Thursday, September 30, 2004
Almost lost my Stick and KDE3.3 what a Breeze and Almost done Buffy.
My Skate History Repeats it Self, Almost
So this is how it happened in, oh lets see in 1996 I think. I was attending Antonelli and working at Domino's full time. My skating had slowed down a bit but I still got out when I could. For some reason I was skating at the old Antonelli building and stopped for a bit to sit in my truck and listen to the Eagles game. I drove off leaving my board alone in the parking lot. I realized it when I got home and raced back but it was gone. I think it was my Santa Cruz Everslick board. The place was a local skate spot so some kids probably came by and picked it up... I would have done the same. I didn't get another board until 4 or 5 years later. :o(
So yesterday I am at my little lunchtime skate spot. I got back in the car to change and closed the door. I got changed a sat there for a minute thinking if I could get in trouble for changing in my car in that parking lot and if I would be able to change in the lot of the Skate Park . Anyway, I drive off back to work. As I am getting in the car to leave for the day I glance at the back seat and notice that board isn't there. I sit in the car for a sec and then realize that I didn't get back out and pick up my board! Dread overtakes me...I start to think of what I can sell to get another board...and the skate park opens Monday, figures. I take off for the lunchtime skate spot. In my head I am playing out both scenarios. In one I see the board from far off and am relieved in the other, the board is gone and I cry. The spot is only like 2 mins from TV Guide, if that. I whip through a shortcut that I just found today and start to scope out the parking lot from a distance. Then I see it. A small red spot near the edge of the lot! Whoopee! I feel my luck gathering again. I swoop in to get the board at the same time another car turns into the lot. I know that the car is not going for my board but I feel like it is. I drive a little crazier through the lot. I pick up the board and apologize to it and give it a little kiss. Yea, I said kiss, what'chu going to do about it? 8o|
KDE 3.3 install was a Breeze
The install went very easy actually there were problems at all. I found very easy instructions (sometimes very easy instructions for Linux stuff is hard to find.). It was basically 1-download all of the RPM's 2-open a Console window in that directory and sign in as root. 3-enter this: rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps *.rpm let it do its thing. 4-reboot and you are done.
Almost done Buffy
I caught up on Buffy last night, so now we can watch the last episode... Angle awaits us next I think its season 4.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Walk in the Rain, KDE3.3, late night Buffy and skate stuff.
Walk in the Rain
I grabed my umbrella and headed out for my walk yesterday. The remnents of Hurricane Jeneane, i think it is, were entering the area. First stop was the Credit union so I could deposit a meager 40 bucks so I could partially pay the trash bill. The guy ahead of me was checking his balances...among his other accounts he had $6000 in savings.. :o(
I stoped at the car to grab my English book to read. I remembered also that I was not going to be at class this Saturday because of G's birthday :o) So I left the book behind and started off. I thought I would try to play Space Trader on my PDA. The rain was a bit much and it was getting on the screen so I decided to just walk and think. I started to plan out my project for my Non-western Soc class. It will be in web format and be about the amount of oil left in the world...hmmm, i should ask the teacher if that is enough on topic. I should have wrote right after I walked because i worked out a couple other things while doing my 4 laps and now i forget them. At one point it really started to come down, it was pretty cool.
More Linux and KDE3.3
I started getting Karamba configured last night...I converted some icons from gray to green and changed the format from .svg to .png. I am downloading KDE3.3 today and will install that tonight or tomorrow depending how long the coven stuff takes tonight. I also make my linux partition bigger. i'd love to wipe both drives and repartition them..but I just wait till i get a bigger hard drive.
Late night with Buffy
Again Sarah woke up at 12 as I was getting ready to go to bed and wanted to watch buffy. We watched two and then i went to bed at two. she must have watched two more as she was up till four!
Skate Stuff
I stoped by the park again today before skating. It looks to be done, unfortunatly. I am no skatepark designer but it looks like they left out a ramp. As you go into the park, about the size of a tennis court, to your left going away from you there is a quarter pipe. That Pipe leads to a spine. On the other side of the spine is another QP that hips to a mini-ramp. Off of the other hip is a bank that heads to a big fund box. this is where the problem is. there should be another bank or QP on the other side of the FunBox so that you can keep moving. Oh well it will be fun to learn going over the hip. Its something we never had back in the day.
I came across this web page today. Fix the Fountains at Balboa Park in San Diego. They are trying to get the skate industry to put up some money to pay for damamge to a fountain, yhea right. There is an area to send out a spam message in support of getting money from the companies. i used the spot to push for the government to take action and get free public skateparks.
Lots of Rain
Whew, we got a ton of rain last night. i think I made it down some roads that were probably closed down not to long after i went down them due to flooding.
I grabed my umbrella and headed out for my walk yesterday. The remnents of Hurricane Jeneane, i think it is, were entering the area. First stop was the Credit union so I could deposit a meager 40 bucks so I could partially pay the trash bill. The guy ahead of me was checking his balances...among his other accounts he had $6000 in savings.. :o(
I stoped at the car to grab my English book to read. I remembered also that I was not going to be at class this Saturday because of G's birthday :o) So I left the book behind and started off. I thought I would try to play Space Trader on my PDA. The rain was a bit much and it was getting on the screen so I decided to just walk and think. I started to plan out my project for my Non-western Soc class. It will be in web format and be about the amount of oil left in the world...hmmm, i should ask the teacher if that is enough on topic. I should have wrote right after I walked because i worked out a couple other things while doing my 4 laps and now i forget them. At one point it really started to come down, it was pretty cool.
More Linux and KDE3.3
I started getting Karamba configured last night...I converted some icons from gray to green and changed the format from .svg to .png. I am downloading KDE3.3 today and will install that tonight or tomorrow depending how long the coven stuff takes tonight. I also make my linux partition bigger. i'd love to wipe both drives and repartition them..but I just wait till i get a bigger hard drive.
Late night with Buffy
Again Sarah woke up at 12 as I was getting ready to go to bed and wanted to watch buffy. We watched two and then i went to bed at two. she must have watched two more as she was up till four!
Skate Stuff
I stoped by the park again today before skating. It looks to be done, unfortunatly. I am no skatepark designer but it looks like they left out a ramp. As you go into the park, about the size of a tennis court, to your left going away from you there is a quarter pipe. That Pipe leads to a spine. On the other side of the spine is another QP that hips to a mini-ramp. Off of the other hip is a bank that heads to a big fund box. this is where the problem is. there should be another bank or QP on the other side of the FunBox so that you can keep moving. Oh well it will be fun to learn going over the hip. Its something we never had back in the day.
I came across this web page today. Fix the Fountains at Balboa Park in San Diego. They are trying to get the skate industry to put up some money to pay for damamge to a fountain, yhea right. There is an area to send out a spam message in support of getting money from the companies. i used the spot to push for the government to take action and get free public skateparks.
Lots of Rain
Whew, we got a ton of rain last night. i think I made it down some roads that were probably closed down not to long after i went down them due to flooding.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Baby Swings, Back Up and AutoGK Freezes up
Baby Swings
Not the real baby mind you, but Gryphons Baby. G took his belt and hooked it between two chairs. Then took a lanyard and attached it to the other side and hung baby from that mess and he swung. Then we attached G's little Bob the Builder lunch box to the lanyard. We used some rubber bands to keep the lunch box open so that baby could sit ontop and a intruding bear could swing under the box.
We read a book about getting to know the Thomas trains. Brushed teeth. Then both of us fell asleep on the bed after a while. I of course got back up.
Back up
With Sarah now sleeping and recovering from being sick and heartburn i decided to convert the little house disk 1 into an AVI and burn some other AVI's and burn back up disks of my Documents folder. I updated my magic online game and poked around at the cards I still had there. I played one game, lost. I should take my meger decks to the more casual room. I can't keep up with the new decks with my now ageing online cards. I started a sealed deck game in the old MicroProMagic (I'll call them MTGO=Magic Online and MPMagic=Microprose magic from now on). The AutoGK program frooze when i shut all my other programs down for the night...gahh 4 hours of wasted processing time.
Sarah woke up and we watched 2 more buffy's. I was trying to get to sleep at 12 but feeling bad for Sarah I stayed up to 2 and watched the buffy's.
Not the real baby mind you, but Gryphons Baby. G took his belt and hooked it between two chairs. Then took a lanyard and attached it to the other side and hung baby from that mess and he swung. Then we attached G's little Bob the Builder lunch box to the lanyard. We used some rubber bands to keep the lunch box open so that baby could sit ontop and a intruding bear could swing under the box.
We read a book about getting to know the Thomas trains. Brushed teeth. Then both of us fell asleep on the bed after a while. I of course got back up.
Back up
With Sarah now sleeping and recovering from being sick and heartburn i decided to convert the little house disk 1 into an AVI and burn some other AVI's and burn back up disks of my Documents folder. I updated my magic online game and poked around at the cards I still had there. I played one game, lost. I should take my meger decks to the more casual room. I can't keep up with the new decks with my now ageing online cards. I started a sealed deck game in the old MicroProMagic (I'll call them MTGO=Magic Online and MPMagic=Microprose magic from now on). The AutoGK program frooze when i shut all my other programs down for the night...gahh 4 hours of wasted processing time.
Sarah woke up and we watched 2 more buffy's. I was trying to get to sleep at 12 but feeling bad for Sarah I stayed up to 2 and watched the buffy's.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Extended Weekend...
S is for Sarah and Sick
Sarah started on a flu/sinus infection last night and it knocked her down today. I left work soon after I got there to come home and help her out. Along with being sick she was able to find something to give her horrible heartburn.
