Yea! We can watch Curb again!
HBO: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Skatepark still being Ssshhhh'ed
The workers had all of the ramps apart today. Silly me I tought they were putting them back together yesterday. It looks like a job that could take the rest of the week...ehh. Tomorrow we are takeing Adam to John Harvards Brew Pub for his "your laid off" lunch. i wonder if its ok to order beer.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Latest Lyra Mix 032905
before I forget and make room for Podcasts....
29 A Big Black Bug.wma
13 The Wheels on the Bus.wma
01 Rusty Gears Lonely Years.wma
18 Track 18.wma
18 Everything Turns Grey.wma
12 Daktari.wma
01 Candy Everybody Wants.wma
11 The Arrivals Gate.wma
09 Subdivision.wma
04 So What.wma
02 O.K.wma
05 How Much Wood.wma
Tori Amos - Lovesong (The Cure cover (live)).mp3
06 Arrow of Truth.wma
07 Fantasia on Greensleeves for Harp, Flute, & String.wma
15 Mephisto Waltz.MP3
11 London Dungeon.MP3
02 Hollywood Babylon.MP3
13 Braineaters.MP3
09 I Turned into a Martian.MP3
13 Tristan.MP3
06 X Ray.MP3
07 TV Star.MP3
05 Tiny Rubberband - Butthole Surfers-Moby.MP3
09 Paul Revere.MP3
04 Dive.MP3
18 Boys - Bauhaus.MP3
03 God In An Alcove.MP3
07 Old Mr. Heffer.wma
18 Where Do Ya Draw the Line.MP3
04 Hurt.wma
13 What It Feels Like for a Girl.wma
11 [Untitled].wma
12 Canto Invierno.wma
08 Boxers.wma
07 Kamikazi Dive.MP3
10 Where I Go.wma
07 Circle.wma
06 Conventioneers.wma
29 A Big Black Bug.wma
04 Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey.wma
01 Daftendirekt.mp3
10 The Gift.wma
08 DC 3000.wma
01 Wild in the Streets.MP3
20 Glass Onion.mp3
02 Rapunzel.wma
02 The Revelation.wma
12 A Higher Place.wma
09 I Fought the Law.wma
13 Stockton Gala Days.wma
02 Grey Street.wma
07 Fantasia on Greensleeves for Harp, Flute, & String.wma
04 Honey [Non-LP Track].wma
12 Dial-A-Cliché.wma
04 The Scientist.wma
08 California Über Alles.mp3
02 Quiet.wma
06 Iieee.wma
01 Silent All These Years.wma
05 Houdini's Box.wma
02 Take Me to the River.wma
08 Track 08.mp3
11 The White Lady Loves You.wma
03 This Could Be Anywhere.mp3
08 The Righteous & The Wicked.mp3
04 He's Alive.wma
01 PHD.wma
04 Out Like a Lamb.wma
04 Mercy in You.wma
08 Army Dreamers.wma
01 Puddle Stomping.wma
04 So What.wma
06 The Lily of the West.wma
29 A Big Black Bug.wma
13 The Wheels on the Bus.wma
01 Rusty Gears Lonely Years.wma
18 Track 18.wma
18 Everything Turns Grey.wma
12 Daktari.wma
01 Candy Everybody Wants.wma
11 The Arrivals Gate.wma
09 Subdivision.wma
04 So What.wma
02 O.K.wma
05 How Much Wood.wma
Tori Amos - Lovesong (The Cure cover (live)).mp3
06 Arrow of Truth.wma
07 Fantasia on Greensleeves for Harp, Flute, & String.wma
15 Mephisto Waltz.MP3
11 London Dungeon.MP3
02 Hollywood Babylon.MP3
13 Braineaters.MP3
09 I Turned into a Martian.MP3
13 Tristan.MP3
06 X Ray.MP3
07 TV Star.MP3
05 Tiny Rubberband - Butthole Surfers-Moby.MP3
09 Paul Revere.MP3
04 Dive.MP3
18 Boys - Bauhaus.MP3
03 God In An Alcove.MP3
07 Old Mr. Heffer.wma
18 Where Do Ya Draw the Line.MP3
04 Hurt.wma
13 What It Feels Like for a Girl.wma
11 [Untitled].wma
12 Canto Invierno.wma
08 Boxers.wma
07 Kamikazi Dive.MP3
10 Where I Go.wma
07 Circle.wma
06 Conventioneers.wma
29 A Big Black Bug.wma
04 Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey.wma
01 Daftendirekt.mp3
10 The Gift.wma
08 DC 3000.wma
01 Wild in the Streets.MP3
20 Glass Onion.mp3
02 Rapunzel.wma
02 The Revelation.wma
12 A Higher Place.wma
09 I Fought the Law.wma
13 Stockton Gala Days.wma
02 Grey Street.wma
07 Fantasia on Greensleeves for Harp, Flute, & String.wma
04 Honey [Non-LP Track].wma
12 Dial-A-Cliché.wma
04 The Scientist.wma
08 California Über Alles.mp3
02 Quiet.wma
06 Iieee.wma
01 Silent All These Years.wma
05 Houdini's Box.wma
02 Take Me to the River.wma
08 Track 08.mp3
11 The White Lady Loves You.wma
03 This Could Be Anywhere.mp3
08 The Righteous & The Wicked.mp3
04 He's Alive.wma
01 PHD.wma
04 Out Like a Lamb.wma
04 Mercy in You.wma
08 Army Dreamers.wma
01 Puddle Stomping.wma
04 So What.wma
06 The Lily of the West.wma
Skatepark closed for repairs...
When the park first opened and even more so in the fall, I thought "Boy these ramps can be loud." Right in back of the park just on teh other side of the small pine trees is an apartment complex. i know they have to be able to hear the ramps. these people probably enjoyed sitting on the there little decks in the Summer in a pretty quite dead end. now they probably have a constant rumble from the park on teh weekends and I know I have heard a dog start barking after a hard landing or a board hitting a ramp. So, today the park was closed. I asked the guy what they were repairing and he said they were sound proofing the ramps...hmm.
