This is a decent resume site.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Maybe this is the solution to getting LaunchCast to play via Yahoo!Messenger...
Programs that may experience a change in behavior after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2: "Yahoo! Messenger Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo Messenger Launchcast is blocked by the Internet Explorer Pop-up Blocker. Add the following sites to the Allowed sites list: (
http:/ ( (
For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 843016: 843016.KB.[LN] How to configure the Pop-up Blocker in Internet Explorer"
Crack! Went the board...
New Paint at FDR Skate Park
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Shoe flinging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shoe flinging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Shoes hung from overhead wires (Shoefiti)
Shoe flinging or Shoefiti is the American and Canadian practice of throwing shoes whose shoelaces have been tied together so that they hang from overhead wires such as power lines or telephone cables. The shoes are tied together by their laces, and the assembly is apparently then thrown at the wires as a sort of bolas. This practice plays a widespread, though mysterious, role in adolescent folklore in the United States. Shoe flinging has also been reported in Australia.
Shoe flinging occurs throughout the United States, in rural as well as in urban areas. Usually, the shoes flung at the wires are sneakers; elsewhere, especially in rural areas, many different varieties of shoes, including leather shoes and boots, also are thrown.
A number of sinister explanations have been proposed as to why this is done. Some say that shoes hanging from the wires advertise a local crack house where crack cocaine is used and sold. Others claim that the shoes so thrown commemorate a gang-related murder, or the death of a gang member, or as a way of marking gang turf. A newsletter[1] (PDF) from the mayor of Los Angeles, California reports that '[m]any Los Angeles residents fear that these shoes indicate sites at which drugs are sold or worse yet, gang turf,' and that city and utility employees had launched a program to remove them. These explanations have the ring of urban legend to them, especially since the practice also occurs along relatively remote stretches of rural highways that are unlikely scenes for gang murders or crack houses.
Other, less sinister explanations also have been ventured. Some claim that shoes are flung to commemorate the end of a school year, or a forthcoming marriage as part of a rite of passage. It has been suggested that the custom may have originated with members of the military, who are said to have thrown military "
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
State of Encke Skate Park...
I hope Radnor Township had some money set aside for repairs to encke...

First is ... how did they get this up here? There were some bikers at the park when I got there. Bikers would be the only people to take advantage of this sort of thing so I am guessing they did it. Somebody has since gotten it down. Notice the missing bench slat...

Here is the missing bench slat and a cone. I put these here to warn people of the posts sticking out of the ground. What are the posts for? They are for the plasitc bench top that has broken off...

Here is the plastic bench that broke off. It's kind of fun there.
And then some other things at the park.

I would like to hit a bordslide down the handrail before I leave in Oct.

One more thing on my to do list is to transfer, in the air, over this hip!

This was on my todo list but I can go over this two ways now...

This is where I fly. i can hit ollies and ollie grabs@3 feet high and 5 or 6 feet in distance off this little ramp.
Monday, August 22, 2005
My current desktop
Port Forwarding for the Westell Versalink 327W
You pick your software and then your router and it has directions unique for each one. Nice.Port Forwarding for the Westell Versalink 327W
BitTorrent FAQ and Guide
BitTorrent FAQ and Guide
Friday, August 19, 2005
My First internt presence.
On this page you can see my first presence on the internet. This is from a newsgroup, google has kindly put these in a freindly web viewable form. this is from 1996, it looks like I was trying to DL a way to play Magic over the net.
Google Groups :
Orb Networks | Home