Go fly a kite
I took G over to castle Park to fly kites. Ya'know what flying kites and no wind equal up to....right, a lot of running :o) Gryphon really enjoyed himself though. After a couple laps of kite running we walked down to the little amphitheater. Gryphon got up on the stage and I got him to do a bunch of Elton john songs. Actually after he did his first he kept going with-out encouragement. He would go around the back and I would chant his name and cheer. He would come stomping out (why he was stomping I am not quite sure, maybe he thinks it is rock star like :o) and perform his songs. He did "crocodile Rock", "Benny and the Jets", "Get back honky cat", "Saturday" and then busted out songs from his other group "...I'll have to get the name again. He would walk around to the back stage area between every song.
RTS Skatepark update
I stopped by the park on the way home and they are very close to being finished. The ramps look larger than the Skatewave stuff I was used to. Maybe that's due to them allowing bankers in. The best thing was that they are not going to monitor the park and pads are only "highly recommended" Whohooo! I may still just wear knee pads since Ill be going during lunches.
Well I got the scale back up to 173. I haven't been there for a month or 2. I have to start watching what I am eating again. I should be able to knock the bread stuff out again...
Suse 9.1
I have a few things that I need Linux to be able to o do for me to make a major switch.
that's it so far...Every thing else works fine. The net connection seems slower than from windows and the CPU seems to get overloaded quickly for some reason.
Sarah started on a flu/sinus infection last night and it knocked her down today. I left work soon after I got there to come home and help her out. Along with being sick she was able to find something to give her horrible heartburn.
Go fly a kite
I took G over to castle Park to fly kites. Ya'know what flying kites and no wind equal up to....right, a lot of running :o) Gryphon really enjoyed himself though. After a couple laps of kite running we walked down to the little amphitheater. Gryphon got up on the stage and I got him to do a bunch of Elton john songs. Actually after he did his first he kept going with-out encouragement. He would go around the back and I would chant his name and cheer. He would come stomping out (why he was stomping I am not quite sure, maybe he thinks it is rock star like :o) and perform his songs. He did "crocodile Rock", "Benny and the Jets", "Get back honky cat", "Saturday" and then busted out songs from his other group "...I'll have to get the name again. He would walk around to the back stage area between every song.
RTS Skatepark update
I stopped by the park on the way home and they are very close to being finished. The ramps look larger than the Skatewave stuff I was used to. Maybe that's due to them allowing bankers in. The best thing was that they are not going to monitor the park and pads are only "highly recommended" Whohooo! I may still just wear knee pads since Ill be going during lunches.
Well I got the scale back up to 173. I haven't been there for a month or 2. I have to start watching what I am eating again. I should be able to knock the bread stuff out again...
Suse 9.1
I have a few things that I need Linux to be able to o do for me to make a major switch.
- Play Avi's - Cant get it to work
- Rip DVD's - Haven't tried.
- convert DVD files to avi - Haven't Tried
that's it so far...Every thing else works fine. The net connection seems slower than from windows and the CPU seems to get overloaded quickly for some reason.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
To Much to Go Back Over...
radiator fixed, sign messed up, birthday plans made, stuff gathered for birth, dinner at rowans, mabone cancelled..week 5 of school, sarah getting sick...NEVER A DULL MOMENT!
Friday, September 24, 2004
Sir. Yes? I belive we have run out of luck, Sir. Hmmm...yes I see that....
Wow! What a full day...get ready, get set...go!
Good Start
I took the day off so that we could go to the "back-up" OBGYN for an appointment at 4 and get stuff done before that.
The Sign
We got the first couple layers of polyurothane down on the sign. We will just need to flip it over and coat the back also. It sounds like we will not have to be held to putting the sign up, which is good...because I am not that "handy".
The Day Goes Down Hill from Here, Fast!
First stop Taget
So we had bought this thing that goes on a booster car seat so that Gryphons head would not slump to the side if he fell asleep. It ended up pushing his head forward and being very uncomfortable and not preventing his head from slumping. So we had it for a while and we decided to return it to target. I go in and of course forget my Debit card which is how we bought it. So we either have to exchange it right there or come back later with my card. i deceide to wait as we are under some time contraints and we still have to go food shoping.
Trust your feelings
So we head back toward Fresh Fields and find a police detour at the light we need to make a left onto, the light we were just at 5 minuts ago. So we go toward home and there is another detour at the next light. They are not letting anyone come down the road we are comeing out of. At this point we figure there is an accident and Sarah mentions that maybe we should just scrap the food shopping for now. No, not us. We loop back around and head toward 309 to come in to Whole Foods from the other side. We hit traffic and allot of it. Now we know its an accident. there is a helicopter hovering near where the 309 intersection would be if we were close enought to see it. We turn on KYW and here that it is a jackknifed tractor trailer. Oh yhea...
Where there is Smoke...
...There is fire! More like mental and pschological fire...or a fire bomb. So we are sitting there in the traffic and smoke starts to rise from the hood, f!@#! We find a road through an industrial park and the movement keeps the smoke down. We end up on the other road to fresh fields and run into another Police blockade. We tell him we are just trying to get to Whole Foods and he ltes us through. I pop the hood and there is a small crack in the plastic part on top of the radiator. We decide to do the shopping if nothing else to let the traffic die down. While inside we here that the truck that crashed was a tanker truck and it spilled 8000 gallons of Aspalt... The traffic is not going to be letting out anytime soon. So we work our way back out to the road and with the heater blasting, it's supposed to help keep the heat off of the engine we sit throught the traffic and make it home with no more smoke.
It figures the car does this since it gets inspected on Friday and we were planning/ budgeting on nothing being wrong with it...
Long Car Ride to the OBGYN
So, we get home and switch cars and make the long haul to Lankeneua hospital. If there were an emergency this would not be the place we would want to have to make a trip to. So long story short. The guys was very nice very pro-homebirth, respected our choices, blah, blah. Sounds like this guy was nicer than the guy our friend Amy went to.
Ease into the Night
If not for the leaky radiator I guess the day would not ahve been that horrible. i did get 4 coats on the sign and then we watched 2 episodes of Little House on Prarie for G. he was such a good sport with al of the running around.
I finished rewriting my English paper and messed around with Suse a little. We take the Stanza in for the inspection tomorrow.
This is more to write but...I am getting tired of writing so I am done.
Good Start
I took the day off so that we could go to the "back-up" OBGYN for an appointment at 4 and get stuff done before that.
The Sign
We got the first couple layers of polyurothane down on the sign. We will just need to flip it over and coat the back also. It sounds like we will not have to be held to putting the sign up, which is good...because I am not that "handy".
The Day Goes Down Hill from Here, Fast!
First stop Taget
So we had bought this thing that goes on a booster car seat so that Gryphons head would not slump to the side if he fell asleep. It ended up pushing his head forward and being very uncomfortable and not preventing his head from slumping. So we had it for a while and we decided to return it to target. I go in and of course forget my Debit card which is how we bought it. So we either have to exchange it right there or come back later with my card. i deceide to wait as we are under some time contraints and we still have to go food shoping.
Trust your feelings
So we head back toward Fresh Fields and find a police detour at the light we need to make a left onto, the light we were just at 5 minuts ago. So we go toward home and there is another detour at the next light. They are not letting anyone come down the road we are comeing out of. At this point we figure there is an accident and Sarah mentions that maybe we should just scrap the food shopping for now. No, not us. We loop back around and head toward 309 to come in to Whole Foods from the other side. We hit traffic and allot of it. Now we know its an accident. there is a helicopter hovering near where the 309 intersection would be if we were close enought to see it. We turn on KYW and here that it is a jackknifed tractor trailer. Oh yhea...
Where there is Smoke...
...There is fire! More like mental and pschological fire...or a fire bomb. So we are sitting there in the traffic and smoke starts to rise from the hood, f!@#! We find a road through an industrial park and the movement keeps the smoke down. We end up on the other road to fresh fields and run into another Police blockade. We tell him we are just trying to get to Whole Foods and he ltes us through. I pop the hood and there is a small crack in the plastic part on top of the radiator. We decide to do the shopping if nothing else to let the traffic die down. While inside we here that the truck that crashed was a tanker truck and it spilled 8000 gallons of Aspalt... The traffic is not going to be letting out anytime soon. So we work our way back out to the road and with the heater blasting, it's supposed to help keep the heat off of the engine we sit throught the traffic and make it home with no more smoke.
It figures the car does this since it gets inspected on Friday and we were planning/ budgeting on nothing being wrong with it...
Long Car Ride to the OBGYN
So, we get home and switch cars and make the long haul to Lankeneua hospital. If there were an emergency this would not be the place we would want to have to make a trip to. So long story short. The guys was very nice very pro-homebirth, respected our choices, blah, blah. Sounds like this guy was nicer than the guy our friend Amy went to.
Ease into the Night
If not for the leaky radiator I guess the day would not ahve been that horrible. i did get 4 coats on the sign and then we watched 2 episodes of Little House on Prarie for G. he was such a good sport with al of the running around.
I finished rewriting my English paper and messed around with Suse a little. We take the Stanza in for the inspection tomorrow.
This is more to write but...I am getting tired of writing so I am done.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Something Fell Off The Car, TV Guide Picnic and Skatepark Update.
Something Fell off of the Car
Nice. I was riding along and heard something scraping when I would hit bumps. I was close to the road that WINGS Airport is on. So I pulled over on a road that goes by the end of the runway and heard something fall from the car and slide across the ground. It looks like its only protective plate for something. It must have rusted away and it looked liek it was just holding on by a thread. I showed it to Brian at work and he said it wasn't dangerous but might be a good idea if I could reconnect it somehow.
TV Guide, Ad Production picnic
We had our TV Guide Department Picnic today at Fenimore Woods. I didn't have money but I usually bring veggie dogs or burgers. I still found enough to eat, mostly junk. Then we had a freindly but very close volley ball match. The teams only had 4 aside but It worked out well. In the past we just left from there but this time it was 12 to 3 and we had to come back to work.
Skatepark Update
Brian brought me a flyer from the Township building. They are haveing the grand opening on the 2nd of October. Thats a Satturday so I won't and wouldn't want to go then, but believe me I'll be there that next Monday to check it out! He said he saw them ncovering the ramps that hve been coverd in the parking lot.