I decided to clean the car out during lunch since I just did a walk through of Microcenter yesterday.
last night I did laundry and watched Star Wars/ played SSX3. It occured to me that I have never watched Star wars on a decent TV before. Man it was crisp and clear on the new set. Sarah and Ruby were asleep on the couch so i couldn't take advantage of the Stereo.
Sarah checked out a neat little house by the river in Skipback today with Rowan who, looked at a house right next to it. It was @ $130000, that seems a bit steep for me but I guess we will see what the lady says tomorrow.
I decided to clean the car out during lunch since I just did a walk through of Microcenter yesterday.
last night I did laundry and watched Star Wars/ played SSX3. It occured to me that I have never watched Star wars on a decent TV before. Man it was crisp and clear on the new set. Sarah and Ruby were asleep on the couch so i couldn't take advantage of the Stereo.
Sarah checked out a neat little house by the river in Skipback today with Rowan who, looked at a house right next to it. It was @ $130000, that seems a bit steep for me but I guess we will see what the lady says tomorrow.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Busy weekend. TV, Easter2005,Cable again!
Us? Buy a house?
So apparntly Chris' sister thinks that we should be able to buy a house. I think we couod get approved but thats different than actually living the numbers that might be run by us. We will see, Wednesday.
TV, Cable
So we get out early on Friday. Before I leave I place the order for the TV (JVC 27wf35, 27" Flat Tube) from It says to wait for 2 emails before picking it up. So I wait for an hour and with out getting the 2nd email I head off away. I know they have them so I was sure there would be no problem. I got there and browsed a bit and then got the TV with no problem. They wheeled it up and it was a BIG box. the guy brought it out and we decided that the box would not be making the ride home. He cut the bottom off of the box like he must have done a thousand times. He picked up the TV and popped it in the back seat with no problems.
I wanted to stop for an S-Video cable (why I just didnt get it at BestBuy I dont know). I thought i would pass by a RadioShack on the way home. Nope, even after takeing a longer way home I still didn't pass one.
i got home, Sarah and the kids (wierd) were not home yet. I cleared some room on the floor and then went to get the TV. Wow, this sucker was heavy. 95 bounds of awkward to carry heavy. I grabbed it and forced it out of the back seat and onto the ground. I moved a couple more feet and thought of giving up. I made it to the bottom of the 5 stairs. I felt the TV up alot before all of a sudden I felt a good grip and lugged it up the stairs.I got it in the house and then dreaded trying to take it to the Living Room. My fingers felt like they were broken...I grabbed my skateboard and put the TV on and rolled it through the house.
I got to work unplugging the VCR,oldTV, PS2 and Stereo. I pulled the DVD player out of the closet and layed out the wires. I Hooked everything up. It has this as far as A/V connections:
Video 1 > (audio)R|L|(video)V|S-Vid
Video 2 > (audio)R|L
Video 3 > (audio)R|L|(video)VComponent Video> RGB (this is the best connection you can have)
Composit > Where you would connect to cable.
I hooked up the DVD to the VID 1 using the regular Video since I didnt have the s-video calble yet. The PS2 went to the front jacks and I wasnt sure how to put video into the TV from the VCR yet.
With that stuff I hooked it up and man it was beutiful and sounded great. Istill needed to get the VCR hooked up. I thought the key was the s-vid cable that I will get Sat.
We looked around Ikea for TV furniture. They had some decent stuff price wise and look wise. i also noticed that you could get a whole living room set up for @1200. you get couches, chairs, tables and tv stuff for that. we decided to wait and grab a coffee table that we had sitting at my parents for @7 years...
I picked up the S-Video cable and also noticed that you could get Component cables for the Ps2. I guess newer DVDplayers have the Component outputs on them but ours does not.
later that night I was reconnecting everything and decided to give the old cable line a try to see if i could get the reception in better (we do not subscribe to cable). Not only was it better reception but our free cable was back! Again I did not docter the cable up, i just simply plugged it in to better the reception.
Easter, all kinds of house advice, tv cabnit
Whew, ok this is getting long....
Easter was, family, good, great.

