pretty cool. I think My stuff would look somewhat like his if I followed through with it....
Friday, May 26, 2006
Ruby and Gryphon pics...from the iPaq
The iPaq can take some nice pictures outside in the sun...
This is a cool one of Gryphon. Ruby was hidingin the bushs and just as I snapped the shot she came bursting out of the trees. It was a nice thoughtful looing picture of Gryphon...and look at that crazey hapy face of Ruby :o)

This one is a awsome shot of Ruby, probably my favorite picture of her so far...

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Sayersville Skatepark
An emial from Skater Joe, and this place could be in my sights at some point this summer...
Sayreville's Free skatepark
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
More Skateing and books I finished...
Saturday skateing went well, of course. I did however fall three times ( didnt hit the ground once last week). I paid with some elbow skin. But I get to here ruby say "Boo boo?" :o) So it is doubley worth it...
There was a kid there olliing off one of the ramps over the picnic table...longways. And he wasnt just making it he was going way over it in full control...wow he was just flying... and then he did a backside 180 over it too...nice.
Again Burt has gone missing!
I finnally finished my books I got for Christmas. Harry Potter and the something somthing, Star Wars- Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Survivor's Quest and Outbound Flight. I have also been listen to the Yuuzhan Vong story arc every day to and from work. It was a 22 book story, it was on going for 3 years. I am up to the audio book 17.
I feel a need to change the look of the blog again...hmmm.
Google is really filling out its services... They now offer: A Starting Page, gMail, Blogger, a calander, a notebook, a homepage, an RSS Reader. I am still waiting to be able to sync the calander and notes right to my iPaq. It kind of odd since I did that with Yahoo and my old Palm in 2000 but they havent done anything like that since...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Skating again... I could get used to this..
Wahoo...again I get to skate. I am feeling realy good about how long I will be able to keep this up. The only thing that really holds me back when skating is the same thing that has always held me back..fear. But I am even overcoming that to do things I was never able to do or attempt even in my teenage years...weird.
Burt didnt show this time..I can t remember if he said he was going to a comic convention this weekend or what...
It's nice going at 10 or 11 because the really good people havent gotten tothe park yet and I can feel good about what I am doing...even when they do show I still have a great time. With everything going on in my life any second of skating I get in is wonderful. I doubt Ill get back to every day skating again but once a week would be great.
I got my confidence up on the mini again and disasters and going over the spine feel easy like they did at the Radnor park. the one thing that is odd is that Radnor had this supper smooth coating over the blacktop so you really didnt have to worry about losing speed.
Radnor also had a nice little curved jump ramp that was so much fon to ollie off. Oaks has big straight rams that put you really high to start off and no little curve that I was use to. Its still fun to do Old School method airs off of.
I did a couple "to-tail" spine transfers and maybe next time Ill get the board slide transfers going again. The one thing Radnor didnt have was the cool little fun box that you can ollie over. It is really easy to ollie over these I just havent yet done it again... man I have to get Burt down to FDR its something that any skater in the area should not miss...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Skateing with Burt at Oaks Park.

Me in front and Burt getting to the top of the mini.

Me dropping in... If you click the pic, you can see the kids watching. That's because I am older and hitting wicked smith grinds!! hmm...I look fat..ok well I am pushing 180 since I dont skate everyday anymore and i have found a really good $10 beer(yep, 10$...9.99 if you will, Lions Head check it! and thats 10$ a case mind you...like 25 cents a bottle...).

Well, so I need some better pics. This is after not skating these kind of ramps since last october.... a very week looking ollie.
What a great day. Sarah Took the kids over to the playground and Burt( with a mohawk) and I got to catch up and skate...
I was a little sketchy and just went with my basics but happily I was able to do them all. I managed to go over the spine to tail once and could skate the mini better then last time I was at this park...
Friday, April 28, 2006
...it calls, I answer..
This time skateboarding calls to me by way of an old friend. Burt! From out of the blue the magical message appears on my answering machine... " blah, blah do you want to meet me at the skatepark on Saturday morning blah blah..."
Sarah: Do you want to do that?
Soon I will update my last skated entry...
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Portable GIMP
Checking out PortableApps.com i see that GIMP is now portable.
GIMP is a free PhotoShop like application. I'll slide it onto my thumb drive along with Portable FireFox.
I dont know that I'll use the GIMP to much but I use Portable FireFox everyday at work for my personal browsing, I even use it when I go to SChool...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Something to possible sink my iPaq with my Google Calander
This would be cool... and very useful
Friday, April 14, 2006
Sat, Feb 3 1996 12:00 am, possibly my first presence on the internet
From: chris faulkner & sarah washington - view profile
Date: Sat, Feb 3 1996 12:00 am
Email: chris faulkner & sarah washington
Groups: rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.trades, rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.sales, rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.auctions, rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy, rec.games.trading-cards.magic.misc
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i dont understand . help me please what did i just download??