Now this looks very cool. Basicly you can access any media on your PC from anywhere via the web. I guess you have to log into your account and then you can get any media you have streamed to where you are. It looks free too so I will be giving that a try.
Orb Networks | Home
Rockwell TouchRead
Automatic Meter Reading Systems
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Mozilla Update :: Extensions | TvBot
Now here is a cool extension for FireFox. It snags tv episodes from somewhere and lets you download them and watch them via winamp.
Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:TvBot - All Releases
A site with a walk through for downloading files via news groups instead of file shareing software...I think it is "safer" via the newsgroups.
AAA: Gasoline prices strike fifth straight high - Aug. 17, 2005
I paid $20 for just over 7 gallons of gas today. Uhm...hello. People to the Government...this is getting silly!
AAA: Gasoline prices strike fifth straight high - Aug. 17, 2005
uReach uScreen Help
This is an on screen call screener that supposedly works with SunRocket. Ill have to check it out. It would be nice not to have to search for the phone to see who is calling. It looks like you can access voice mail by way of it also.
uReach uScreen Help
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Compaq sk-2800c driver - Compaq Input Device Drivers - sp13509.exe
A driver for the Compaq keyboard that Amber gave us. The current driver does not make use of the sleep. print and the rocketship buttons.
Compaq sk-2800c driver - Compaq Input Device Drivers - sp13509.exe|Chris Cole|X-Games Bronze
A day or two after I saw Chris Cole at the Park he flew out to CA and got a bronze in the X-Games Street competition...
Resume Post
North Wales, PA
cfaulkner -at- gmail -dot- com
Chris has over 15 years of diversified work experience, with heavy emphasis in desktop publishing and customer service. He is most recently a graduate of the CAI Helpdesk Institute, a four-week course that provides intensive training in the latest hardware, software applications, and networking technologies, as well as customer service and troubleshooting skills.
· Computer Aid, Inc. Help Desk Analyst October 2005 - Present
As a HDA for CAI, Chris worked on site at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. The support at Wyeth included:
MS Windows2000 issues, password resets for various applications including Novell, a wide range of application support including MS Office, SAP, and GroupWise. Customer service, trouble shooting, attention to details, and documenting the issues were skills used on every call.
· T.V. Guide Digital Specialist April 2000 – October 2005
Chris prepared time-sensitive, client-supplied, four-color artwork for printing. This included troubleshooting problem files and interacting with the Sales Support Department to relay problems and possible solutions. Additionally, Chris was part of a team that brought the National Features Section in-house. Doing so helped to save T.V. Guide $100,000 per year.
· Inacom Logistics Service Coordinator June 1997 – March 2000
While acting as a LSC, Chris handled all aspects of inventory management, including reconciliation with third-party vendors, ordering, shipping and receiving of computer equipment. He also had the opportunity to manage on-site stock at Glaxo-Smith-Kline, allowing the technicians to respond to support calls promptly.
· Freelance Web/Graphic Design Graphic Designer June 1998 - Present
Chris worked with various clients as a Web-site designer and graphic artist.
· Domino’s Pizza Manager June 1990 – June 1997
Chris started in a part-time position delivering pizzas. He worked through the management-training program and ultimately earned the store manager position and concentrated on gaining back and retaining customers through great service and quality foods.
HARDWARE: Chris possesses experience on personal computers, including internal hardware components such as network interface cards and CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/PC interfaces, and external peripherals such as printers and I/O devices. He also has experience with Macintosh Computers.
SOFTWARE: Chris is very well versed in various versions of Microsoft Windows. He has additional experience with packaged software such as Microsoft Office and Adobe software. Chris is also experienced with software and OS installations, Microsoft networking, and TCP/IP.
CAI Helpdesk Institute, November 2005
B.S. Information Technology, Delaware Valley College, November 2007(planned)
A.S. Specialized Technology, Antonelli Institute of Art and Design, June 1997
Self Portrait Tuesday |3| Looking Down On Me.

Posted by Picasa
Self Portrait Tuesday |3| Looking Down On Me.
Sometimes you only have time for a quick pic...
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Family Guy - "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire"
Family Guy - Series Info - Yahoo! TV
Friday, August 12, 2005
Going camping
I knew it wuold all get done, and for better or for worse it is all to find this campsite in NJ.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Public perceptions of Skateboarding by way of it's public Role Models...
My Thoughts on professional skateboarders and there jobs as role models. I have had the chance to observe top amateurs and professional both in person and via TV and Video. Of the handful that I have had the chance to interact with in person a couple were viewed from afar in a planned demo situation, which you can't get a good feel for what they may be like. The others I have observed at skate parks. Most of the time they blend in and you may not even notice them. You might find out afterwards and be stoked that you were skating with a pro and how cool or not they were. On the other hand you may know or find out that the guy who was being the cocky loud mouth, with anger management problems, that after failing to land a trick threw a hammer across the park and almost took your head off, was also a pro. Then there are the guys who love skateboarding and are out there promoting the sport and playing the up the functional role that skateboarding can play.
Unfortunately, as with most media coverage, the more shocking and outrageous pro-skaters come to the public’s attention and for better or worse sway the perceptions of skateboarding and skateboarders. I want to touch on a few skaters and how they have shown themselves in the public eye. Two pro-skaters that have been in the public eye for few years now are Tony Hawk and Bam Margera. Another not so public is Mike Vallely, if I had to say I had a role model for my approach to skateboarding if would be Mike.
Mike Vallely's thoughts on professionalism in skateboarding.

Tony Hawk is now in his late 30's and was the helped to reinvent vert skating in the 80's and still continues to be an innovator in that aspect of skating. Tony's biggest public exposure came when he landed a 900º(2 and a half) spins at the X-Games. He retired from competitive skating but started to expose the public to skateboarding more through his Giant Skate Park Tour on ESPN. This show not only showed skating but a group skaters who were having fun and generally showing pro skaters in a very positive light.