Great shot of G hunting for eggs.
we snagged up the Coffe table. When we got home and everybody went to sleep I unloaded the old entertainment center and moved it out of the way. I put all the media under the table and the stereo next to the tv. The DVD, VCR and PS2 all went on top of the Stereo. I connected every thing up and we were set. Still not satisfied I was able to get the PC connected to the TV and stereo and the new wireless mouse can actually be used from the coffee table. If we had a wireless keyboard and you made the fonts big you could do web surfing on the big tv :o)
Paying bills
I got all Cashers checks that we needed today plus payed a bunch of smaller stuff.
I wish we could switch over to Verizon. For @10 more a month we could get DSL... We owe Verizon some money from long ago so I dont know if switching would cause a problem.
I picked up the Component Cables for the Ps2 and hooked them up. I think it makes a difference. it also frees up the front AV jacks.
Us? Buy a house?
So apparntly Chris' sister thinks that we should be able to buy a house. I think we couod get approved but thats different than actually living the numbers that might be run by us. We will see, Wednesday.
TV, Cable
So we get out early on Friday. Before I leave I place the order for the TV (JVC 27wf35, 27" Flat Tube) from It says to wait for 2 emails before picking it up. So I wait for an hour and with out getting the 2nd email I head off away. I know they have them so I was sure there would be no problem. I got there and browsed a bit and then got the TV with no problem. They wheeled it up and it was a BIG box. the guy brought it out and we decided that the box would not be making the ride home. He cut the bottom off of the box like he must have done a thousand times. He picked up the TV and popped it in the back seat with no problems.
I wanted to stop for an S-Video cable (why I just didnt get it at BestBuy I dont know). I thought i would pass by a RadioShack on the way home. Nope, even after takeing a longer way home I still didn't pass one.
i got home, Sarah and the kids (wierd) were not home yet. I cleared some room on the floor and then went to get the TV. Wow, this sucker was heavy. 95 bounds of awkward to carry heavy. I grabbed it and forced it out of the back seat and onto the ground. I moved a couple more feet and thought of giving up. I made it to the bottom of the 5 stairs. I felt the TV up alot before all of a sudden I felt a good grip and lugged it up the stairs.I got it in the house and then dreaded trying to take it to the Living Room. My fingers felt like they were broken...I grabbed my skateboard and put the TV on and rolled it through the house.
I got to work unplugging the VCR,oldTV, PS2 and Stereo. I pulled the DVD player out of the closet and layed out the wires. I Hooked everything up. It has this as far as A/V connections:
Video 1 > (audio)R|L|(video)V|S-Vid
Video 2 > (audio)R|L
Video 3 > (audio)R|L|(video)V
Composit > Where you would connect to cable.
I hooked up the DVD to the VID 1 using the regular Video since I didnt have the s-video calble yet. The PS2 went to the front jacks and I wasnt sure how to put video into the TV from the VCR yet.
With that stuff I hooked it up and man it was beutiful and sounded great. Istill needed to get the VCR hooked up. I thought the key was the s-vid cable that I will get Sat.
We looked around Ikea for TV furniture. They had some decent stuff price wise and look wise. i also noticed that you could get a whole living room set up for @1200. you get couches, chairs, tables and tv stuff for that. we decided to wait and grab a coffee table that we had sitting at my parents for @7 years...
I picked up the S-Video cable and also noticed that you could get Component cables for the Ps2. I guess newer DVDplayers have the Component outputs on them but ours does not.
later that night I was reconnecting everything and decided to give the old cable line a try to see if i could get the reception in better (we do not subscribe to cable). Not only was it better reception but our free cable was back! Again I did not docter the cable up, i just simply plugged it in to better the reception.
Easter, all kinds of house advice, tv cabnit
Whew, ok this is getting long....
Easter was, family, good, great.