Nice. I was riding along and heard something scraping when I would hit bumps. I was close to the road that WINGS Airport is on. So I pulled over on a road that goes by the end of the runway and heard something fall from the car and slide across the ground. It looks like its only protective plate for something. It must have rusted away and it looked liek it was just holding on by a thread. I showed it to Brian at work and he said it wasn't dangerous but might be a good idea if I could reconnect it somehow.
TV Guide, Ad Production picnic
We had our TV Guide Department Picnic today at Fenimore Woods. I didn't have money but I usually bring veggie dogs or burgers. I still found enough to eat, mostly junk. Then we had a freindly but very close volley ball match. The teams only had 4 aside but It worked out well. In the past we just left from there but this time it was 12 to 3 and we had to come back to work.
Skatepark Update
Brian brought me a flyer from the Township building. They are haveing the grand opening on the 2nd of October. Thats a Satturday so I won't and wouldn't want to go then, but believe me I'll be there that next Monday to check it out! He said he saw them ncovering the ramps that hve been coverd in the parking lot.
Installed Suse 9.1
I got in on a free Novell/Suse resource kit, 3 DVD's of Linux stuff. I came last week and since I was at a point were I wanted to get back on Linux I decided to install it over my Mandrake 9.2 install. The thing that was holding me back was that , I thought that LInux didnt support my WinModem. I had done alot of research and nver could get it to work. I eventually bought a cheap external modem that worked with Linux but droped alot while in windows. The last time I rebuit the machine I was using WinXP alot and decided to just go with the WinModem. So last night I hooked the external modem back up with plans to run the telephone line through the external and into the internal. I was happily surprised that the Suse 9.1 install saw the WinModem and worked with it. i got the whole thing running and while I started typeing up my English paper in Open Office I downloaded Firefox and got that running. I am going to check out another desktop, right now I have KDE 3.2 running.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Cats, Skateboarding, Birthday for G, Baby, Football, Student Loans and More
Cool Skate DVD
I watched a really cool Skate DVD last night STREETS: San Francisco. It took you on a tour of the popular street skating spots. The one spot they showed has een around for ever and has been in some of the older skate videos. it was neat to see people talking about the spots and not just skateing them. It even had an interveiw with Mark Gonzales, one of my idols of skateboarding.
Skate or Die
I decided to get more skateboarding in during the lunch breaks. I am losing weight with the walking but I think the skateing will help tone...come on skatepark.
Speaking of the Skatepark
I did a quick drive by today and the orange fences are down and they were putting some bleachers up in the grass.
Birthday for G
Again of course we are tight on money for Gryphons party...I feel so horrible about it :o( One of these times I'll give him a great birthday, well hopefully more than once. Sucks... I m going to see if I can sell my Hamilton collection Star Wars plates. Maybe I can get him some extra money for him. sucks.
The only sport that I will take time out to watch is Football. I don't plan my life around it but if I am in the right spot I'll watch or listen to it. The Eagles beat the Vikings in Monday Night Football last night. they also beat the Giants last sunday so they are 2-0 so far and look very good.
From the paying for school dept
I called school because it did not look like I was going to be able to cover my 3 and 4th term this semester. Lead, told me they don't process the Pell grants that far ahead and I should get money from them at that time. Cool, one less thing to worry about.
Turn Baby, Turn.
Kate , the Mid-wife, said that the baby is not quite in the right position yet. She recomended that Sarah do more "hands and knees" yoga poses, such as the cat
Cats Need A Home
Still no luck on finding new homes for the cats. They are to old for most shelters to want them. I guess we are just going to continue to ask around and hold tight and see if Kratz pushes the issue any further.
Blooger and Safari don't play well together
I have noticed that when I use blogger from home with Firefox there are alot more options and the spell check works better. So excuse my spelling. Right now I am using Safari on OSX.
I watched a really cool Skate DVD last night STREETS: San Francisco. It took you on a tour of the popular street skating spots. The one spot they showed has een around for ever and has been in some of the older skate videos. it was neat to see people talking about the spots and not just skateing them. It even had an interveiw with Mark Gonzales, one of my idols of skateboarding.
Skate or Die
I decided to get more skateboarding in during the lunch breaks. I am losing weight with the walking but I think the skateing will help tone...come on skatepark.
Speaking of the Skatepark
I did a quick drive by today and the orange fences are down and they were putting some bleachers up in the grass.
Birthday for G
Again of course we are tight on money for Gryphons party...I feel so horrible about it :o( One of these times I'll give him a great birthday, well hopefully more than once. Sucks... I m going to see if I can sell my Hamilton collection Star Wars plates. Maybe I can get him some extra money for him. sucks.
The only sport that I will take time out to watch is Football. I don't plan my life around it but if I am in the right spot I'll watch or listen to it. The Eagles beat the Vikings in Monday Night Football last night. they also beat the Giants last sunday so they are 2-0 so far and look very good.
From the paying for school dept
I called school because it did not look like I was going to be able to cover my 3 and 4th term this semester. Lead, told me they don't process the Pell grants that far ahead and I should get money from them at that time. Cool, one less thing to worry about.
Turn Baby, Turn.
Kate , the Mid-wife, said that the baby is not quite in the right position yet. She recomended that Sarah do more "hands and knees" yoga poses, such as the cat

Cats Need A Home
Still no luck on finding new homes for the cats. They are to old for most shelters to want them. I guess we are just going to continue to ask around and hold tight and see if Kratz pushes the issue any further.
Blooger and Safari don't play well together
I have noticed that when I use blogger from home with Firefox there are alot more options and the spell check works better. So excuse my spelling. Right now I am using Safari on OSX.
Monday, September 20, 2004
How Far Back can I remember Thrasher?
[Thrasher] 1986
[Thrasher] 1987
[Thrasher] 1988
[Thrasher] 1989
[Thrasher] 1990
I found the Thrasher cover archives. I must have started buying it in 1986 because I remember all of these covers. i looked at the 1985 covers but nothing was ringing a bell...
I must have stoped buying them in 1990. I remember some of them and I don't remember any of the 1991 covers.
[Thrasher] 1987
[Thrasher] 1988
[Thrasher] 1989
[Thrasher] 1990
I found the Thrasher cover archives. I must have started buying it in 1986 because I remember all of these covers. i looked at the 1985 covers but nothing was ringing a bell...
I must have stoped buying them in 1990. I remember some of them and I don't remember any of the 1991 covers.
Pulled out of Jerel's business
I forgot to mention that I pulled out of the Business with Jerel. I can't gave the time right now to what he wanted me to do. I agreed to still be able to do graphics work and some html.
School, poly or umbre thane and reinstalled autogk
School week 4 of 10
English-We got our first papers back. The teacher said that I have the backbone there but my writing style needed to be flushed out. Thats always been my major problem so no surprise there. She gave lots of good suggestions and the revision goes on my list of things to do this week. I still have a hard time seperating between getting involved learning what the stories are about and writing about the story and what all the hidden meanings are...
Non-Western Soc- Again we wove our way around the main topic in a very conversational way and ended getting our first take home "assesment". it basiclsy was going to be 4 small essay questions. he wrote down 3 and then said we could do numbe 3 and one other one. He explained a essay style called 5x5, 5 paragraphs, 5 sentences each with the first stating the idea the next 3 are facts and the last is the conclusion. I'll give it a try.
Poly or umbre -urothane?
The sign painting was fifnished all we had to do was coat it with umbreurothane or something like that. I suggested to try it on the scrap paint tester. came out with a honey color and effected some of the paint also. I knew this was probably the wring stuff. We took it back to home depot, asked the paint people and again they suggest the same stuff so we re bought it. After aksing the "dads" we decided wer would go back and get regular polyuerothane. That is what Sarah used on the Old World Cafe signs and it went on clear and did not seem to mess with the paint.
Re-installed AutoGK
I was cleaning up my folders on the pc and must have messed with something that was included with AutoGK. it would get to one step and then just freeze up and stay that way all night. It takes 5 or 6 hours to take a 4.5gb DVD down to a 650mg AVI. I finnally thought to reinstall it and now its fine.
English-We got our first papers back. The teacher said that I have the backbone there but my writing style needed to be flushed out. Thats always been my major problem so no surprise there. She gave lots of good suggestions and the revision goes on my list of things to do this week. I still have a hard time seperating between getting involved learning what the stories are about and writing about the story and what all the hidden meanings are...
Non-Western Soc- Again we wove our way around the main topic in a very conversational way and ended getting our first take home "assesment". it basiclsy was going to be 4 small essay questions. he wrote down 3 and then said we could do numbe 3 and one other one. He explained a essay style called 5x5, 5 paragraphs, 5 sentences each with the first stating the idea the next 3 are facts and the last is the conclusion. I'll give it a try.
Poly or umbre -urothane?
The sign painting was fifnished all we had to do was coat it with umbreurothane or something like that. I suggested to try it on the scrap paint tester. came out with a honey color and effected some of the paint also. I knew this was probably the wring stuff. We took it back to home depot, asked the paint people and again they suggest the same stuff so we re bought it. After aksing the "dads" we decided wer would go back and get regular polyuerothane. That is what Sarah used on the Old World Cafe signs and it went on clear and did not seem to mess with the paint.
Re-installed AutoGK
I was cleaning up my folders on the pc and must have messed with something that was included with AutoGK. it would get to one step and then just freeze up and stay that way all night. It takes 5 or 6 hours to take a 4.5gb DVD down to a 650mg AVI. I finnally thought to reinstall it and now its fine.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Late for Kate
Late for Kate
By the time I got home from school today it was close to one and our appointment was at 2. We had to stop for gas and since I entered our payment info wrong on our new credit card they ,Capital One,has a hold on our card until it gets fixed. So I had to squeeze 5 bucks out of the main account. By this time we had about 20 minutes to go 40 minutes away. Since we were close we stopped at a pay phone, we have no cell phone yet, for Sarah to try a phone card out. Of course the card was expired so we headed to my parents at 10 of 2. I called Kate and we decided to just hold off and Sarah would just go on Monday. That should be good anyway since the sign will be done and she can take it to her. I was hoping to check on her computer.