Bam Margera, you may know him from his show on MTV "Viva La Bam" or from his parts on MTV's "Jackass". Bam is a very good pro-skater in his mid 20's. His rise to the public eye did not come about from his skating though. Along with his brothers band he put out a video combining his skating combined with clips of outrageous practical jokes on friends, family and innocent passers by. This lead to his part on "Jackass" and then his own show "Viva La Bam". I can only imagine that many more people have seen or at least heard of Bam and his antics on MTV compared to Tony on ESPN. Although popular with many viewers (even one of my guilty pleasures) many others find these shows disgusting and then they see him skating and draw conclusions that all skaters are like this and "bam!" all skaters get tagged with a bad reputation.

My inspiration for this project was from watching how a pro-skater, Chris Cole, that lives in Langhorne interacted with his friends and other kids at my local park. He wasn't condescending towards them or cursing his head off. He was just skating and even offering advice. The group of skaters that are usually with him give off a positive vibe and no matter what they might do while not skating, kids and parents are going to see and hear them at the parks and hopefully find something to model them selves after in him.
This is Chris
Mike Vallely, I'll let him talk for himself and close out my report. If only there were more people in general like Mike the world could be a better place. This is the trailer from his DVD called Drive.
Whew....It's Hot and New Desktop Screen Shot.

I was going to head over to the skatepark and write one of my essays and get some insperation for my project on role models in skateboarding. As I headed out to the car though I was hit by the intense sun and heat. Now I don't mind getting drenched with sweat if I am doing something but sitting on a bench in the blazing heat and humidity is not fun. So I headed over to Genuardi's got a drink and was able to finish one of the essays.
Since I teased my desktop up top, here is my current desktop at work...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Dell P780 (White) 17" CRT Monitor

Compare Prices and Read Reviews on Dell P780 (White) 17" CRT Monitor at
Since my in-laws are moving they did not want to haul this Dell monitor with them. So while its smaller than the awsome 19' flat tube NEC that just died, it is a flat CRT which is better than the 17 KDS we already have.
A little stressed right now.

