Friday, September 30, 2005
2nd age of my Skateing ends with a crack...
I silently cursed the kingpin and then stoodback to take the park in. i walked from ramp to ramp and thougth about what I had accomplished in the year since the park had opened. I know nobody will be out there in the freezing cold shoveling off the mini ramp to skate. I kind of took an owner ship of the park.
i can almost remember all the times I did not go. As long as it was not raining or snowing I was there. And sometimes it was raining or snowing when I was there. The major times I was not there were: Rubys birth and baby moon, her hospital stay, any vacation days, Sarahs surgery. I dont think I ever decided to just not go if it was a skate-able day.
Anyway... it was nice to have the everyday skating be in my life again.
One last work desktop...
Lost and Found :: cable and BitTorrent
So what do we do now that we are addicted to show like the family guy, Curb your Enthusiam and the like. Well even the broadcast channels have horrible reception. So until we can get Direct TV or cable or intent TV I turned my friends on the internet. I have Limewire but its hard to find TV show there. I decided to give BitTorrent another try. I choose Azureus : Java BitTorrent Client this time and along with portforwarding instructions from I was able to get it working.

So, I was able to "borrow" episode 1 of curb, episodes 1 and 2 of My name is earl and a Family guy that we had missed. Its so much faster than the other P2Ps also. The Earl show is pretty good, our kind of "funny". And hey its Jason Lee represent'n the skateboarding scene. I even had one of his boards back in the day.

Thursday, September 29, 2005
iPAQ rx3115 Review - Hands On Reviews @ Pocket PC Central
iPAQ rx3115 Review - Hands On Reviews @ Pocket PC Central
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
I added a new blog to my blog section...
It's not to exciting. It's just my teams blog for our Operations Management Class
ba3129The name is the courses id Number.
Friday, September 23, 2005
myStuff :: La Crosse Technology - Digital Thermometers, Wireless Weather Stations, Radio Controlled Clocks

La Crosse Technology - Digital Thermometers, Wireless Weather Stations, Radio Controlled Clocks
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
notes for my phone interview with PC Helps Support
Just my notes for my phone interview with PC Helps Support. (
I usually suggest to clients that they create five note cards, each listing a major strength (e.g., problem-solver, high emotional intelligence, terrific marketing record, cost-cutting guru) and two or three specific examples to illustrate that quality. That way you're ready to promote yourself in response to any question you're asked."
1. Problem solving - Identfy problems with client files relating to the printablilty of the file. Document the problems and return the information to my surpervisor and sales support.
2. Evaluate, research and refine work-flows and SOP's.- When our dept. brought the processing of the color ads in house from the printer, I helped to develope our workflows and procedures for those ads. Ultimatly saving $100K per year.
3. Calm and collected and Work great in stressful situations. - I have a very calm personality and do not get frazzeled by people or things in hectic situations. At times people that did not understand our depts workflow would hover or rush us if they thought we were behind. I would explain the process or assure them that everything would be done on time to meet deadlines.
4. Ability and willingness to adapt to changes in technology. - At home or at work I am always looking into new advances or tinkering with software and hardware. at work when we changed from G3 Mac with os9 to iMacs with OSX I spent as much time as possible at our test machines learning the new OS. I also brought my self up to speed for what we needed to do on our change over from QuarkxPress to Adobe Indesign.
5. eager to learn when the opportunity arises. - I am currently takeing calsses and working toward my BS in Informatino technology systems managemtn. I also took any of the mini traingin classes tv guide offered. Taught myself HTML and CSS.
"Look over the job description to see what the company is seeking in a candidate.Compare what you have to offer against what they are looking for. How do you measure up? Be aware of the terms used to describe the job and use that language."
Ideal candidates for the position possess:
* Strong customer service skills - At times I would have to communicate problems to the advertisers.
* Excellent phone manners
* Excellent problem-solving abilities - mentioned above
* Advanced knowledge of at least three off-the-shelf applications, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Access - I have used advanced features of these and other applications, although i have not used them on a regular bases, I would be able to get back up to speed on these and any others.
* Significant PC knowledge - School, I have been built all of my PC's and constintly search out ways to tweak and change software and hardware that I use at home. I have installed configured all of the win9x os's, winXP and various Linux distros(mandrake, suse, knoppix). I have set up a two machine network at home.
* An ability to learn new software applications quickly-I try out many applications at home to see if they ffit my hom use and have adapt to new applications at work.
* A positive outlook - Always, life is to short. i always look for the positive in any situation and try to point it out to others.
* A desire to succeed - I have a family to support that feeds my desire to do succed.
Summer Solstice Seasonal Cerveza Crema
Summer Solstice Seasonal Cerveza Crema: "Welcome to the Summer Solstice! This copper colored ale is smooth, malty, and lightly sweet, with a delicate hint of spice for that oh-so-drinkable, extra velvety flavor."
You Can Ring My Bell: How to Prepare for the Telephone - Job Interview Advice from
Phone Interview - Job Interview Advice from
Phone Interview - Job Interview Advice from "I usually suggest to clients that they create five note cards, each listing a major strength (e.g., problem-solver, high emotional intelligence, terrific marketing record, cost-cutting guru) and two or three specific examples to illustrate that quality. That way you're ready to promote yourself in response to any question you're asked."
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 - it's all about portability... Your Complete Pocket PC and Mobile Device Resource - it's all about portability... Your Complete Pocket PC and Mobile Device Resource
Monday, September 19, 2005
Adecco Technical-contact info
Please send your resume and salary history to the following address:
TEL: (215) 540-2700
FAX: (215) 540-0759
A.A. Milne's 'The End' from
I dont think I could read it outloud because I was tearing up just reading it here...
A.A. Milne's 'The End' from "The End
by A.A. Milne (bookmark) (print) (next)
Author Category: English. Show lines.
When I was One,
I had just begun.
When I was Two,
I was nearly new.
When I was Three,
I was hardly seen.
When I was Four,
I was not much more.
When I was Five,
I was just alive.
But now I am six,
I'm as clever as clever
So I think I'll be six now
Forever and ever."
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
EarthCore: A Podcast Novel
If you have the time and know-how, download this first ever Podcast Novel. It's pretty cool and he has another coming out 9/11/05.
Friday, September 02, 2005
SOD and RAM again...
Through-out the day while listening to RadioKaos I will hear a song that I like and when I glance down at the iTunes window it is always the same bands... Rage Against the Machine or System of a Down(something like that). I think I really want to like Rage but if I listen to an album of there I dont like it.... I guess it is just one of those bands that for me is good when shuffled into the mix...
Thursday, September 01, 2005
An ISP in New Orleans keeps connected,BLOGS and keeps pics of Loooters
This BLOG is from the people at directNIC. They are an ISP in a scyscraper in New Orleans. they have been able to keep connected through out the Hurricane and have a live webcam in the office, a camera of some sort taking pictures outside of the floding and the looters and they are keeping this BLOG.