By the time I got home from school today it was close to one and our appointment was at 2. We had to stop for gas and since I entered our payment info wrong on our new credit card they ,Capital One,has a hold on our card until it gets fixed. So I had to squeeze 5 bucks out of the main account. By this time we had about 20 minutes to go 40 minutes away. Since we were close we stopped at a pay phone, we have no cell phone yet, for Sarah to try a phone card out. Of course the card was expired so we headed to my parents at 10 of 2. I called Kate and we decided to just hold off and Sarah would just go on Monday. That should be good anyway since the sign will be done and she can take it to her. I was hoping to check on her computer.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Goodbye Cats, Birthday Revamped, Family to the Rescue
Nice Cats Looking for a Good Home
I doesn't look like I mentioned it but our land lords have sent everyone a notice warning that they are going to take action against people who have animals in thier rentals. So of course someof our neighbors get nutty and call the landlords yelling and complaining about it. It makes no sense really. It's written in the lease that we can't have animals. We just took the chance and now they are "calling our bluff". So we now search for new homes for Mister and Missy. i can't imagine putting them in the SPCA....
Party or no Party
We may decide on a different birthday for G. Instead of haveing a party with tons of people we may deceide to dpent the money directly on G and do something fun with him for he day.
Mom and Wendy to the Rescue
Wendy called and told Sarah she was going to come over and help her for a day and that she and Mom would help out with the stuff on our list of things needed for the birth. Got to love them, they are very family orientated. Thanks guys!
I doesn't look like I mentioned it but our land lords have sent everyone a notice warning that they are going to take action against people who have animals in thier rentals. So of course someof our neighbors get nutty and call the landlords yelling and complaining about it. It makes no sense really. It's written in the lease that we can't have animals. We just took the chance and now they are "calling our bluff". So we now search for new homes for Mister and Missy. i can't imagine putting them in the SPCA....
Party or no Party
We may decide on a different birthday for G. Instead of haveing a party with tons of people we may deceide to dpent the money directly on G and do something fun with him for he day.
Mom and Wendy to the Rescue
Wendy called and told Sarah she was going to come over and help her for a day and that she and Mom would help out with the stuff on our list of things needed for the birth. Got to love them, they are very family orientated. Thanks guys!
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Star Wars the TV series?
So George Lucas says that he may turn the reins over to someone to produce a Star Wars TV series..hmmm. That could be cool or very not cool. Cool would be if they turned some novels into short mini series and such. Not-Cool would be doing something like the young Jedi knights...
We will see.
We will see.
Skated, Birthdays, playgroup and Jerel
Mini-Chocholate Bars=Skateing during lunch
Well somebody decided to kill everyone her and bring in a bag of mini-chocolate bars. Since my will power is not where it should be, I felt like I needed more than just walking for exercise. I didn't wear jeans so I decided to change out at my skatespot. It worked out very nice. i just sat in the car and put my shorts and t-shirt on and away I went. This is good because i will be able to do this when the skatepark gets finished, man, I hope they dont get strict about pads there. i should be able to get in about 45mins of park action, at least once a week.
Today is my dad's birthday. He was not at work so i will try to give him call at home and wish him a good one. I know that Kyle's is right about now, I'll send out an email. Sarah finished up G's b-day invites. Hopefully we will have enough money to fund the party and get a gift or two.
We were supposed to speak again today. I can do all the stuff on the site that he would like except the data base stuff. i could probably learn it but if he wants it done faster he may want to find some one else for that part. i left a message for him at his room.
Well somebody decided to kill everyone her and bring in a bag of mini-chocolate bars. Since my will power is not where it should be, I felt like I needed more than just walking for exercise. I didn't wear jeans so I decided to change out at my skatespot. It worked out very nice. i just sat in the car and put my shorts and t-shirt on and away I went. This is good because i will be able to do this when the skatepark gets finished, man, I hope they dont get strict about pads there. i should be able to get in about 45mins of park action, at least once a week.
Today is my dad's birthday. He was not at work so i will try to give him call at home and wish him a good one. I know that Kyle's is right about now, I'll send out an email. Sarah finished up G's b-day invites. Hopefully we will have enough money to fund the party and get a gift or two.
We were supposed to speak again today. I can do all the stuff on the site that he would like except the data base stuff. i could probably learn it but if he wants it done faster he may want to find some one else for that part. i left a message for him at his room.
Belly stretches, Thomas and RIPPED
The baby has been really giving sarah's belly some painful stretches, it seems a bit more than G did but, I'm sure it's all normal.
Boy's night in
Sarah had here meeting with the Sacred Grove of the Goddess gang. That gave me a Gryphon a chance to play. We built a decent track for his Thomas trains and played with them untill bed time. For bed time we finished reading The Littles chapter book.
I saved the Elton John and Little House on the Prarie DVDs so that we can watch them at a later point. I plan on creating avi's and then VCD's out of them.
The baby has been really giving sarah's belly some painful stretches, it seems a bit more than G did but, I'm sure it's all normal.
Boy's night in
Sarah had here meeting with the Sacred Grove of the Goddess gang. That gave me a Gryphon a chance to play. We built a decent track for his Thomas trains and played with them untill bed time. For bed time we finished reading The Littles chapter book.
I saved the Elton John and Little House on the Prarie DVDs so that we can watch them at a later point. I plan on creating avi's and then VCD's out of them.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
White paint...never a dull moment
Sarah just called and told me that she was going to start painting the sign. She went to shake up the white paint and the lid was not on tight...So paint went every where and we lost a lot of the white paint.. :o(
Color me Green
Well not me but, I just checked the RTS skate park and they have painted or sealed the surface with a green substance. There is also a sign that says to stay off so that it can cure and be a state of the art surface.
Business Venture?
After a long conversation with Jerel and checking out some sites he wanted to model his site after i have an idea of what he wants to do. its kind of like a website that sells ad space to people who may not want or need a web page. he would also offer to design and host web sites in the Salon and Spa type industries. The way he wants it to work would work best with a database and .ASP pages. I do not know how to do this but, would be willing to learn. it sounds like I would e investing time upfront for a return on that time at some point. I look at it as chance to get some experiance with .asp.
Elton John and Little House on the Prarie
So Gryhon likes elton john and I decided to rent a EJ concert DVD. I think it was alot mellower than G liked. The concert was from 2000 and G has only heard EJ from his earlier days. he still enjoyed the songs that he knew but even those were slower than the CD that we have. We also rented the first disc of Little House. We had read Farmer Boy which is about Almonzo Wilder whoe eventually marries laura Ingels, who wrote all of the stories. I think we watched 2 or 3 episodes and he really enjoyed it.
Domestic Us
Sarah baked like 6 or 7 loves of bread yesterday. they are very yummy and save us from buying bread for awhile.
Other stuff
I didn't walk much yesterday but i'll be back out there today reading and walking...
After a long conversation with Jerel and checking out some sites he wanted to model his site after i have an idea of what he wants to do. its kind of like a website that sells ad space to people who may not want or need a web page. he would also offer to design and host web sites in the Salon and Spa type industries. The way he wants it to work would work best with a database and .ASP pages. I do not know how to do this but, would be willing to learn. it sounds like I would e investing time upfront for a return on that time at some point. I look at it as chance to get some experiance with .asp.
Elton John and Little House on the Prarie
So Gryhon likes elton john and I decided to rent a EJ concert DVD. I think it was alot mellower than G liked. The concert was from 2000 and G has only heard EJ from his earlier days. he still enjoyed the songs that he knew but even those were slower than the CD that we have. We also rented the first disc of Little House. We had read Farmer Boy which is about Almonzo Wilder whoe eventually marries laura Ingels, who wrote all of the stories. I think we watched 2 or 3 episodes and he really enjoyed it.
Domestic Us
Sarah baked like 6 or 7 loves of bread yesterday. they are very yummy and save us from buying bread for awhile.
Other stuff
I didn't walk much yesterday but i'll be back out there today reading and walking...
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
One for the Baby book
So, out midWife calls and says that she has something to ask/tell us and its kind of odd/funny. Sarah calls her back and she tells us that people from the show The Simple Life. Apparently Paris Hilton and NIcole Ritchie want to be at a home birth. They did a google search for homebirth and came up with our midwife. I tried it a couple times and did not come across her. They are going to be filming the first week of November and since our birth is during that time they would want to be at our birth. Was surprised that Kate was open to it at all. I guess she sees it as an opertunity to expose a certain generation to Homebirth but, I hearing what the show is like I don't think this would be the way. Hmm...I wonder if they compensate you...babies got to go to college at some point :o) Oh, i just figured out how they found here they must have done a google search for pa homebirth. The third link down is, this is the site she is affiliated with and they must have just picked her from there. I guess we will just see how this pans out.
No more syrup
We decided to have pancakes and eggs for dinner. Gryphon isn't a big fan of eggs for some reason so I just gave him enough for 3 bites. he started to get pissy when I told him he had to eat the eggs, he assumed I ment before he could have pancakes so he threw a small fit that grew into a tantrum when Sarah informed him that there was not enough syrup. Had he given her a second before throwing his fit she would have shown him the alternative toppings. But no, everybody gets stressed and the night keeps that mode untill we chilled out with Buffy later on. We continued to read the Littles chapter book for the bedtime story.
I played a little THPS3 and got the rest of the addresses to Rowan. And we are down to about 15 bucks which will probably be eaten up by a check thats out there. Fun, fun, fun. I just keep telling my self that the bills are getting paid....
I mean weight, mine that is : around 170.
Of Cat's and Landlords
Sarah said we received a letter in the mail reminding al the tenents about the no animal rule in our building. Thank you! Yes, I didn't have anything else to worry about.
So, out midWife calls and says that she has something to ask/tell us and its kind of odd/funny. Sarah calls her back and she tells us that people from the show The Simple Life. Apparently Paris Hilton and NIcole Ritchie want to be at a home birth. They did a google search for homebirth and came up with our midwife. I tried it a couple times and did not come across her. They are going to be filming the first week of November and since our birth is during that time they would want to be at our birth. Was surprised that Kate was open to it at all. I guess she sees it as an opertunity to expose a certain generation to Homebirth but, I hearing what the show is like I don't think this would be the way. Hmm...I wonder if they compensate you...babies got to go to college at some point :o) Oh, i just figured out how they found here they must have done a google search for pa homebirth. The third link down is, this is the site she is affiliated with and they must have just picked her from there. I guess we will just see how this pans out.
No more syrup
We decided to have pancakes and eggs for dinner. Gryphon isn't a big fan of eggs for some reason so I just gave him enough for 3 bites. he started to get pissy when I told him he had to eat the eggs, he assumed I ment before he could have pancakes so he threw a small fit that grew into a tantrum when Sarah informed him that there was not enough syrup. Had he given her a second before throwing his fit she would have shown him the alternative toppings. But no, everybody gets stressed and the night keeps that mode untill we chilled out with Buffy later on. We continued to read the Littles chapter book for the bedtime story.
I played a little THPS3 and got the rest of the addresses to Rowan. And we are down to about 15 bucks which will probably be eaten up by a check thats out there. Fun, fun, fun. I just keep telling my self that the bills are getting paid....
I mean weight, mine that is : around 170.
Of Cat's and Landlords
Sarah said we received a letter in the mail reminding al the tenents about the no animal rule in our building. Thank you! Yes, I didn't have anything else to worry about.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Weekend College-week 3 of 10
English We ran out of paper so I had to hand my paper in on paper that was misscut. It's bad but hopefully I can learn to improve in this kind of writing. Since I had just gotten the book I had to rush to do the readings. In class we picked the readings apart and I took notes on them. This is the first class I haven't enjoyed, nothing against the teacher she is really into and that makes it easier. i just think I would like the math classes better and I am not reallly that confedent at math. Anyway, the readings should be easier now that i can read them while I walk at work. I still don't have the MLA writing style book.
Non-western Soc This is going to be a good class. Great teacher with lots of stories to tell. He is the principle of St. Gabs correctional school during the week. He has a very NPR'ish approach to teaching history. During the class he opened a window and apparently a big what I call Racer Spider, fell on the floor and I watched it as it got onto somebodies backpack and roamed aroudn for abit. At break I told the guy and he searched the bag but found nothing. As soon as he put the bag down the spider popped out and started to run. The teacher helped corner it and caught it in a bag and took it outside.
While on break I approached the teacher about me not getting the books yet and not knowing when I would be able to get them. He told me not to worry and said that he would bring me a set of 8th edition books in!! He said he only used them for the historical content and not the the current event type stuff. Cool!
Money and lack there off
Well after paying for Rent, Eric, paint and the CC we have like 70$ left ofr food and gas for the next two weeks... Bills are getting paid and it will take a few paycheckks to get into this new budget... We are going very basic as far as food and using WIC and we have some money left on the CC so we will see what happens.
G Money
Gryphon went to tucker and Jonahs Birthday party. We got them some books from Atlanticbook Wherehouse. It sounds like they had a sort of free form party with a bunch of kids running around and playing. Sarah said they bult a sandbox that is huge with a mountain of sand. i know Gryphon had fun. Apperantly htye don't open presents while people are there. i guess it makes more of the emphisis on the people instead of the gifts.
Baby and related stuff
I still have to get address to Rowan for the Shower and now Sarah's mom wants to have a little something on the 17th. The baby is kicking up a storm and Sarah paniced a little when whe remembered that the baby has to come out... yhea, i'd freak out alittle to. But she has done it before so don't expect any problems. Oh, we registered at babies are us for some stuff.
Down time
We started watching Buffy season 7. I think we are up to episode 6 or 7. Sarah's parents have season 4 of Angel at thier house also when we are ready!
English We ran out of paper so I had to hand my paper in on paper that was misscut. It's bad but hopefully I can learn to improve in this kind of writing. Since I had just gotten the book I had to rush to do the readings. In class we picked the readings apart and I took notes on them. This is the first class I haven't enjoyed, nothing against the teacher she is really into and that makes it easier. i just think I would like the math classes better and I am not reallly that confedent at math. Anyway, the readings should be easier now that i can read them while I walk at work. I still don't have the MLA writing style book.
Non-western Soc This is going to be a good class. Great teacher with lots of stories to tell. He is the principle of St. Gabs correctional school during the week. He has a very NPR'ish approach to teaching history. During the class he opened a window and apparently a big what I call Racer Spider, fell on the floor and I watched it as it got onto somebodies backpack and roamed aroudn for abit. At break I told the guy and he searched the bag but found nothing. As soon as he put the bag down the spider popped out and started to run. The teacher helped corner it and caught it in a bag and took it outside.
While on break I approached the teacher about me not getting the books yet and not knowing when I would be able to get them. He told me not to worry and said that he would bring me a set of 8th edition books in!! He said he only used them for the historical content and not the the current event type stuff. Cool!
Money and lack there off
Well after paying for Rent, Eric, paint and the CC we have like 70$ left ofr food and gas for the next two weeks... Bills are getting paid and it will take a few paycheckks to get into this new budget... We are going very basic as far as food and using WIC and we have some money left on the CC so we will see what happens.
G Money
Gryphon went to tucker and Jonahs Birthday party. We got them some books from Atlanticbook Wherehouse. It sounds like they had a sort of free form party with a bunch of kids running around and playing. Sarah said they bult a sandbox that is huge with a mountain of sand. i know Gryphon had fun. Apperantly htye don't open presents while people are there. i guess it makes more of the emphisis on the people instead of the gifts.
Baby and related stuff
I still have to get address to Rowan for the Shower and now Sarah's mom wants to have a little something on the 17th. The baby is kicking up a storm and Sarah paniced a little when whe remembered that the baby has to come out... yhea, i'd freak out alittle to. But she has done it before so don't expect any problems. Oh, we registered at babies are us for some stuff.
Down time
We started watching Buffy season 7. I think we are up to episode 6 or 7. Sarah's parents have season 4 of Angel at thier house also when we are ready!
Friday, September 10, 2004
Radnor Township Skate Park Update
During lunch today I went an checked on the Skate Park. They still have not started putting the ramps together, jeez I wonder when they plan on getting this thing done. I hope they dont put any weird restrictions on it. I'll be out there at least once a week. (checks the Radnor Township website) Ok, It sounds as if the park will be done by the end of Septmeber, Whohoo.
School Stuff
Whew, this English class is going to be a dozy. It's more like a writing class. You have to critque stories and elements of the stories. That'sjust not my thing. I am almost never albe to meet page requirments for reports. I like to some things up into as little explination as possible. Well hopefully I can learn how to write about stuff better. I was able to get the book I needed though, well one of the books, Making Choices: Reading Issues in Context. I found it on ebay for $12.50 with shipping instead of the $30 bucks it would have been from the store. Huh, when I looked it up in Amazon to get a link to the book I noticed that I could have gotten a used one for $1.00. hmm...lets check on these others that I need. I still have to find the MLA writting style book, i think it's $20, ugh.
I didn't get my book, GLOBAL STUDIES :
The Middle East , Tenth Edition, for the non-western societies either...I'm not sure what I am going to do about that. We don't have much money left after paying Rent and for the car.
All things Skateboard
I found some cool fingerboarding websites today. They all seem to be from Europe...odd, anyway I'll put some links in soon for them.
During lunch today I went an checked on the Skate Park. They still have not started putting the ramps together, jeez I wonder when they plan on getting this thing done. I hope they dont put any weird restrictions on it. I'll be out there at least once a week. (checks the Radnor Township website) Ok, It sounds as if the park will be done by the end of Septmeber, Whohoo.
School Stuff
Whew, this English class is going to be a dozy. It's more like a writing class. You have to critque stories and elements of the stories. That'sjust not my thing. I am almost never albe to meet page requirments for reports. I like to some things up into as little explination as possible. Well hopefully I can learn how to write about stuff better. I was able to get the book I needed though, well one of the books, Making Choices: Reading Issues in Context. I found it on ebay for $12.50 with shipping instead of the $30 bucks it would have been from the store. Huh, when I looked it up in Amazon to get a link to the book I noticed that I could have gotten a used one for $1.00. hmm...lets check on these others that I need. I still have to find the MLA writting style book, i think it's $20, ugh.
I didn't get my book, GLOBAL STUDIES :
The Middle East , Tenth Edition, for the non-western societies either...I'm not sure what I am going to do about that. We don't have much money left after paying Rent and for the car.
All things Skateboard
I found some cool fingerboarding websites today. They all seem to be from Europe...odd, anyway I'll put some links in soon for them.
The table below shows post I was making at my own page.
One of these days I'll get back in here and do more with the CSS , I am just exited that I have actually done this for about 2 months now.
I still haven't heard back from Kate to see if she needs help getting back online. Maybe she figured out how to reload AOL? Speaking of Kate we took the logo to Kinko’s (odd, it looks like Kinko’s was bought by FedEx.) to have it printed out to size. It is only 75cents per square foot. The sign is only 3 and a half by 2 feet so it should just be couple bucks. The odd thing is that we took it on Sunday and it won't be ready to pick up until Tuesday.
Amber mentioned that there is an apartment for rent on her very quite street. Sarah was telling her Mom (Nancy) about it and oddly enough Sarah lived in the same apartment when she was two! Her dad remembered it also. Amber is going to talk to the people to find our more about it. It sounds like it is smaller than our current place and on the 2nd floor.