I have a ton of stuff to cram into the rest of this week thenbigger looming stuff to deal with also... forgot my school stuff at home so I could not work on finishing my Data organization homework. So I have to finish that plus prepare an allowed cheat sheet for the final in that same class. I think we may also be taking the cats to the SPCA tonight also. I am taking the final for that Data class tommorrow night right after work. That puts more pressure on Sarah that she doesnt get a break from the kids. Then when I get home I have to go right into two small essays and come up with a final presentation for my Sociology class for Friday.- I can probably get the essays done during my lunch breaks Thursday and Friday, so if I can finish up the Data stuff tonight I can staret in on the final project for Sociology tonight also. Then once that is done I have to start the Job hunt...
I am finding tahat I have little will now to work hard here at TV Guide. I am pretty much in float mode. No more forward thinking, problem solving and stuff like that. They gave all that up the day they told me I would be layed off. Now I do what I need to and thats it...
No matter what I do Friday will come so stuff wil l get done and then Friday night or Saturday morning I will drive to meet up with Sarah the kids and Beth, ed and there kids for some camping... Hopefully that will go smooth... I picture a fire some good food, people I have never chatted with kids and a couple cold beers...I can handle that.
Wow, this is a website dedicated to some highschool students who , by way of the careless IT dept at there HS, found the password to hack into thier secure (school provided!) laptops and use the internet for non-educational things. 13 of them are being brought up with 3rd degree felony charges.
Hmm... School supplied Laptops!!! Oh my god. 600 Mac laptops... I really think I could have done better in school with this kind of info at my finger tips.
I remember watching the old Battle Star Galactica and the kids all had laptop type things at there desks. I remember thinking how neat that would be. That was the late 70's and PC were still mainly research type things.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Monday, August 08, 2005
Mark Williams Diary
Mark Williams Diary
Sunday, August 07, 2005 - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall
Saturday, August 06, 2005
b-tree animation app
It does redistribution only on deletion.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Now With a Scroll Bar!
Now I need to get the Side bars lined up with the bottom of the scroll window.
Possible option after my lay-off :: PA UC Benefits
Just an option to think about.
One problem I forgot is that we would not have any decent Health Coverage...hmm. Maybe they have weekend or evening courses...
Question: May I collect UC benefits while attending school?
The PA UC Law does not disqualify you for benefits simply because you are a full or part-time student. Additionally, you will not be ineligible for any claim week that you are in training approved by the Secretary of the Department of Labor & Industry and are otherwise eligible.
L&I: PA UC Benefits
Thursday, August 04, 2005
I Do Not Like Chai Tea...with stuff in it.
Sarah I am
That Sarah-I-am!
That Sarah-I-am!
I do not like
that Sarah-I-am!
Do you like Chai Tea?
I do not like it, Sarah-I-am.
I do not like Chai Tea.
Would you like it here or there?
I would not like it here or there.
I would not like it anywhere.
I do not like Chai Tea.
I do not like it, Sarah-I-am.
Would you like it in a house?
Would you like it with a mouse?
I do not like it in a house.
I do not like it with a mouse.
I do not like it here or there.
I do not like it anywhere.
I do not like Chai Tea.
I do not like it, Sarah-I-am.
Would you drink it in a box?
Would you drink it with a fox?
Not in a box.
Not with a fox.
Not in a house.
Not with a mouse.
I would not drink it here or there.
I would not drink it anywhere.
I would not drink Chai Tea.
I do not like it, Sarah-I-am.
Would you? Could you?
In a car?
Drink it! Drink it!
Here it is.
I would not, could not, in a car.
You may like it.
You will see.
You may like it in a tree!
I would not, could not in a tree.
Not in a car! You let me be.
I do not like it in a box.
I do not like it with a fox.
I do not like it in a house.
I do not like it with a mouse.
I do not like it here or there.
I do not like it anywhere.
I do not like Chai Tea.
I do not like it, Sarah-I-am.
A train! A train!
A train! A train!
Could you, would you, on a train?
Not on a train! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! Sarah! Let me be!
I would not, could not, in a box.
I could not, would not, with a fox.
I will not drink it with a mouse.
I will not drink it in a house.
I will not drink it here or there.
I will not drink it anywhere.
I do not drink Chai Tea.
I do not like it, Sarah-I-am.
In the dark? Here in the dark!
Would you, could you, in the dark?
I would not, could not, in the dark.
Would you, could you, in the rain?
I would not, could not, in the rain.
Not in the dark. Not on a train.
Not in a car. Not in a tree.
I do not like it, Sarah, you see.
Not in a house. Not in a box.
Not with a mouse. Not with a fox.
I will not drink it here or there.
I do not like it anywhere!
You do not like Chai Tea?
I do not like it, Sarah-I-am.
Could you, would you, with a goat?
I would not, could not, with a goat!
Would you, could you, on a boat?
I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not drink it in the rain.
I will not drink it on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like it in a box.
I do not like it with a fox.
I will not drink it in a house.
I do not like it with a mouse.
I do not like it here or there.
I do not like it ANYWHERE!
I do not like Chai Tea!
I do not like it, Sarah-I-am.
You do not like it.
So you say.
Try it! Try it!
And you may.
Try it and you may, I say.
If you will let me be, I will try it.
You will see.
-Takes a Sip of Chai With out anything added-
I like Chai Tea!
I do! I like it, Sarah-I-am!
And I would drink it in a boat.
And I would drink it with a goat...
And I will drink it in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
They are so good, so good, you see!
So I will drink it in a box.
And I will drink it with a fox.
And I will drink it in a house.
And I will drink it with a mouse.
And I will drink it here and there.
Say! I will drink it ANYWHERE!
I do so like
Chai Tea!
Thank you!
Thank you,
I had some from our machine here at work, and with-out adding anything to it , I liked it.
Whew...finnally found it.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
3-col layout via CSS
3-col layout via CSS
Podcasts Post
Podcasts ::
The Dawn & Drew Show | I have stopped listening to D&D for now, lots of just very crude talk and not much substance... I think they got away from what I started listening to them for.
RadioTiki | These guys are great... I am right in there age range and "get" there humor.
TheManaVault | I stopped listing to this one because of the 4bit stream they had was horrible.
TheForce.Net | Star Wars talk, BABY!!!
EarthCore: A Podcast Novel | If you have the time and know-how, download this first ever Podcast Novel. It's pretty cool and he has another coming out 9/11/05.
CSS, Accesibility and Standards Links
CSS, Accesibility and Standards Links
Camino - Mozilla power, Mac style.
Camino - Mozilla power, Mac style.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Floating Boxes
I think the site is coming together. I need to add my little banners back in, figure out if I want a box with my favorite podcasts or have them in a post-link, fiddle with the text sizes and maybe add some color.
Self Portrait Tuesday Posts
|1| Fuzzy Me and Skate

|2| Taking A Break at the Park.

|3| Looking Down On Me.

|4| Me and the Kids.

Monday, August 01, 2005
Columns Made VIa CSS
Another good site for CSS: