We go this camera. Steves Digicams - Kodak EasyShare CX7430 - User Review
It was on sale at OfficeMax for $149 (reg price $199). They were out of stock so I checked Circuit City. They had it for $179. I got it there and used there price match policy, %110 of the difference. So it was $146+tax came to $157 a great price. Sarah used the money she made from her Wedding invitation print job to pay for most of it.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
Lets see what did we do this weekend...
Friday ::
We watched My nephew Devin. Wendy brought over They Might Be Giants sing the ABC's DVD. Thats a good one if you like TMBG. Of course I arcived that one and made a 2nd archive for our niece Tabitha to keep safe.
G and D slept in the Ikea castle and all was good.
Saturday ::
We went o a birthday party at this house in fairmaount park. the house was built in 1899 by a couple whose son had died and they wanted to make a safe place for the kids of Philly to play, so they built a mansion for kids to play in.
Pretty cool place. The dads got board in the basement and started racing the kids around the track in the different little tykes cars and trucks. We did that for about 30 mins straight...that was some fun.
We treked up to Sarah's parents to have a little b-day party for Simon. We got him a wooden rocking horse. We had dinner there and showed some pics of CapeCod and astuff.
I almost didntskate because of a light drizzle. It stoped by the time i got to my car so I went to the park. i was having a good day with some sweat smooth long Smith grinds. I must ahve twisted and compressed as i came into the ram once. It feels like my lower back got tighted down or compressed a bit. i hope that works out.
Sarah took Ruby to the Dr again tody to check on her cough. She was fine and teh dr again empasized that unless she really seems sick that she is ok as long as she does not seem short of breath.
We watched My nephew Devin. Wendy brought over They Might Be Giants sing the ABC's DVD. Thats a good one if you like TMBG. Of course I arcived that one and made a 2nd archive for our niece Tabitha to keep safe.
G and D slept in the Ikea castle and all was good.
Saturday ::
We went o a birthday party at this house in fairmaount park. the house was built in 1899 by a couple whose son had died and they wanted to make a safe place for the kids of Philly to play, so they built a mansion for kids to play in.
Pretty cool place. The dads got board in the basement and started racing the kids around the track in the different little tykes cars and trucks. We did that for about 30 mins straight...that was some fun.
We treked up to Sarah's parents to have a little b-day party for Simon. We got him a wooden rocking horse. We had dinner there and showed some pics of CapeCod and astuff.
I almost didntskate because of a light drizzle. It stoped by the time i got to my car so I went to the park. i was having a good day with some sweat smooth long Smith grinds. I must ahve twisted and compressed as i came into the ram once. It feels like my lower back got tighted down or compressed a bit. i hope that works out.
Sarah took Ruby to the Dr again tody to check on her cough. She was fine and teh dr again empasized that unless she really seems sick that she is ok as long as she does not seem short of breath.
Dawn from the The Dawn and Drew Podcast wanted a SugarGlider. I didnt know what one looked like.
Very cute pets but, they sound like a handful to care for....not the kind of things that I would want...did I mention our cats are still up for grabs?
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
Friday, April 22, 2005
Just enough rain to...
First of all it rained just enough to stop me from skateing and also it reminded me that I needed to replace my shreded wiper blade. So i drove to K-Mart instead of trolling Micro-Center. I also picked up a pack of 100 wat bulbs to brighten our living room.
My nephew, Devin is spending the night tonight, maybe I'll have pics to put up.
Music stuff::
The "new" Morrissey album, you are the quarry" is really good. I have been listening to all my new music a bit more indepth.
So far:
The Cure-The Cure *5*
Morrisey-You are the Quarry *5*
REM-Around the Sun *3.5*
Natilie Merchant-Wonderland (or is it motherland?) *2.75*
-House Carpenters Daugter *4*
Will Smith-Lost and found *3*
Beck-Guero *3.5*
Tori Amos- Beekeepers Wife *3.75*
I got some cool Cure singles from the site I posted yesterday also.
My nephew, Devin is spending the night tonight, maybe I'll have pics to put up.
Music stuff::
The "new" Morrissey album, you are the quarry" is really good. I have been listening to all my new music a bit more indepth.