Rate this post: Text for clearing space
Stayed up a bit past 12 last night to take the noisey fan out of the computer and boy am I paying for it today....so tired.... No school tonight..yheaaa....I wish somebody would call and wake me up....
THis is my new time waster
The Wookieepedia
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
the official Montgomery County, Pennsylvania site for information about recycling, composting, and household hazardous waste
A good site to keep in mind for us who have lots of ageing PC's and what not.
the official Montgomery County, Pennsylvania site for information about recycling, composting, and household hazardous waste
Monday, April 10, 2006
ECHO 3 TO ECHO 7 podcast
This sounds like a cool podcast to add to my list... for me at least.
ECHO 3 TO ECHO 7 podcast
Two longtime Star Wars fans discuss all aspects of the STAR WARS saga and how it has affected the world at large and their lives in particular.
Hosted by Tony Gonzalez & Mark Bottitta.
Look for New episodes every Month.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
3 Letters for business communication
Letter of request: Requesting a meeting with someone from a houseing contractor
Dear John and John,
We recieved your letter inquiring about our services and ability to fit the needs of your company. We at Automation Concepts think that this would be a great partnership.
I have enclosed the information you have requested. In addition we would like to invite you to see what the latest technology can add to experiance of the perfectly built home.
Feel free to call on us when you are ready to meet and discuse our future oppertunities blah blah...that doesnt sound quite right...
Claim letter:
To whom it may concern,
Upon receiveing and inspecting our recent order of 10 50 inch Sanyo LCD TV's, it has com to our attention that 3 of the ten were not the correct model and were of a slightly smaller size.
Checking our packing information shows that a quantity of 10 of the model number 50LTV06 were to be recieved. inspecting the boxes shows that 3 were model number 36LTV06.
We refused shipment of the 3 36LTV06 and hope that the 3 50LTV06 TV's can be shipped oto us in a timely manner.
Adjustment letter:
Monday, March 27, 2006
On the board again...
Joe, who I have only briefly meet once: yeah, so I am going to this skatepark in Allentown, do you want to go. Me: Yes
Was there really any other answer to that question? I guess the exchange was actually a bit different more of him telling me how to get there as if I did not have a choice. I do have a choice... OK, I don't have a choice. What I have is a weakness for skateboarding. Given the opportunity I will choose skating over just about anything at all. Its really not a choice actually. Its more of a calling, or even a beckoning...
Anyway... So I went to PennSkates. It has two sections. The bigger section has the back and forth set up you might see in X-Games type environment. The problem here is that the bikers didn't respect the flow that the park could of had. They just sat on one of the main middle platforms so they could hit this huge jump area... There was a little bit of the back and forth that the skaters were on. It had two smaller ramps that you could ollie over and down and then hit the big wall ramp and come back to the starting. Then there was a big wooden pool, very intimidating for me... That's were the guy that invited me skated most... Anyway lets back up a bit.
When I first go there I had to buy a kingpin and in my crazy haste to put it together I put the baseplate on backwards... It felt like it took forever to get it together... So I tested the tightness by going over the small ramps a couple times and getting the truck back to what I liked. Then I heard some one calling my name and found that Joe had found me by looking for an older skater... shheshh
He was up at the pool. I avoided the flying bikes and got up to the pool deck. We said our Hi's and I took look at the pool and missed my kneepads alot. He said did you go back to the mini yet? I looked around. It's down in back he said. Thats were I will be. I went down this slopey slate thing and into the back room. It was a sad little area that looks like it had been rearanged to fit the mini ramp into. It looks nothing like the picture on there site. It may have been a fun spot with out the mini ramp but everything had been moved around and made an akward little spot in back of the mini were little kids could try to hit the grind bars but it was only like 20 feet worth. next to the mini they had a little back and forth set up with a small not-so-fun box in tthe middle.
The mini was nice. I could feel the couple kinks which through me a couple times at first. Also one side of the coping near the wall was sticking out more than other places and it killed me everytime I would go up to do a truck stall. Actually it would stop just about anybodys run once they hit it. I got right back in to the skating rythim though. HItting some nice smiths and jsut haveing a good time. The only other people skating the ramp were other in there late 20's and 30's.
It was a very good time Joe said he would let me know when they were going to go out and I was free to joing them anytime...
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
A Good Will Letter for my Fantasy Company...
Again , this is a goodwill letter from our fantasy company project.
1st draft
Dear John Doe,
It has come to our attention that a you were responsible for putting J&J Housing Contractors in touch with us. We would like to extended our thanks.