Great shot of G hunting for eggs.

we snagged up the Coffe table. When we got home and everybody went to sleep I unloaded the old entertainment center and moved it out of the way. I put all the media under the table and the stereo next to the tv. The DVD, VCR and PS2 all went on top of the Stereo. I connected every thing up and we were set. Still not satisfied I was able to get the PC connected to the TV and stereo and the new wireless mouse can actually be used from the coffee table. If we had a wireless keyboard and you made the fonts big you could do web surfing on the big tv :o)
Paying bills
I got all Cashers checks that we needed today plus payed a bunch of smaller stuff.
I wish we could switch over to Verizon. For @10 more a month we could get DSL... We owe Verizon some money from long ago so I dont know if switching would cause a problem.
I picked up the Component Cables for the Ps2 and hooked them up. I think it makes a difference. it also frees up the front AV jacks.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Skateboarding and Falling.
Most of the time when you fall while skateboarding, you know its coming and you learn to fall "softly". Then there are times when you are just rolling along headed for a ramp at speed or just checking things out and then ... thing you know your lying limp on the ground hoeping that when you decide to move that every thing still works.
i had the park to my self yesterday and I was just fooling around trying some fun stuff. Every time I went up to this one ramp I noticed a very small rubber washer on the ground. I would go around it or at least make sure my wheels didn't hit it. So I did this @ 3 times. As i approached it the 4th time I decidded to ignore it. Take note in the picture of the washer on the left and the skid mark behind it. The skid mark is @ 1 foot.

Skid mark.
I hit the washer and the world stopped. I however did not stop. Actually I flew for about 3 feet right in the transition of the ramp. its sort of like running and jumping head first into a wall but you have some curve to smash into and you end up in a heap on the ramp. I actually remember letting out an "Arrrgghhh" as I flew at the ramp and then thought "Did I just AARRGGHH? out loud?" I hit my head on the ramp, not hard just a tap. And then lay there for a couple secounds. I looked at the washer and thought about how many times I went by it with out moving it... The music was still playing in my headphones(which only budged slightly, there ugly but they stay on good) so i just chilled for a minute. I noticed the reflection my board was making in the puddle that it had rolled into and went to get the camera.

After I slamed I sat on the ramp for a minute. I was looking over at my board which had rolled into a puddle. I liked the reflections.
I found another huge chunk of wax and tossed it down with the other one.

I threw another hunk of the evil wax down here.
i had the park to my self yesterday and I was just fooling around trying some fun stuff. Every time I went up to this one ramp I noticed a very small rubber washer on the ground. I would go around it or at least make sure my wheels didn't hit it. So I did this @ 3 times. As i approached it the 4th time I decidded to ignore it. Take note in the picture of the washer on the left and the skid mark behind it. The skid mark is @ 1 foot.

Skid mark.

I hit the washer and the world stopped. I however did not stop. Actually I flew for about 3 feet right in the transition of the ramp. its sort of like running and jumping head first into a wall but you have some curve to smash into and you end up in a heap on the ramp. I actually remember letting out an "Arrrgghhh" as I flew at the ramp and then thought "Did I just AARRGGHH? out loud?" I hit my head on the ramp, not hard just a tap. And then lay there for a couple secounds. I looked at the washer and thought about how many times I went by it with out moving it... The music was still playing in my headphones(which only budged slightly, there ugly but they stay on good) so i just chilled for a minute. I noticed the reflection my board was making in the puddle that it had rolled into and went to get the camera.

After I slamed I sat on the ramp for a minute. I was looking over at my board which had rolled into a puddle. I liked the reflections.

I found another huge chunk of wax and tossed it down with the other one.

I threw another hunk of the evil wax down here.