So far:
The Cure-The Cure *5*
Morrisey-You are the Quarry *5*
REM-Around the Sun *3.5*
Natilie Merchant-Wonderland (or is it motherland?) *2.75*
-House Carpenters Daugter *4*
Will Smith-Lost and found *3*
Beck-Guero *3.5*
Tori Amos- Beekeepers Wife *3.75*
I got some cool Cure singles from the site I posted yesterday also.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Skateing and ripping
Skateing ::
I was a bit off balance today. I retied my shoes and it felt a bit better. Nobody showed up untill I was leaving. I did manage to hit one small k-grind and ride away. I also spent a couple minutes cleaning up all the trash around the park.
We managed to RIP through a grand pretty quick. Not that we didnt get needed stuff: Car fixed, AAA, house stuff 6 rolls of film, money for the trip. The outflow stopped at $80 and we still have a thousand in the savings... not to bad.
I was a bit off balance today. I retied my shoes and it felt a bit better. Nobody showed up untill I was leaving. I did manage to hit one small k-grind and ride away. I also spent a couple minutes cleaning up all the trash around the park.
We managed to RIP through a grand pretty quick. Not that we didnt get needed stuff: Car fixed, AAA, house stuff 6 rolls of film, money for the trip. The outflow stopped at $80 and we still have a thousand in the savings... not to bad.
Reference for building a cd/dvd/VHS/VHC/PS2 media shelf :: This one uses dows
This one uses dows. Possibly I could make one that mixes this dow shelving with flat shelves..
On The House with the Carey Bros. Home Repair and Home Improvement Tips. : Storing Your CDs -> Weekly Project
On The House with the Carey Bros. Home Repair and Home Improvement Tips. : Storing Your CDs -> Weekly Project
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Skate NaKed...
Well not naKed but I did skate sans-shirt today. Tomorrow i will start back on my diet or at least next week. That way I can buy the proper food and water.
I had other stuff but i forgot for now...
Well not naKed but I did skate sans-shirt today. Tomorrow i will start back on my diet or at least next week. That way I can buy the proper food and water.
I had other stuff but i forgot for now...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Back to work :: AAA :: Fall on my BUMM.
Feels like I just got out of the car :o)
Turns out an ad had an element turn a different color then it was supposed to be. This was an ad in the brand new first issue of Inside TV. When this happens they have to give a free ad out, thats some big time revenue (50K to 100k probably) missed. It went throught alot of people that missed it. I only did a file check on it. At that point you do not have anything to compare it against. I made the suggestion that we get back the folder with the advertisers artwork back when we do are final checks so we have something to compare it with.
Skateing ::
It was nice to get back on the board and sweat off some of the over eating of the weekend. I did fall kind of goofy. I went to do a 50-50 grind on the bench and the wheels sliped. The board went over the other side and I went down. i am not even sure what heppend. i may have bounced on the bench and then hit the ground or i went straight to the ground. I hit one buttock hard but over all it didnt hurt like I imagined a fall like that would feel like. My neck feels a bit tweaked so maybe that happened too.
AAA ::
We joined AAA today. Since we had to get the Tarus towed anyway and we have 2 used cars we figured it would be a good investment. $68 per year and I got them to tow the car today. Nice.
The car thing kind of killed the House Hunt but we may still look at that river house in skipback.
Turns out an ad had an element turn a different color then it was supposed to be. This was an ad in the brand new first issue of Inside TV. When this happens they have to give a free ad out, thats some big time revenue (50K to 100k probably) missed. It went throught alot of people that missed it. I only did a file check on it. At that point you do not have anything to compare it against. I made the suggestion that we get back the folder with the advertisers artwork back when we do are final checks so we have something to compare it with.
Skateing ::
It was nice to get back on the board and sweat off some of the over eating of the weekend. I did fall kind of goofy. I went to do a 50-50 grind on the bench and the wheels sliped. The board went over the other side and I went down. i am not even sure what heppend. i may have bounced on the bench and then hit the ground or i went straight to the ground. I hit one buttock hard but over all it didnt hurt like I imagined a fall like that would feel like. My neck feels a bit tweaked so maybe that happened too.
AAA ::
We joined AAA today. Since we had to get the Tarus towed anyway and we have 2 used cars we figured it would be a good investment. $68 per year and I got them to tow the car today. Nice.
The car thing kind of killed the House Hunt but we may still look at that river house in skipback.
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Code Cod :: Friday to Monday
Just notes to be filled out later:
Late Start 10:30
On the road
New York:: Stoped at crowded vince lombardi rest stop, hour longTraffic a GW bridge
RI :: half hour traffic for accident,
Tour of Coast Guard and boats
At the cold beach, loads of shells.