I shampooed the living room today before heading to Dave’s for the Memorial Day Shindig; there are always good eats at Dave and Margie’s parties and a good selection of Beer. He tends to go with allot of IPA which are a bit bitter for me but, it's nice to try them out.
Margie hooked me up with Jerel Washington who just moved out here with his family from California ...hmmm. I didn't thing of it before but his wife is Margie's I guess it was a coincidence that he was a Washington too. Anyway, he has a business and part of that business is web hosting and other things revolving around that. He is pinpointing the, how do I best describe it, saloon/personal image type clients. He is looking for some graphic designers to have available to clients in need of graphic type work. I sent him my portfolio site so we will see how that goes.
I wonder how many people even stop to think about what Memorial Day is for. I know I didn' I will now. Click here for help on what the day is about.
The baby is still kicking and kicking. It needs to move a bit to the left to have it in perfect position. It stuck an elbow or shoulder right in Sarah’s bellybutton tonight. It was uncomfortable for Sarah but I think it moved after awhile. Gryphon had fun playing with Tabitha and Jerel's kids Brittany and Mike.
Following yesterday’s success in making an AVI, today I was able to make my fist VCD using
. I still have to look at it more to understand the main menu of the VCD but I got it to work. My next project will be getting all of our home movies into AVI.

I finally found software to convert ripped DVD's to AVI files. Auto Gordian Knot or AutoGK for short, is my new friend. It was the program that I found that was just a couple clicks to get started. You tell it where to find the VOB files, where to put the AVI and the size you want the file and then kick it off. It looks like it has some other settings but I have not needed them yet. I am using this to convert DVD's that I do not want to burn, mainly skate videos. I wanted to be able to burn them to CD-Rs. The default setting for size is 1400mg , 2 CD-R's it says. I have just been making them 650mg to fit on one disk. One thing is that it takes a loooong time. Like hours and hours for just one DVD. It takes me less than an hour to RIP and BURN a DVD but it’s not like I am mass producing them. 
Very easy to use.

I don't care who did what to whom in the past and what political problems and wars may be going on. You don’t attack kids. They have nothing to do with what ever is going on. To quote the "reason" for this attack: Chechnya have been fighting Russian forces and demanding independence for that small republic." What ever sympathy I may have held for the Chechnyns cause is gone. F!@# 'em. If you want hope for peace and resolve problems in the future don't kill the kids who could have grown up to maybe work towards your cause, peacefully. With this kind of act all I would expect is for these kids to grow up and hate the attackers and there cause. Maybe this little place deserves its freedom but, I don't see how they can with people like this in there populous. Don't kill the kids, they are the future!!! They just pissed off allot of people....Grrr.
"Rebels in
I just need to put some notes here, I am falling behind. Taurus, motherboard, sign, school...
Ok, let’s see the Taurus is now inspected. It still does that hesitating thing but at least we still have two cars going. Next up is the Stanza.
The new Motherboard came from Sybercom in on the 30th as expected. I popped everything in and we were back in business. It's an ECS K7VMA. I also got my XP Service pack 2 CD in the mail. For some reason, that I haven’t been able to find an answer on the net to, it was unable to complete the install.
I copied all the punk mp3's onto the PC. I have about 35gig of music now...maybe Christmas will bring a bigger hard drive in some way.
School started this pass weekend, to much to say on that right now...I still need the books :o(
The Taurus is in the shop today. It sounds like it will be about $500 bucks, whew lucky we got that credit card. It things like this that have knocked us of track so many times.
I am heading over to the Radnor Township Building to see how the skate park is coming along. Last weeks skating really has me itching to get out again. If nothing else I'll stop and skate my lunch spot.
Later that same day...
Yea! They put the surface down for the skate park! Here is a cool site for looking at skate parks The Sideways Guide
Ok let’s see where we are...aright then. Sybercom shipped out the new MOBO on the 23 and expected delivery is for the 30th. Gahh... seems like they could at least match my shipping and I only priority mailed it, oh well at least they replaced it.
We went to Barnes and Noble to chill and Gryphon complained that his shoes were hurting his feet. We decided to shot up to Target to see if they had a decent pair of sneaks for him. No good, they had a very tiny selection of sneakers for some reason. They were all shaped like running/ cross training sneakers. We want something more along the line of Vans... We then walked up to Payless and again no decent shoes. We debated about getting him other sandals. He then mentions that it’s his heels that hurt. Apparently they have blisters on them from not wearing socks. Luckily Sarah and I both have one band aide each and we are off to B&N again. I gathered a couple skate mags and G and I went back to the Thomas trains. We had to leave early when G got fed up with this kid who kept blocking him. We asked Gryphon to just go to another part of the track. I guess after he had moved so many times and the kid was still blocking him he had had enough. I felt sort of bad for him as he turned to us and yelled, voicing his anger at the situation and then throwing his trains to the ground. That was our Queue to leave.
Sarah and I went over stuff that needed to be done and also jumped into the name game again. So far we have these front runners: GIRLS-Ruby and Harvest; Boys-Phoenix or Haven.
Did I mention that I watched Hellboy, good, and X-Men2, very good. My blockbuster trial is just about up, I am going to be sneaky and see if I can somehow sign up again.
It was nice to See Sarah and G again ;o) of course Gryphon had a million stories to tell and I don’t thing he stopped talking until he fell asleep. The Baby gave me all kinds of happy to be home kicks. The pick up from the Airport went smooth; I didn't get up in time to think about going to FDR.
We stopped at Old Navy and got some shirts for me and Sarah found a shirt and skirt for herself and a Dinosaur shirt for gryphon. The dinosaurs mouth is a zipper, G really liked that.
G and I built stuff with legos and then watched the Logic#12 Skate video. You can only see somebody grind down a hand railing so many times... it almost seems like the hand plant of New School's ballsy and takes allot of skill but, I d rather watch peoples runs at skate parks.
No skating yesterday, instead I took back Library books and started getting the house back into shape.
I had sent away for some stickers from last week and today they showed up. They are pretty cool, yellow and black with various logos. I stuck most to my board, one to my PC case, and one I didn’t like. It said "Skate, Destroy, and Vomit". I didn't get it and it’s just sort of negative.
I did crazy cleaning today and finished painting the unfinished trim...well I am to tired to go on right now. Sarah and G fly back in at 9:20am . I am thinking about leaving here really early and hitting FDR first.
Well it looks like I am a day behind. Yesterday after work I was going to go to FDR again but opted for the Upper Providence Township Skate Park , here after referred to as UPTS.It was a little odd at first after having just skated the walls at FDR but I got back into it and got the Ollies over the pyramid ramp down. It feels so good to land going down and not hit my back wheels on the platform first. It of course also helps keep your speed up. I did get spoiled by the perfect mini at FDR though. I can't skate the Skate mini the same way.
I got home around 9ish and did up the dishes, did a general straighten up and had dinner while I watched AOTC. Sarah and G called to say goodnight.
I had to call the Wissahickon Water people today and tell them we would not be able to pay them and asked them to just suspend our account until we can pay again. I also called Amber to see if I could take a look at her PC and see what the problem might be. She had plans Thursday and Friday. I told her that if it rained I would come over tonight. It didn't rain.
It only took me a half hour to get to the skate park today. I was meeting David there to skate. He got there around 7 as he ended up in Malvern which is way off course. David is still in the early stages and after the park slowed down he managed to ride over the 3bank and even the low quarters. I had some really good feeling floating Ollies over the 3bank. Yesterday I met a guy who had skated with John's a small world out there. I am starting to feel more confident in the park and am exploring other lines.
I am going to hold back tomorrow and just come home and clean up. I don't even know if I will be able to move tomorrow. The three skate parks in three days are really making me sore, in a good way though. It took about half an hour today to get my legs loosened up enough to skate today, I think I'll be in pain tomorrow and right now :o)
I finished up AOTC tonight and talked to Sarah. She had a bit extra "giddiness" in her voice so I guessed they had Ice Cream, which they did. G was already asleep and they were going to finish watching Starsky and Hutch. Speaking of movies I think I have Hellboy coming tomorrow, another good reason to not skate. I am even going to be able to walk tomorrow :o)
Grrr..I thought I fixed the CSS....
Lucky me, with a free week and a fun little LAN party planed, my PC decides (while I'm out) to reboot and show a checksum error and then it never boots again. :o( I did not think to write down the checksum error code and the MB was not giving me any beeps to work with. The fan would spin up and some lights would come on. If you had the IDE cable removed from the HD's they would spin up. The symptoms were the same as my last board that died. I looked around the bottom of the capacitors and did not see anything leaking. So Monday after dropping Sarah and G off at airport and skating the awesome FDR Park , I got a little flash light and opened up the PC and took everything out and still no go. I happen to notice a black sticky looking substance on top of one of the capacitors and then noticed two more like that. I stopped right there. This was the problem. Apparently right around the time my boards were made there turned out to be a big capacitor problem. So I call the company, they set me up with a RMA number for a replacement board of about the same specks. It's a K7VMA. It I saw that you can upgrade the bios for it to properly handle AMD CPU's up to 1.5 GHz. I priority mailed the bad board and now I wait and use Hoth to do some things.
When we got to the airport today it was crazy! We got there about 2 hours early and good thing we did. They had everyone going into the terminals going into one security checkpoint; it took about an hour to wait in the line. Sarah had to have a special frisking search because of her being pregnant. As Gryphon realized that I was not going with them he started to hold my leg and be a bit more cautious about what was going on. Eventually I could go no Farther with them and he did start to cry... :o( People would look at him and then me like I had done something wrong. When ever he looked at me I would try to shoot a big smile but, when he saw me it seemed again to remind him that wasn't crying. Very sad...