Thursday, March 24, 2005
Designs reveled : Schuylkill River Skatepark Project
Hmmm.. the two designs for the Philly skatepark. I thought maybe it would be more skatepark like and less sreetskate plark like. I guess its good for the city. If skatebaording hits a lull they dont have a space of massive bowls just sitting around.
Schuylkill River Skatepark Project
Schuylkill River Skatepark Project
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Bush - 3-Bay Wall Entertainment Center - Honey Oak - AV31450
This is nice and we were looking for something like this. Also, I found a discount at BestBuy. The deal is get $10 off every $100 spent plus %15 off the Entertainment Center. I can pick both up in KoP. The catch? The sale on the JVC is over on Saturday... come on Refund!
So far my price is $398 w/tax which is $100 under budget!!
Bush - 3-Bay Wall Entertainment Center - Honey Oak - AV31450
So far my price is $398 w/tax which is $100 under budget!!
Bush - 3-Bay Wall Entertainment Center - Honey Oak - AV31450
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Great Review on JVC AV-27F704 27 in. Direct View Flat Screen Television at
Now according to the guy here the modle number BestBuy has does not match the description. There description is for the better model number which, if true, is a great deal.
Compare Prices and Read Reviews on JVC AV-27F704 27 in. Direct View Flat Screen Television at
Compare Prices and Read Reviews on JVC AV-27F704 27 in. Direct View Flat Screen Television at
TV Research : Top choice so far >>> JVC - 27" Flat-Tube Stereo TV - Silver - AV27WF35
I have an obsession with getting a new TV. We decided to to go with a Flat 27".
Whew...I get weird with these type things...I have to reseach what ever I buy like crazy. Its good to get it all in one place.
Ok, when you look at reviews you have to remember that happy people generally don't comment on how good something is. Most posts you will find are from the people who have had problems with something. So far in the JVC vs Philips search, I find that the JVC reviews are generally good with people commenting on what they like about the TV whle Philips seems to be getting slamed with all kind of complaints.
I think maybe we will hit BestBuy up for the JVC if not that then the Magnovox from Circuit City. I have read enough bad reviews from Philips that I think I will just stay away.
I am going to keep my research here ( I will consolidate the posts at some point to make it easier to see). Even if we don't end up getting a TV I will have learned alot more about them.
JVC - 27" Flat-Tube Stereo TV - Silver - AV27WF35 : on sale for $279 (was $329).
JVC - 27" Flat-Tube Stereo TV - Silver - AV27WF35: "AV27WF35"
The competition from
I could not get BestBuys Comparison feature to work.
We see here that the phillips is slightly better with features but, the Magnivox has better reviews. i would go wit the Magnovox here based on the ratings.
The phillips with bad reviews from here is 27PT6442 which is different from the BestBuy and Walmart models.
I still think the JVC from bestbuy is the leader so far. Product Comparison - Conventional TVs
Philips 27" RealFlat DVD-Ready TV, 27PT6441 : $278 (best buy has this for $299)
Not bad worth a look. Walmart seems like a good place to start before going to BestBuy.
Wal-Mart - Electronics - Philips 27" RealFlat DVD-Ready TV, 27PT6441 : "27PT6441"
(info on this from best buy: Philips - 27" Flat-Tube TV with Component Video Inputs - Silver - 27PT6441: $299 Philips - 27" Flat-Tube TV with Component Video Inputs - Silver - 27PT6441)
Whew...I get weird with these type things...I have to reseach what ever I buy like crazy. Its good to get it all in one place.
Ok, when you look at reviews you have to remember that happy people generally don't comment on how good something is. Most posts you will find are from the people who have had problems with something. So far in the JVC vs Philips search, I find that the JVC reviews are generally good with people commenting on what they like about the TV whle Philips seems to be getting slamed with all kind of complaints.
I think maybe we will hit BestBuy up for the JVC if not that then the Magnovox from Circuit City. I have read enough bad reviews from Philips that I think I will just stay away.
I am going to keep my research here ( I will consolidate the posts at some point to make it easier to see). Even if we don't end up getting a TV I will have learned alot more about them.
JVC - 27" Flat-Tube Stereo TV - Silver - AV27WF35 : on sale for $279 (was $329).
JVC - 27" Flat-Tube Stereo TV - Silver - AV27WF35: "AV27WF35"
The competition from
I could not get BestBuys Comparison feature to work.
We see here that the phillips is slightly better with features but, the Magnivox has better reviews. i would go wit the Magnovox here based on the ratings.
The phillips with bad reviews from here is 27PT6442 which is different from the BestBuy and Walmart models.
I still think the JVC from bestbuy is the leader so far. Product Comparison - Conventional TVs
Philips 27" RealFlat DVD-Ready TV, 27PT6441 : $278 (best buy has this for $299)
Not bad worth a look. Walmart seems like a good place to start before going to BestBuy.
Wal-Mart - Electronics - Philips 27" RealFlat DVD-Ready TV, 27PT6441 : "27PT6441"
(info on this from best buy: Philips - 27" Flat-Tube TV with Component Video Inputs - Silver - 27PT6441: $299 Philips - 27" Flat-Tube TV with Component Video Inputs - Silver - 27PT6441)
Monday, March 21, 2005
Silky Smooth Skateing to Randomness...
Well the playlists worked out great. I was listening while skateing today and at one point it went from The Misfits to 5 Little Ducks Went Out One Day and then I chilled to some Jonie Mitchell...sweet. You cant even rely on skipping past a song because you may just get to something else you may not want to hear so, you are forced to listen to every thing...I love it.