Down time
Walk at the indian reserve, saw crabs
G watched Land before time 6 via inDemand, we watched Curb (krazy Eyez killa) via iNDemand, A sex in the city episode, some of antoher show.
G cried
Drive home left about 5 made a couple stops got home about 1 or 2am.
Late Start 10:30
On the road
New York:: Stoped at crowded vince lombardi rest stop, hour longTraffic a GW bridge
RI :: half hour traffic for accident,
Tour of Coast Guard and boats
At the cold beach, loads of shells.
Down time
Walk at the indian reserve, saw crabs
G watched Land before time 6 via inDemand, we watched Curb (krazy Eyez killa) via iNDemand, A sex in the city episode, some of antoher show.
G cried
Drive home left about 5 made a couple stops got home about 1 or 2am.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Took the Train, missed the phone, fixed the W4 and no skateing for me :o(
Well with the CAR down for the count for now, I rode the train in. i relized it's been awhile since I had ridden it. $14 will get you 3 hours on the train. An hour and a half each way.... I usually try to fall asleep before I get to philly and then stay awake for the rest of the ride home or to work.
Well no skateing since i wouldn't be able to get to and from the park in a decent time...I guess I could have at least brought it and tried to go ...eh nah.
Well it turns out that my waver I have with FedEx not requiring a sig for things delivered to my house did not include when a sig is required by the sending company. So we missed the phone. I have to go fetch it from FT Washington when I get home tonight...
i moved up my exeptions to 4 from 2 on my W4. It will mean a smaller return but more money during the year. Hopefully it works out ok.
Well with the CAR down for the count for now, I rode the train in. i relized it's been awhile since I had ridden it. $14 will get you 3 hours on the train. An hour and a half each way.... I usually try to fall asleep before I get to philly and then stay awake for the rest of the ride home or to work.
Well no skateing since i wouldn't be able to get to and from the park in a decent time...I guess I could have at least brought it and tried to go ...eh nah.
Well it turns out that my waver I have with FedEx not requiring a sig for things delivered to my house did not include when a sig is required by the sending company. So we missed the phone. I have to go fetch it from FT Washington when I get home tonight...
i moved up my exeptions to 4 from 2 on my W4. It will mean a smaller return but more money during the year. Hopefully it works out ok.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Cape Cod Natl Seashore Weather Forecasts on Yahoo! Weather
Oh great its going to be in the 40's in Cape Cod this weekend!!
It's going to feel like Summer by the time we get back here, and I just put away my winter jacket.
Cape Cod Natl Seashore Weather Forecasts on Yahoo! Weather
It's going to feel like Summer by the time we get back here, and I just put away my winter jacket.
Cape Cod Natl Seashore Weather Forecasts on Yahoo! Weather
Tracfone #2, Taurus didn't start, and new tricks
Now that we have opened up the money in the bank again we went ahead and ordered another Tracfone. I would have liked it the other day when the car died. I had it overnighted so we can get it before our trip.
I got the same deal as before: 100 minute card + refurbished phone for $30. Plus the $15 for overight and taxes comes to about $48. Then if I use the other account to refer this account i will get another 100 minutes for each phone.
Phone: Free (at least $30 new in the store with 20min card)
100 card: $30
20 units for signing up online: @$10
100 card: Free from referal for the new phone. (reg $30)
100 card: Free from referal for the old phone. (reg $30)
Possibly 2 more 40 cards from the coupon books: $20 each.
So it's at least $130 worth of stuff, and maybe more for @$48 with shipping.
The car
The car didnt start last night so we have to tow it to a garage. :o( We will see if a new used car is a better buy than fixing this puppy.
I hit the grind box today and relized that I can do Krooked Grinds and front side 5-0's but just can't land them yet. Another fun thing I did was to hit all the elements in the park with out falling or using my feet or hands to push. I started off pushing(maybe tomorrow I'll try to start by dropping in. I pushed to the picnic table, hit a backside boardslide. Turned to the flat bar did a small frontside slide. Ollied onto the grind box. road of to hit a frontside slide on the bench. Did a hairpin turn and tic-tac'd to get some speed and hit the jump ramp. i took a sharp right and taced over to the spine ramp. I pumped both sides and then road to the other side, pumped those and angled off to the mini. Pumped both walls and headed to the funBox bank. Off the bank and hit the mini-ramp bank. From there i hit the round rail with a board slide and curved around to ollie onto the bench of the wooden table that somebody hauled into the park.