Fresh from frisking Sarah took off for her gate. The plan was for me to hang out until the plain took off so that if there was some problem she could come back out to me. I waited and watched the flight monitors until 6:15 when her flight, 647, changed from ON TIME to Boarding to Depart. I waited for another couple minutes and then headed off to FDR.
I thought FDR was down by the stadiums in some back parking lot. I road up and down turning into any road that went toward I-95. Still no luck. I drove back and ended up going into the city and decided to turn around and head toward home and maybe ask someone on the way, before I hit 76. I saw a sign for FDR Park ! I thought that odd that they would have an official looking city sign for the park. Then I realized why. FDR Park is a city recreation park with baseball fields and other types of fields and park type stuff. In the back was the skate park. It was odd. Almost as if I had been there before. I watched the people skating and figured out where the new lines were and took a couple runs. Wow...what fun. It’s really fast and the cement walls are big. I took a walk over to the Mini ramp passing by the Sean Miller memorial vert ramp. Now this 4 and a half foot mini that I could get used to and have a good time. It must have been like 30 feet wide and coated with metal. Really nice. I was able to really lock in some smith grinds and get some decent Ollies. On the way back to the main park I pumped around the vert ramp and though of Sean. I had skated with him, well skated at cheapskates while he was there many times and he seemed to remember me and say "hi". He died in a car accident and his parents donated the ramp to FDR.
Let’s start with the Taurus. It’s not too bad. It would be @$500 to get in to pass including inspection costs. It needs almost a whole exhaust system@$270, front wheel bushings @$100 and a rear swaybar@$62. We got the sway bar and will think about how we want to pay for the rest the options are push back our rent or put it on the Credit Card. Neither is really that good of option. But at least if we put it on the Card then rent will be on time.
The Coven Triad came here for a meeting. David and Peter were here so we got to go over a couple LAN details as well. I am a bit syked that David has a ton of old punk that I used to listen to and I have been holding on to cassette tapes of. He also has movies that I will be able to suck up.
Blockbuster sent the old TV show "one step beyond" instead of the skate video again. I sent them an email about it. Let’s see what happens. We watched "13 going on 30". We like some fluffy movies but this was pathetic...avoid it, even if you are only 13. I also got Menikmati in. It’s a very well produced skate video with some good stuff. I would like to see a video with more park footage.
While we were looking for a gift for Sydney we saw a kid’s guitar at Marshall ’s for @ $39. We put it on layaway and the total came to @ $47. When we went to Toys R Us, we saw the same guitar brand new for $50. I think we may cancel the layaway and at least get the brand new one. We got Sydney a hybrid plastic/wood ball hammer box thing. The party was very nice as always with Kyle and Kristin. Sydney is a real cutie, it's interesting to see Kyle and anybody I have known for a long time with's neat really. So many things happen in your life.
On tap for tomorrow we have...packing for Sarah and G and also a birthing class...I think I have gotten what I need from the classes. I would much rather have the time period that the class is to play with G. It seems that the only time we get to play are right before bed or right before some other activity, I’d love to have some real down time that we cold just play or go outside with out thinking about were we have to be...
Well the Taurus is at the shop for inspection and we wait for the next big financial hammer to drop.
Whew a day with out a crisis!
We had a hot dog luncheon at work today. I brought the Veggie dogs and the rest was paid for by everybody else. It was very good with saurkraught and baked beans and all kinds of good stuff.
I only did one lap today for fear of being rained on
When I got home Sarah was still at my parents where she had been baby sitting Devin. My mom bought them all Pizza for Dinner so I had some time to clean the bathroom and do the dishes, play a game of Magic and a little bit of Team Fortress.
The LAN party is coming together. It looks like next Thursday the 19 will be the night. Ron is having problems with his CD ROMs and may not be able to come. I sent out an invite to Kyle and will send one on to Burt.
Sarah woke up early and was stressing about the money stuff. I thought the best thing would be to send an email so we could clarify stuff and get it in writing I eventually sucked it up and agreed to call her as laid out in yesterday’s entry.
I had the urge to skate today so I went to my little spot and broke the bearings in for half an hour. One word about the bearings...Smoooooth. I can't wait to get them in a park.
I sent out the LAN party invite email. So far David responded and put down for Wed or Thur for his best days. I am going to extend the invite to Kyle and maybe Rich. I'm not sure they are into that sort of thing but we will see.
I got home and played with G. We played hermit crabs with some big shells, he had a small birthday for me, giving me shells :o) and then we drew some shells and a treasure Map. That led to him drawing a Sub, a shark and an Octopus. I added a helicopter and a parasailed into the mix. He cut them all out and added one of those signs that gets pulled behind the plains Down the Shore(that’s for you Sarah) He threw a fit not wanting to go to bed but still ended up there after he won some small battles.
Just some notes on some stuff to follow up on.
After a week of doing nothing but homework during lunch I finally got back to walking today. I seem to have lost about 7 to 10 pounds. I also take the time to read as I walk I follow a path that goes around Radnor Elementary, over Matson ford and then 3 to 4 times around the track, reading all the way, and then back around the school.
Peter and Rowan invited us to dinner so Sarah arranged for G to go stay the night at his Great-Grandmothers house for the night.
Sarah had been to the midwife that day and had a good visit. The bad part was that we came to the realization that we misunderstood how the payment was going to work out. We thought it was a total of 2000 we would barter for 500 and had played her 300. So we were shooting to have a thousand paid up by November and the rest when our tax return came in. So we thought we only needed 200 more before Nov. Now as it turns out the total was 3300, she was letting us barter 1300 and we would owe 2000 cash. That’s fine but for us all to realize that now, 3 months before Sarah is due was a shock to the system. I called Kate (on the 10th I'm playing some catch up here) to get everything figured out. We still wanted to have the homebirth and she is a friend and willing to work with us telling me not to worry about the money as much and we could stick to our budget get everything paid up by the tax return. Whew, that was a stressor.
Dinner at Rowan and Peters was nice. The talk turned to the midwife payment crisis and teeth stuff. Rowan just about put on a cooking show with a great dinner and a lunasa (I think) song.
We got home and talked/ stressed over the money some more and went to sleep. I mention that I missed seeing G today. I decided to make sure I played with him after work tomorrow until bedtime.
My Bones REDS bearings came today. I popped them on and they were nice and quite and spin very long. I picked up an old ABEC3 bearing and most of them were crunchy and barely turned. No wonder I was having a hard time getting around the skate park. I can't wait to try them out.
I got up at 8:30 or so and had some oatmeal for breakfast with G and Sarah. The plan for the day was Skate Park , Lee-Brown pre-reunion, then up to Sarah's parents to watch Starsky and Hutch.
I called Burt and left a message that I was going to be at the skate park at about 10am until 12. When I got there was one other person skating and another young kid. The skater left a couple minutes after I got there. I realized the other little kid was just watching and asking questions and sliding down the ramps. He left after a while and I did something I never did when I skated in the 80's...I skated with my shirt off. I thought "well I'll just put it back on when somebody comes". But a couple people cam and I didn't. It felt good to have the sweat cool you off and not be soaking wet. I skated around mostly just trying to get some lines down that I didn't have to keep pushing. I think if the ramp were closer I cold keep a run going or if I was doing tricks at the tops of the ramps. Anyway it was still fun and its helping me lose weight. I am down to 173 were I was pushing into the 183 rang for a while, that’s pretty cool.
The reunion was cool. Ill have to come back to that. I want to move onto other things like making a video
The midwife called this morning and she was at a birth so our appointment was cancelled for now. That allowed us to get a visit in at Sarah's parents before going to the Lumansa Ritual. It also allowed me some time tomorrow to get to the skate park before we go to a family reunion for people that Uncle Dave has brought together...I just hope there is some beer.
That’s not very detailed info but at least I am trying to get into the habit.
I took my last final of the term and probably did ok. This will be last Friday night class for awhile as next term finds me in Sat and Sun morning classes. I got home to find Gryphon watching the original Borrowers movie. This movie is like 3 hours long and pretty slow moving. Gryphon a bit of a freak out fit wanting to watch another movie. It was about 9:30 by then and I wanted to watch our first movie from my free month Blockbuster Trial, Starsky and Hutch. After dealing with G, Sarah and I moved back out and watched the movie. As far as we are concerned it was a hit! We were already fans of Zoolander so when I saw they were in this movie I knew it would be right up our alley. I am ripping the DVD right now. Since I don’t have any DVDR's right now I want to try to make a VCD of some of the skate videos I have coming. Maybe I will burn this one to my DVDRW until I get more DVDR's.
They through a nice little baby shower at work for the four people who were expecting soon. They were also nice enough to take up a collection and get us Gift Cards for Baby’s r Us, $75, very nice.
I went to my little spot today and skated during lunch. I still don't know if I have the front and back of the board figured out...maybe I just predrilled the wholes a little off. Is the nose longer on these Popsicle shaped boards? Maybe I should have gotten a board with a graphic instead of a blank deck :o)
I also continued reading the Last book in the NJO series. It's good stuff and makes me not want to put it down. In fact I was a bit late for my surprise shower because of it.
I have so many things to right some old some new. This will probably lead to me adding a page about old stuff or something like that. I'll mix in links to topics that I may be writing about and even some pictures. Speaking of pictures I need to add one with a caption to this site for home work. Let’s see, what I have hanging around.
![]() |
beers...” |
I guess a better picture choice may have been of me. But since I don't have any right now you get a glimpse of my other home, TV Guide. That's my nice shiny iMac. It's a pretty good machine and the OSX operating system along with its bells and whistles is pretty cool. I would mind having a MAC but they are so freaking expensive... That puppy right there was about $1200. Unfortunately for us they bought this right before the bigger LCD came out.
Well let’s see if I can get some color on this page and maybe a logo at the top.
Ok, I got some colors going, it's not quite right yet but it's a start.