Ohh...the coping was silky smooth today. Nice and slick but you could feel the slides and grinds. When it was first waxed it was like ice, no control at all. The wax wore of the ramp too so you can make cuts and pump coming off of the lip with out worring about sliding out.
Ohh...the coping was silky smooth today. Nice and slick but you could feel the slides and grinds. When it was first waxed it was like ice, no control at all. The wax wore of the ramp too so you can make cuts and pump coming off of the lip with out worring about sliding out.
Fabien Cousteau’s one-man shark sub for swimming with the fishes - Engadget -
I wonder what Jacque would think of this...I wonder if this is his son?
Fabien Cousteau’s one-man shark sub for swimming with the fishes - Engadget -
Fabien Cousteau’s one-man shark sub for swimming with the fishes - Engadget -
Sync'n with the Lyra.
I read that you can hook an iPod ,or a iPod Shuffle maybe it is, to iTunes and have it set that it will just pick random songs and fill it up. I find taht when I go to load up the Lyra It takes forever for me to pick out songs, digging through folders and such. Sometimes I like to load it with all one group but most of the time I like to mix it up. So, I looked around Windows Media player and found these auto-playlists. there are some that , say, play all songs never played before, songs played at tnight, favorite songs, new songs etc... Well you can make your own auto play lists. Cool! Since the Lyra has 128mg internal and the 256mb external, I set up two lists. The first I set up to find 120meg worth of songs that have been played more than once and the other finds 250mb of songs that have never been played. Then you hit the sync button and it converts them to lower bit rates and copies them to your deveice. Now, I have to look into why it converts some of them to .wma and keeps others as .mp3's.
Anyway here is what It picked for me last night. I dont even know what group some of these are...I have 6006 song at home so I get a very wide mix from Kids songs to Punk to Holiday Songs to Stuff I dont even like...
256mb play list
10 Master and Slave.wma
09 Charlotte Sometimes.wma
03 Sexual Revolution.wma
02 Femme Fatale.mp3
04 You and the Mona Lisa.wma
18 Twinkle.wma
09 Weather Experience.mp3
01 The Way.mp3
16 Six Little Ducks.wma
11 Suspension Without Suspense.wma
24 The United States.wma
07 Track 07.mp3
03 Pax Deorum.wma
01 BND.wma
02 Play for Today.wma
02 Pantala Naga Pampa.wma
01 Oceanside.wma
07 Whenever.wma
03 Miserable Lie.wma
06 Four Leaf Clover.wma
01 Watermark.wma
03 Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon).wma
08 Feel It.wma
09 Who Killed Marilyn- [#].MP3
07 Shameless.wma
04 Frozen Charlotte.wma
03 Right Hand Man.wma
05 Another First Kiss.wma
08 A Flea and a Fly.wma
11 Forest Hymn.wma
13 Do the Slag.MP3
08 Animal Serenade.wma
11 We Walk.wma
04 One of the Three.wma
04 Live as You Dream.wma
06 Frosti.mp3
02 Shake the Disease.wma
05 Magics in the Makeup.wma
01 All the Pretty Little Ponies.wma
13 Roly Poly.wma
09 Break So Easily.wma
10 Waiting for Wednesday.wma
18 No One Is Innocent.mp3
10 Sometimes.wma
14 Dark Blue.wma
03 Wash My Hands.wma
01 Banquet.wma
07 Hard Times.wma
06 Peaches.wma
128mb playlist
09 Candy Everybody Wants.wma
01 Puddle Stomping.wma
Tori Amos - Lovesong (The Cure cover (live)).mp3
09 Subdivision.wma
05 Gepetto.wma
18 Boys - Bauhaus.MP3
11 London Dungeon.MP3
06 Arrow of Truth.wma
11 Anticipate.wma
02 Hollywood Babylon.MP3
07 Fantasia on Greensleeves for Harp, Flute, & String.wma
13 Stockton Gala Days.wma
09 Paul Revere.MP3
06 FREEDOM.wma
08 Watch Your Step.wma
04 So What.wma
02 Take Me to the River.wma
03 God In An Alcove.MP3
07 Old Mr. Heffer.wma
16 In Here.wma
05 How Much Wood.wma
15 Mephisto Waltz.MP3
11 The Arrivals Gate.wma
02 O.K.wma
Anyway here is what It picked for me last night. I dont even know what group some of these are...I have 6006 song at home so I get a very wide mix from Kids songs to Punk to Holiday Songs to Stuff I dont even like...
256mb play list
10 Master and Slave.wma
09 Charlotte Sometimes.wma
03 Sexual Revolution.wma
02 Femme Fatale.mp3
04 You and the Mona Lisa.wma
18 Twinkle.wma
09 Weather Experience.mp3
01 The Way.mp3
16 Six Little Ducks.wma
11 Suspension Without Suspense.wma
24 The United States.wma
07 Track 07.mp3
03 Pax Deorum.wma
01 BND.wma
02 Play for Today.wma
02 Pantala Naga Pampa.wma
01 Oceanside.wma
07 Whenever.wma
03 Miserable Lie.wma
06 Four Leaf Clover.wma
01 Watermark.wma
03 Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon).wma
08 Feel It.wma
09 Who Killed Marilyn- [#].MP3
07 Shameless.wma
04 Frozen Charlotte.wma
03 Right Hand Man.wma
05 Another First Kiss.wma
08 A Flea and a Fly.wma
11 Forest Hymn.wma
13 Do the Slag.MP3
08 Animal Serenade.wma
11 We Walk.wma
04 One of the Three.wma
04 Live as You Dream.wma
06 Frosti.mp3
02 Shake the Disease.wma
05 Magics in the Makeup.wma
01 All the Pretty Little Ponies.wma
13 Roly Poly.wma
09 Break So Easily.wma
10 Waiting for Wednesday.wma
18 No One Is Innocent.mp3
10 Sometimes.wma
14 Dark Blue.wma
03 Wash My Hands.wma
01 Banquet.wma
07 Hard Times.wma
06 Peaches.wma
128mb playlist
09 Candy Everybody Wants.wma
01 Puddle Stomping.wma
Tori Amos - Lovesong (The Cure cover (live)).mp3
09 Subdivision.wma
05 Gepetto.wma
18 Boys - Bauhaus.MP3
11 London Dungeon.MP3
06 Arrow of Truth.wma
11 Anticipate.wma
02 Hollywood Babylon.MP3
07 Fantasia on Greensleeves for Harp, Flute, & String.wma
13 Stockton Gala Days.wma
09 Paul Revere.MP3
06 FREEDOM.wma
08 Watch Your Step.wma
04 So What.wma
02 Take Me to the River.wma
03 God In An Alcove.MP3
07 Old Mr. Heffer.wma
16 In Here.wma
05 How Much Wood.wma
15 Mephisto Waltz.MP3
11 The Arrivals Gate.wma
02 O.K.wma
Green Drink!
Friday, March 18, 2005
Some random pictures...