As you may know J&J Housing Contractors has many exciting cutting edge housing projects under way. By way of your recomendation we have been invited to setup and supply the technical automation of at least one of these projects. This is a great new avenue for our company to head in and can only help to grow our business.
To extend our thanks we would like to invite you to choose any add-on for your current system and we will supply it free of charge. You can contact my self or my partners at 800-666-7777.
Thank you again,
Chris Faulkner
Automation Concepts.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Goodbye SunRocket, Hello Skype and Welcome back Verizon
Well SunRocket turned out to be unrelieble for our needs. I will still use them if was just me. I would still recomend them, @ $20 a month its hard to beat. I made sure to cash in my 20 bonus points for $10 in fandago gift cards
I installed SKYPE on my iPAQ and bought $10 in Skype-out minutes. Since I used PayPal they gave me an extrea 3 minutes. So during lunch I drove to an open hotspot near by, I think it is the World Gym, and called Sarah. The fist call was really choppy and realy could not talk. I turned on the auto-gain and tried again. this tie it was very acceptalble and the quality will more than suite my needs for a quick call home from school or my secret hotspot near Genardis ;o)
We are going back to our old Verizon phone number. I never really let it go since we had to have the line to keep the DSL and we used it for a back up to Sunrocket. So it was like $12 just for the line plus Sunrockets $20. The freedom package from verizon is @$40 so it will be @$20 more. In removing all the extra phones and Sunrockets phone adapter I did get rid of 4 extra things plugged in. 2 phones, and answering machine and the Gizmo (sunrockets phone adapeter).
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Google seems to be bringing things back around
Google is going to offer personal webpages...no Blogs just webpages... cool. Just when people were really getting away from having a site since Blogs are so easy to set up and update.
It seems with a site you can link to your blog and do some different things. I think that was always my problem with my websites is that I wanted to update it blog style but also have other stuff and as my free time slimed down so did my willinginess to wade into the HTML all the time.
The biggest HTML thing I have done latley is when i did all the Style sheets for this blog and made it the mess that it is.... actually I like it. Using the Google page buillder should be fun to try to.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
memaid tutorial
-=Chris Faulkner=-
"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise,
trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and
still be calm in your heart."
Thursday, February 09, 2006
The Rhinoskin proves it's worth.
So I got out of the car the other day and heard a clackty, clack on the ground. I looked and there lay the iPAQ. It did of course have its Inpocket protective case on. I picked it up envisioning the screen being cacked. The screen was not cracked :) The SDcard had popped out a bit and the iPAQ was asking if I wanted to format the card. I just popped it back in and everything was fine. The aluminum case has some nasty gashes on the bottom right corner. The marks would have messed up the ipaq, maybe even split the case and/or cracked the screen. So if you have a PDA o some sor , I recommend an aluminum case. There are a couple different companies but I think they get the cases from the same place because they look the same.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
New Bluetooth driver for the iPAQ and other stuff
First, <a href="http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/handheldIPAQ/us/download/22475.html">bluetooth drivers</a>
2nd, I have to go to court as a witness for a truck that I saw that knocked over a cement barrier. That's all that I reported. It turned out that the guy was a dui and I was the only person that saw him...
3rd, I discovered that if you stand at the urinal next to the first stall in the bathroom, the white wall tiles are very shiney. Shiney enough that if you by mistake glance to the right and somebody is sitting on the toilet , yep you gusses it, you see their butt. I have to remember not to use that stall...
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Testing, posting from the ipaq via email
In order to minimize my time on the web at work I thought I would try writing the post from the ipaqs email client and then emailing it to my blog when I hit a wireless hotspot, be it at home or on the road.
Here we go. This first one is from home.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Lots a laundry
I did a ton of Laundry last night and all of it with HOT water. That would not mean much but to get hot water I have to run a hose from our kitchen sink out the backdoor and down to the basement. Put it in the washer go back up, turn on the water, go back down wait for hte water to fill up and then go back up and turn the water off and then go back down and turn the washer on... Did that at least 4 times.
While doing laundry I was also try get my iPaq to be able to see the main PC over the network. At first the ipaq showed 5 other computers. I could not get into them but I see them and there names. I finnally read that the Windows firewall may be blocking me out. I turned that off and turned on the Verizon modem/router firewall and I could see my computer, named Zonama_Sekot... look it up, but I could not get into the drives that I had shared. Once I can get into the shared drives I will be able to stream and move music, Movies, tv shows, podcasts to the iPaq.
I noticed the Sunrocket line has been really crakely since I messed with the firewall on the Verizon modem/router... Ill have to look into that. I did reboot it last night as well
I submittd our taxes last night and got a message from the bank that handles the fees coming out of the return that it should be back to them by the 10th
It sounds like Ruby has the pink eye now. It just me left... maybe I can put packing tape over my eyes or something...