The part below starts my journal that I was keeping on RadioKaos
Tagar’s Journal: 16 entries
[09/10/04/10:02am ]
I am moving my journal to my bog at
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My Spotlight vote:
Elton John, because my 4 year old son is a big fan. Funny huh, a 4 year being a big fan of Elton john. Well Elton John made a guest appearance in a Bob the Builder Movie singing Crocodile rock. We now have a best of CD and he can sing a bunch of the songs with out CD on. I was never into Elton John but it could have been worse, it could have been a cheesy brit boy band or something like that.
Car Fire
(Part 1)
I saw a car on fire today on the way to work and I was just wondering how a car catches on fire by itself.
Daily Stuff
I made two out of three of my phone calls yesterday. I have a dentist’s appointment for 8/3. I still need to call my school to see if my loan was dispersed.
I got some other computer stuff done last night.
Got the old digital Camera working with the PC
Made a list of my CD collection (it’s all ripped into my PC, 25gig) for my sister-in-law so she can pick some stuff for me to burn to some DVD's.
Did a WinXP update
Car Fire
(Part 2)
At the light right before I get to work, I looked over and my car was smoking! I got to work and checked under the hood and saw that my antifreeze was basically gone. Oh so this is how cars catch on fire. Ill have to scoot out during lunch for some coolant, hehe.
I think last week I said I was going to start a new job search this week. I did update my resume in Career Builder so that is at least a step...
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I got to play a little of the Microprose Magic the Gathering on my home network last night with a friend, playing Magic is always fun for me. My wife and I tried to watch Monsters Inc last night to see if we wanted to let my son watch it yet. It was cute we both fell asleep before the end though. It would be over my sons head and there were too many sarcastic and mean intentions for us to allow Gryphon to see it yet. So far Finding Nemo is the only approved Disney movie on his movie list...maybe it's just us but he will have plenty of his life to be exposed to all the nasty stuff out there, not that I am not a fan of some of that nasty stuff but then again I am 33 not 4.
I have a bunch of phone calls to make today, lets see if I get them all made. Dentist, Landlord and my school.
I managed to get changed and go skate for awhile during lunch yesterday. I think I got sweatier just changing in the bathroom stall as I did skating.
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Oh I forgot two things I felt I needed to add for some strange reason.
Friday night I stayed up till like 3am converting the Line drawing of the logo that we are doing for our midwife to an Illustrator file. My wife drew it; I scanned it and retraced it in Illustrator.
4th of July after the picnic we drove to my friend’s house and watched the townships Fireworks from his back yard. It’s become a tradition now, 3 years.
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Ahh a nice weekend.
We picked up our new, to us, car. A 91 Nissan stanza. Our friend took very good care of it and I do not expect any problems passing inspection in September.
After picking up the car went visited our Midwife for our appointment and were able to hear the babies heart beat :o) my son, while interested in the baby, was not patient enough to listen for it. We swung by my parent’s house afterwards to show off the car and let my son play with his cousin for a bit.
4th of July...The plan was to pick up a pregnancy swimsuit for my wife and then head of to the picnic. She wanted a suit that was a bit more hip than your average frumpy suits. We saw that Old Navy had some decent suits a week before so we headed for the one in Plymouth Meeting. Half way there I suggested going to the one in King of Prussia since it was on the way to the Picnic. When we get there they do not have a Maternity section....what? How can they not have a Maternity section in their store in one of the biggest malls in the country? Anyway...Sarah got upset that she wouldn't be able to go swimming and she would be to hot. We went anyway. I got into the pool and we convinced Sarah to wear my shorts and shirt that I wore to the Picnic, all was good.
My cousin had a decent selection of Sam Adams. I had a Cream Stout and a Boston Ale, ok I had two of the Cream Stouts they were pretty good. I also played a horse-shoe-ish type game called Washers. You stand on a box, about 5inches high, a foot or so across and 3 feet long; it has 3 holes about 5 inches wide in it each worth 1, 3 and 5. You try to throw 3 washers, a bit smaller than the holes, into the holes on the other box about 6 feet away. You play to 21. Now they rules that really make the game are these. 1-you can not go over 21, if you have 19 and you get a 5 you go 19, 20, 21, 20, 19, 18. So you subtract if you go over. 2-if you have say 18 and you get a 3 and you still have washers in your hand those remaining washers must land and stay on the box, harder than it may sound when the pressure is on, If not than you lose those points. Oh one more rules. I you get a say a three and your opponent gets a three on top of yours then those points cancel out.
Monday we didn't do too much, I feel asleep during the final episode of Sex and the City season 1, but then again it was 12:30at night.
That’s all for now, back to work!
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The only thing better than a company holiday is a company holiday that you forgot about :o) I just found out we have Monday off! The building closes at 2pm today but being in a department that actually deals with putting the book together we do not get to take advantage of that early out to often.
I finally got our scanner at home usable again. It happens that visioneer decided not to make drivers for XP and Linux did not have an answer either. I originally put win98 on as a third OS but I messed up that partition and it was clunky to have to keep rebooting just to use the scanner. I hooked the scanner up to an old computer (named Hoth) that I just recently got started and networked with the new computer (named Ossus). Now we can finish the logo that we are doing as barter for our Midwife that we are having a homebirth with.
I am going to check out the Radnor Township building today to see if they started on the skate park yet. They have all the pieces they just need to lay the pavement down. They are using stuff from a company called Skate Wave. They have the same stuff at another skate park I go to, nothing to extreme but perfect for me.
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I rode the train to work today. Whew... it's an hour and a half ride. There is not a direct route between Montgomeryville and Radnor so you have to go all the way into Philadelphia and back out again. On the map it’s like traveling a V. I started reading when I got on the train and by the time I was in Philly I was fighting sleep. So basically for the ride from Philly to here I was dozing off and on which is dangerous because nobody wakes you up at your stop and I have waked up 3 or 4 stops beyond Radnor before. Well at least this weekend we are getting another used car for my wife and as long as our Tarus passes inspecting in August we should in good shape. Oh, I misjudged my train times and got here 45mins early, oh well.
When my wife’s sister was here she left us the "Sex in the City" season 1 DVDs. There interesting, it's not Buffy the Vampire Slayer but it will do until we can get the Next seasons of Buffy, Angel and Curb Your Enthusiasm. We do not have cable and reception is horrible so these TV shows on DVD are very cool.
This weeks TV Guide (I work at TV Guide) has 4 Elvis covers and a mini CD of an unreleased live song. I haven’t opened the CD yet (we get a free copy each week). I guess it will not be worth anything and the CD is kind of neat looking...
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[06/30/04/09:09am ] looks like the song requesting is revamped. I see that I have 288 points also, what ever they may be for. I have a feeling there is a radioKaos board out there that I haven’t found yet.
We went back up to the in-laws last night for one more good-bye party. I'll be glad to get back to a somewhat normal routine. Although it will not start tonight as we have a natural child birth class to attend tonight right after work....
Did I mention that money sucks...I need a better job, Ill work on that next week.
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Heh...the Spot Light group I chose finally made its way to the top...Dead Milkmen :o) they only went to 4:49 though...
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[06/29/04/11:11am ]
How I did on my test on Friday is still up in the air. I know I didn't do great I am hoping to pull a C at least and hopefully get the book next week.
It was a long weekend. We spent the weekend at my in-laws as my sister-in-law was visiting for a couple days. Take 2 parents+3Sisters+2Husbands+3 under5 year olds add a dash of beer and food and you get all kinds of craziness... oh yhea a dog too.
It looks like we are going after the car that our friends offered us for a $100 bucks a month till we pay off the $100. It doesn’t seem much too many people but that is a big chunk for us.
Packet8 said they can port our local number to the VOIP network but still no E911 in our rate center. I figure ill try for it again in November, which will give me time to get a decent router in the mean time.
I had blood work come back with elevated Cholesterol levels. They are about 10 to 15 points over what they should be. It’s odd though being a vegetarian I already eat a low fat diet, I guess I just need to cut the junk food and get more exercise. Ill get retested in 6 months.
That’s all for now...
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Yea me...I broke into the top ten of the trivia game :o)
Hmm...I need to call a dentist...and study....and work
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Well, Friday again.
I have a test in my Network Communications class tonight. I never did buy the book so I will see how well my note taking is. I didn’t buy the book because it is $103 and I usually use my left over financial aid money to buy books. The school thought I was only taking one class this term so they did not apply for the loans until I let them know I as taking two(you have to take at least two to get student loans). So my credit won’t be available till July 7. Oh...and I don’t have credit cards (filed bankruptcy 4 years ago).
Anyway...that’s it for now. I am still waiting to hear if the care package (lots of music) I sent to radioKaos got there yet.
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Hmm...Not much to say yet today...I emailed Packet8 and told them that I can not see the green highlights that are supposed to show the rate centers that E911 is available. You can see them if you use a pc but via my iMac at work using Safari and IE5 they are not visible to me.
Maybe I'll have something more interesting later...
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I am trying to get us hooked up with HSI at home.
Currently: MCI Unlimited calling @$70 + Highstream Dialup @10 and no TV=@$80
Problem: Can not afford both Comcast $13tv+$50(@19for6 months)HSI=@$73 ($53) and MCI @70 = $140+
1) Comcast @$70(@50for6 months)+ VOIP Packet8 $20=@90(70for6 months) the only problem is that they do not yet have E911 in our rate center and my wife is not comfortable with having an old cell phone as our 911 phone until E911 is available to us.
2) Comcast@$70 (@50for6 months) + Packet8@$20+MCI Local@$20 (until packet8 has e911) =@110 (@90for6 months)
My hopes would be that Packet8 gets E911 to us by then end of 6 months.
The only other minor problem would be getting a router...
Money is such a love hate relationship.....grrr
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I never seem to be able to keep up a Journal or blog...
I am always up for trying though and since I seem to come here everyday I'll give it a try :o)
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tagar has been added to the radioKAOS system
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