R.E.M. - Driver 8
The walls are built up, stone by stone, the fields divided one by one.
And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8,
Driver 8 take a break We've been on this shift too long"
And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8,
Driver 8 take a break We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away"
I saw a treehouse on the outskirts of the farm.
The power lines have floaters so the airplanes won't get snagged. (I love that line.)
Bells are ringing through the town again,
Children look up, all they hear is sky-blue, bells ringing
And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break
We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away"
Way to shield the hated heat. Way to put myself to sleep.
Way to shield the hated heat. Way to put myself, my children to sleep.
He piloted this song in a plane like that one.
She is selling faith on the Go Tell crusade.
Locomotive 8, Southern Crescent, hear the bells ring again.
Field to weed is stricken thin
And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break
We've been on this shift too long."
And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break
We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away"
But we're still a ways away.

I'm not sure why but my finger started to hurt under my finger nail when i did looked like a bruise or something under my went away.


ANother "I dont kow quite what this is but it was fun" link
I put this here and in my link section to the right.
(from madamekat the wife of Jason, that we use to hang with once in a while.)
(from madamekat the wife of Jason, that we use to hang with once in a while.)
Nice day at the park, SGG gang coming over tonight
Another nice day to be outside. There are only a few piles of snow/ice left at the park.
The SGG gang is over tonight for one ritual or another. Maybe we will get some DDR in also
As long as things go OK and we still get a TV I have found a 32" SHARP at Best Buy for $299. Circuit City also has there House brand 32" ESA for the same price. Id go with the sharp first. Now we have to find a nice Cabnint for them. I thin kwe can pull i off for @ $500.
Our federal and state tax returns were both accepted anw we wait for the return. Federal should be back before the 29th or on the 25th. I have no idea when the State will come back.
The SGG gang is over tonight for one ritual or another. Maybe we will get some DDR in also
As long as things go OK and we still get a TV I have found a 32" SHARP at Best Buy for $299. Circuit City also has there House brand 32" ESA for the same price. Id go with the sharp first. Now we have to find a nice Cabnint for them. I thin kwe can pull i off for @ $500.
Our federal and state tax returns were both accepted anw we wait for the return. Federal should be back before the 29th or on the 25th. I have no idea when the State will come back.
Site-Flavored Google Search
I added this to my links section. I am not quite sure what it does yet...
Site-Flavored Google Search
Site-Flavored Google Search
Thursday, March 17, 2005
32 is bigger than 27, Bearings are good now.
I went to Circuit City on the way home last night to check for these kids VideoNow cassets that people were finding for 1 cent. I did not see any of them but i did look at the TV's again. I walked by the 27" ers and thought "these are big enough", then I walked past the 32" ESA...mmmm now thats a nice size and for $300 its a good price too.
Oh the bearings are feeling very good again. I guess the cleaning was a success. For now. And just for you Rowan the lub on the balls seems to have worked fine. The balls feel very free and smooth.
Some of the regulars were back at the park Ledge Skater showed for the first time since the snow and real cold started and bikder are showing up again.
Oh the bearings are feeling very good again. I guess the cleaning was a success. For now. And just for you Rowan the lub on the balls seems to have worked fine. The balls feel very free and smooth.
Some of the regulars were back at the park Ledge Skater showed for the first time since the snow and real cold started and bikder are showing up again.
32 is bigger than 27, Bearings are good now.
I went to Circuit City on the way home last night to check for these kids VideoNow cassets that people were finding for 1 cent. I did not see any of them but i did look at the TV's again. I walked by the 27" ers and thought "these are big enough", then I walked past the 32" ESA...mmmm now thats a nice size and for $300 its a good price too.
Oh the bearings are feeling very good again. I guess the cleaning was a success. For now.
Some of the regulars were back at the park Ledge Skater showed for the first time since the snow and real cold started and bikder are showing up again.
Oh the bearings are feeling very good again. I guess the cleaning was a success. For now.