I also wrote Kodak back today and let know that I had tried all of there tricks and some of mine but we still can not get the camera to transfer all the pictures via the usb cable.
Hmmm... what else. I think I may have to read Gryphons bedtime stories while not laying down... I start babbling about stuff. I find it amusing but G doesnt.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
something to try
Open a terminal and telnet to towel.blinkenlights.nl. Leave the connection open, its kind of amusing.
Lets see Monday... I got home and did some pages from a ryhymeing book with G and then afterwords I took Ruby out to Whole Foods for some much needed real foods. Ruby makes such an impression on people with her "Hi, you" as people walk by and then she bats her eyes...
I think we watched Family Guy and then some Project Runway. Family Guy was nutty. I dont know what they were going for... It was like Ultra-Violence they way Stewie not just beat up on but just wrecked Brian. Lots of blood, shooting of knee caps...reminds me of some of the stuff from Sin City. Espicially the part were brian had his head shoved in the toilet... weird almost creepy for family guy. I found my self sort of taken back more than laughing...I hope this was just maybe a mocking of all the violent movies... I guess they hit the cencership stuff up alot so this was just a stab at the " Violence in Movies..." part of the theme song. I guess everybody could find something in family guy that pushes certain buttons... I guess they found mine funny tv cartoons being ultra violent... didnt quite sit right, i think I guess the amount of blood that they used and the fact that stewie then shot both of Brians kneecaps... odd.
Lets see... We have 'My Name is Earl"#13 waiting along with season 1 of 'The Office" that I thought we could check it out.
I'll have to check to see when the Harry Potter and the Goblit of Fire is coming out on DVD... I want to see it and have been tempted get it from bit torrent.
I sorted out most of the media folders last night and got Sarahs documents redirected to her partition. Now I just need to burn some of the bigger movies and tv shows (which reminds me that I need to keep watch for a good deal on CD-Rs) to free up some space... I also have Blue Crush to transfer to a DVD so i need to install Nero. I also reinstalled Quicken and updated the checkbook.
Today is the first and TurboTax online said that the IRS would be accepting returns with school tax gredit as of today so i have to check on that tonight.
Gryphon and Sarah both have the PINK EYE. Hopefully the Rub's and I can avoid that.
I got a case of Moosehead beer. It has a really beery taste. Its also pretty strong or it may have been that I didnt eat all day and had it with dinner.
Monday, January 30, 2006
... creeeeeek, lets get this thing moving again.
Well no since in going backwards to far. I am just going to start with something and let it flow.
I am in my new job working the awsome hours of 6 to 3. Yep thats early! No more late weekday nights ...but I do get home by 4, which hopefully will help us find some balance at home.
I am really enjoying my iPAQ. Its pretty neat to be able to connect to the internet at home wirelessly let alone while out and about. There are still some business' that have free access like Paneras Bread and CompUSA. If the need be you can find a hotspot from someones unsecured home network. I have a program that scans for wireless acces points and tries to connect (hitchhiker). It was amazing to see how many wireless networks there were, everywhere.
It also plays music and to go with that the Bluetooth stereo headphones have freed me from the damn wires! Also once you compress them it plays movies and video blogs. You can play games on it and all the normal PDA stuff contacts, calander. It has a camera a image editor a photoshop like program and what ever else I can find to DL and try on it.
What else... I just did my taxes and it looks like another nice refund. Since we have no big plans other than paying local taxes and paying back the kids and Sarah for money we had to use from there accounts we are going to look at moving to a house or antoher apartment.
I recently wiped our home computer and started fresh again. I am in the process of reinstalling the needed software only and keeping in clean. I did the partitions a bit different this time a windows partition about 15 gig, Open about 55 , one for sarah and one for me @ 5 each and a small partition for temp files.
So far I have redirected my My Documents folder to my partition I still have to redirect sarahs and the temp files. I also have to reload all of the photos and music. The music will be on the other hardDrive along with most of the other movies and tv shows. I would love to get the linux box online have it be a media box, even if I have to put winME or 98se on it.
I was also able to pick up another 512mg of memory over the holidays bringing us up to 1gig of memory. Now with the clean insatll WinXP is pretty snappy. I think this year I will try to upgrade the CPU since the motherboard can handle some of the faster processors and 3gig of memory. Another big Sata drive and a 30 inch lcd... ok well the 30inch lcd is a bit ambitous but the others things should be doable in time.
I am finnally reading the Harry Potter book - the half blood prince, slowley but surly. And I have some star wars books waiting in the wings.
No skatboarding seems to be in my future for now. Maybe if I get motivated again I can hit the abandonded parking lot during lunch... Ill have to see. It would be cool if we could get a house and I could build a mini-ramp....
ok, good start lets see if this sticks...