I got the same deal as before: 100 minute card + refurbished phone for $30. Plus the $15 for overight and taxes comes to about $48. Then if I use the other account to refer this account i will get another 100 minutes for each phone.
Phone: Free (at least $30 new in the store with 20min card)
100 card: $30
20 units for signing up online: @$10
100 card: Free from referal for the new phone. (reg $30)
100 card: Free from referal for the old phone. (reg $30)
Possibly 2 more 40 cards from the coupon books: $20 each.
So it's at least $130 worth of stuff, and maybe more for @$48 with shipping.
The car
The car didnt start last night so we have to tow it to a garage. :o( We will see if a new used car is a better buy than fixing this puppy.
I hit the grind box today and relized that I can do Krooked Grinds and front side 5-0's but just can't land them yet. Another fun thing I did was to hit all the elements in the park with out falling or using my feet or hands to push. I started off pushing(maybe tomorrow I'll try to start by dropping in. I pushed to the picnic table, hit a backside boardslide. Turned to the flat bar did a small frontside slide. Ollied onto the grind box. road of to hit a frontside slide on the bench. Did a hairpin turn and tic-tac'd to get some speed and hit the jump ramp. i took a sharp right and taced over to the spine ramp. I pumped both sides and then road to the other side, pumped those and angled off to the mini. Pumped both walls and headed to the funBox bank. Off the bank and hit the mini-ramp bank. From there i hit the round rail with a board slide and curved around to ollie onto the bench of the wooden table that somebody hauled into the park.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
The car wants it share of the Money! and going to CapeCod.
Well the car has spoken up and wants its original cut of the refund money. That will most likly kill our house search for now.
What would we have done had we jumped on something and then the car dies? Car repairs were in the orignial refund budget anyway as were paying down the Credit Cards, maybe we can get back to that plan. Regroup and then try again next year.
The skate park has been quit the last two days(at least while I am there). I finnally remembered the trick to long board slides. i was not tweaking the back of the board frontwards. As soon as I started doing that I was able to slide the whole flat bar.
We are going to Cape Cod the weekend to visit Heather and Adam. It should be a good time.
Sarah really enjoyed the Dawn and Drew Show. I am going to save up any of there Podcasts from this week plus RadioTiki's pod cast for the ride to Cape Cod. I think it would be fun for me Sarah to do a podcast.
What would we have done had we jumped on something and then the car dies? Car repairs were in the orignial refund budget anyway as were paying down the Credit Cards, maybe we can get back to that plan. Regroup and then try again next year.
The skate park has been quit the last two days(at least while I am there). I finnally remembered the trick to long board slides. i was not tweaking the back of the board frontwards. As soon as I started doing that I was able to slide the whole flat bar.
We are going to Cape Cod the weekend to visit Heather and Adam. It should be a good time.
Sarah really enjoyed the Dawn and Drew Show. I am going to save up any of there Podcasts from this week plus RadioTiki's pod cast for the ride to Cape Cod. I think it would be fun for me Sarah to do a podcast.
MIT’s USB-controlled LED dancefloor - Engadget - www.engadget.com.
This thing is pretty cool. I would be neat to have a smaller version to hang on the wall and pulse to the music, with wireless usb of course.
MIT’s USB-controlled LED dancefloor - Engadget - www.engadget.com.
MIT’s USB-controlled LED dancefloor - Engadget - www.engadget.com.
Sunday, April 10, 2005

We arrived a couple minutes late to start the whole group mini-golfing but Amy talked the attendents into letting the ,now crying, kids be able to golf. We didnt have to pay either! We finished by 9:05. Amy also pushed inot the ice cream shop as the guy was locking the doors :o) I guess we should show up earlier.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Empty park, Glasses, new sneaks and ALLOFMP3.com
The park was all mine yesterday. I was really off balance for some reason and just stuck to the basics. I still ended up on my back an awful lot of times. I scooted around the park before I left and cleaned up empty drink bottles. There are two trash cans at the park. Come on people, why not just take a sec to skate over and throw your trash away?
I met Sarah at Target to get her new glasses. Ruby was so cute in her red outfit and Gryphon was rocking in his new White Airwalks. I have to get him on a board this summer... Speaking of kicks, I checked out Ross before meeting up with the Fam and saw an updated pair of the Converse skate shoes that I had for close to 3 years. They were the only pair left and they were my perfect size 8. Most of the time if I see a decent skate-shoe at Ross or Marshalls do they have them in my size. So I got them.