Some of the regulars were back at the park Ledge Skater showed for the first time since the snow and real cold started and bikder are showing up again.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Cleaned my Bones REDS...
Now that the park is thawing and you can actually skate the whole thing, I can feel that my bearings are slowing down after being run through snow and water. I followed the directions, losely, here Bones Swiss Skateboard Bearings » Skate Bearings Engineered for Skateboarding to clean them.
Everything went smooth until I took them out of the final rinse and 4 of them had the balls come out. I tried forcefully to put them back in but I was not getting anywhere. I finally decided to snap the red ring back on and stack the balls in against that and then put the middle piece in. When that worked I was able to spread the balls after that and put them back in there socket thing.
I should have taken pictures...
I noticed some of them had some rust forming so a new set for about $15 looks to be in teh future. I lubed them up with some oil from my hair clippers, so Ill see how that works out.
Everything went smooth until I took them out of the final rinse and 4 of them had the balls come out. I tried forcefully to put them back in but I was not getting anywhere. I finally decided to snap the red ring back on and stack the balls in against that and then put the middle piece in. When that worked I was able to spread the balls after that and put them back in there socket thing.
I should have taken pictures...
I noticed some of them had some rust forming so a new set for about $15 looks to be in teh future. I lubed them up with some oil from my hair clippers, so Ill see how that works out.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Cool stuff somebody made >>>Clocky
These alarm clocks that move are so fun. The power supply looks a bit hazardous. I would be afraid that it would roll away and start a fire.
Monday, March 14, 2005
The SNOW that won't go...
The Joy of ...
Skateboarding. What a beautiful day. the park was mostly dry and it was great to be able to use the whole park again. Every time I droped in I had a big dumb smile on my face. Even a hard slam brought a smile on. The only thing right now that is better than the feeling I have when skating is seeing Rubys big blue eyes light up and her face break into a smile when I see her... It's near bliss....sigh.

Over to the Spine

Box o Death

Down at the spine
I need to look into new headphones. I want to check the ones that fit into your ear canal. The RCA Lyra ones stay on good but the right one is starting to crack and they look a bit goofy. Ill add some pictures later.

Over to the Spine

Box o Death

Down at the spine

I need to look into new headphones. I want to check the ones that fit into your ear canal. The RCA Lyra ones stay on good but the right one is starting to crack and they look a bit goofy. Ill add some pictures later.
Filed Taxes via TurboTax Online
Just a quick note, that we filed Federal and state taxes via TurboTax Online today. I have to wait for the acceptance email and then its 8 to 15 days for the refund.
Gary builds a home made projection screen tv thing...
So, I got to experiance one of those do-it-your self projection screens this weekend. Sarah's Dad built one for about $50. it's pretty cool and makes you want a really big TV. We watched a couple family guys, checked out some snippets from other DVD's and palyed some PS2. He has a better LCD screen waiting for some cables and he will run the dvd's and stuff through a laptop for better color and resizing control. For now the contrast is either to bright or to dark for the PS2, at least for SSX3, DDR played just fine. The family guy was a bit washed out. The new screen and color control should make it fine. I guess the only bad thing is that the room has to be pretty dark too. Here are some pics.
The Screen

The Projector (he said he would give me the LCD if I wanted to try to make my own...)

HEre is the Family guy on the Screen.

more fg
Here is the Family Guy on the LCD.

on the projector
The Screen


The Projector (he said he would give me the LCD if I wanted to try to make my own...)


HEre is the Family guy on the Screen.

more fg

Here is the Family Guy on the LCD.

on the projector

Friday, March 11, 2005
All I want is an All in one.
I am going to dig out my blue old navy sling bag again. I was carrying a new breifcase type bag around and putting al of my stuff in that but I dont like being tied down like that. So Ill put the MP3 player, PDA, sometimes the phone and the Camera into the sling bag. What I really want at some point is something like this:
T-Mobile Germany’s SDA II and SDA II Music Smartphones - Engadget -
phone:music:pda:camera in one device. So i could just grab that and my wallet and be on my way thank you.
T-Mobile Germany’s SDA II and SDA II Music Smartphones - Engadget -
phone:music:pda:camera in one device. So i could just grab that and my wallet and be on my way thank you.
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