Sarah wanted to get the New Tori CD. In store it is at least $15. She is still attached to getting the whole package CD, Notes and the "thrill" of holding the CD and putting it into the CD player...how archaic.. :oP (JK Rah you know I love ya). I don't think I will ever buy a CD again. The only CD I may buy are Cure CD's but thats not even a given. I don't even remember the last CD I bought. For a while I did use Morpeous, Kazaa, the original Napster, some FTP sites and Hotline to get music. I havent really done that stuff for a while. Even iTunes at .99cents a song is not much different. At that point you might as well get your monies worth and buy the CD. I have found a site that sells music legaly. i know they recently went through a law suite and won. They pay all the royalties they need to apparntly. The site:
ALLOFMP3.com (and the page to buy gift certificates for music lovers you might know. (ok, me))
You just fill your account with at least $10 and you are ready to go. They charge 2cents a mb. Yep! 2 pennys for a mb. do you know how many albums you can get for $10? Lets just say I got the new Tori album-The Beekeeper, mp3 encoded at CD quality (320k bit-rate) 19songs, 182mb for $3.64!
I only got it at that quality to burn a nice CD for Sarah. Anything else I get I will have encoded @192 and a whole album costs @$1.50!
Did I mention you can have the files encoded with any codec? All sorts of WMA, mp3,ogg,monkey..etc I think they have them all covered. Also if you can not download certian types of files because of a nasty firewall or something you can have your files named with other extensions like .zip, .htm,.jpg..etc. Nice.
The only small draw back is that once you DL your files you can not DL them again unless you buy them again...no biggy at @20cents a song. Oh you can also just buy the songs you like.
The park was all mine yesterday. I was really off balance for some reason and just stuck to the basics. I still ended up on my back an awful lot of times. I scooted around the park before I left and cleaned up empty drink bottles. There are two trash cans at the park. Come on people, why not just take a sec to skate over and throw your trash away?
I met Sarah at Target to get her new glasses. Ruby was so cute in her red outfit and Gryphon was rocking in his new White Airwalks. I have to get him on a board this summer... Speaking of kicks, I checked out Ross before meeting up with the Fam and saw an updated pair of the Converse skate shoes that I had for close to 3 years. They were the only pair left and they were my perfect size 8. Most of the time if I see a decent skate-shoe at Ross or Marshalls do they have them in my size. So I got them.
Sarah wanted to get the New Tori CD. In store it is at least $15. She is still attached to getting the whole package CD, Notes and the "thrill" of holding the CD and putting it into the CD player...how archaic.. :oP (JK Rah you know I love ya). I don't think I will ever buy a CD again. The only CD I may buy are Cure CD's but thats not even a given. I don't even remember the last CD I bought. For a while I did use Morpeous, Kazaa, the original Napster, some FTP sites and Hotline to get music. I havent really done that stuff for a while. Even iTunes at .99cents a song is not much different. At that point you might as well get your monies worth and buy the CD. I have found a site that sells music legaly. i know they recently went through a law suite and won. They pay all the royalties they need to apparntly. The site:
ALLOFMP3.com (and the page to buy gift certificates for music lovers you might know. (ok, me))
You just fill your account with at least $10 and you are ready to go. They charge 2cents a mb. Yep! 2 pennys for a mb. do you know how many albums you can get for $10? Lets just say I got the new Tori album-The Beekeeper, mp3 encoded at CD quality (320k bit-rate) 19songs, 182mb for $3.64!
I only got it at that quality to burn a nice CD for Sarah. Anything else I get I will have encoded @192 and a whole album costs @$1.50!
Did I mention you can have the files encoded with any codec? All sorts of WMA, mp3,ogg,monkey..etc I think they have them all covered. Also if you can not download certian types of files because of a nasty firewall or something you can have your files named with other extensions like .zip, .htm,.jpg..etc. Nice.
The only small draw back is that once you DL your files you can not DL them again unless you buy them again...no biggy at @20cents a song. Oh you can also just buy the songs you like.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Watched :: The Family Man (2000)
We watched The Family Man (2000) last night. Sarah fell asleep, just from being tired not because of the movie.
I liked it....the ending was abit odd, but I will be up for watching it again when Sarah is ready.
I liked it....the ending was abit odd, but I will be up for watching it again when Sarah is ready.
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