a horrible thing...i just looked at some pictures....some of dead children....so said so many people. I would like to say it is just a natural disater and there is no one to blame....but some how they should be able to see this.
peace to all of the area...I am sorry.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Early out and skated... and birthday tomorrow.
Despite the wet look of the roads today, the park was dry. A couple ledgers were there and Josh the kid I have been talking to . i felt a little off today but, i still got my distaster rocks down and even fakie slid a few. With the new board I can now ollie off the jump ramp too.
early out
I think we are leaving shortly. i thought about heading back to the park but i may instead sing by CompUSA and check out a 1.99 sale on PS2 stuff.
Tomorrows my birthday...34. Happy Birthday to me.
Despite the wet look of the roads today, the park was dry. A couple ledgers were there and Josh the kid I have been talking to . i felt a little off today but, i still got my distaster rocks down and even fakie slid a few. With the new board I can now ollie off the jump ramp too.
early out
I think we are leaving shortly. i thought about heading back to the park but i may instead sing by CompUSA and check out a 1.99 sale on PS2 stuff.
Tomorrows my birthday...34. Happy Birthday to me.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
A little warm air brings out the masses...
The Snow was pretty much gone today. The park was still wet but very skateable. The warm air brought the people out also. There were some cool guys skating the mini. The ledge guy was tehre I guess he wasn't the one who moved to SD. Man he can twist 360 ollies with out barley twisting. There was a kid there doing 360 mute airs off the side of the quarter pipes right into wet spots....goofey stuff going on. Anyway it was fun I got a bit more confidence in switch fakie rocks, maybe ill try slideing them tomoroow or doing a disaster. Lee said he may call me and meet me at the park tomorrow.
Man there is lots of candy here...good thing I've been skateing and DDRing. After the new year I am going to watch my diet better agian. i am holding at 172 right now.
The Ring
The Ring came today, yhea. I still gave them a 2 out of 5 and told the tale of the bad service.
Man there is lots of candy here...good thing I've been skateing and DDRing. After the new year I am going to watch my diet better agian. i am holding at 172 right now.
The Ring
The Ring came today, yhea. I still gave them a 2 out of 5 and told the tale of the bad service.
This weeks skating so far.
Oh Noo, Snow
Yep, it snowed Sunday night enough to cover the the park in a powdery snow. Since I was there on Monday I used the water-roller-mo-thing to clean off the mini and plowed some space near the ledge stuff. Tuesday I just had to dry off the ramp a little and it was fine as was the path I cut near the ledges. The rest of the park was still under snow. I skated with a guy that I have talked to and plowed some more snow before i left. he said that the guy I called Ledge Skater left for San Deigo...by, by ledge skater...aparently he owned a skate shop in ambler and gave my new skate budy a board before he left.
Micro center has a 60gig drive for 40bucks thats pretty tempting....
Yep, it snowed Sunday night enough to cover the the park in a powdery snow. Since I was there on Monday I used the water-roller-mo-thing to clean off the mini and plowed some space near the ledge stuff. Tuesday I just had to dry off the ramp a little and it was fine as was the path I cut near the ledges. The rest of the park was still under snow. I skated with a guy that I have talked to and plowed some more snow before i left. he said that the guy I called Ledge Skater left for San Deigo...by, by ledge skater...aparently he owned a skate shop in ambler and gave my new skate budy a board before he left.
Micro center has a 60gig drive for 40bucks thats pretty tempting....
Meet Tyson, the Skateboarding Bulldog!
If you watch the video on this site you will see that this is not just a joke site, the dog can push and ride a board.
Meet Tyson, the Skateboarding Bulldog!
Meet Tyson, the Skateboarding Bulldog!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Xmas - 2004 report.
Xmas Eve Day
Well, we decided to take Ruby out. We went to Sarahs parents for the Xmas Eve Day. Presents were opened, G got to run around with Tabitha, I had a couple beers and we stayed for dinner. We were only able to get toys for the kids this year.
We were gifted with a DXG-308 Digital camera. It's a nice step up from our old polaroid camera. Krista made me a phat green winter hat and Heather and Adam got us Curb Your Enthusiamsm season 2. Gryphon got some big plastic building set and some art supplies....and some other stuff. Ruby recieved some nice cloths and a cool little blanket that Krista made.
Adam got his 12 iBook and Gary got a sword- Samari 3000, look it up. I forget what the other things were.
Xmas Eve Night
By the time we got home Gryphon was asleep. Presents were wraped and a note was left for Santa. Sarahs Ring never did come and an email from the company said that it shipped on the 21st while Amazon said I should get it between the 16th and the 22nd...grrr. i did have the sadarus book and the Eye Candy sock for here though.
Xmas morning
i think we got up @ 6:30ish. We opened stuff at a decent pace. Gryphon was hapy with his stuff ans Sarah was surprised that I got her anything. About 8ish we decide to take the plunge and head over to my parents house.
Xmas Day
Well my parents love to buy gifts. All kinds of stuff, i hope I can do this someday. There are always lottory tickets and candy and small gifts and large gifts. Besides some gifts certificates and books and cooking spices and all kinds of stuff there was the thing that Sarah and I have been asking for for a couple years now....Play Station 2!!! The slim design. Who hooo....I can see the chapter in Gryphons book when he gets older.... "The Year of The Playstation" We also got Tony Hawks THUG and Mortal Kombat. Gryphon ran around with Deven and played with his new Geo-tracks. We hung out untill about two. My cousin showed up and we scooted out.
Day After Xmas
We got another copy of Curb and the book I got for Sarah. I returned both of them and with the Visa Gift Card from Uncle Dave we got Dance Dance Revelution Extreme(DDR) and a dance pad. we traveled back up to her parents and played DDR with her sister.
Since then we picked upu another pad so we could both go at the same time. Its alot of fun.
I hope I didn't forget to much....
Well, we decided to take Ruby out. We went to Sarahs parents for the Xmas Eve Day. Presents were opened, G got to run around with Tabitha, I had a couple beers and we stayed for dinner. We were only able to get toys for the kids this year.
We were gifted with a DXG-308 Digital camera. It's a nice step up from our old polaroid camera. Krista made me a phat green winter hat and Heather and Adam got us Curb Your Enthusiamsm season 2. Gryphon got some big plastic building set and some art supplies....and some other stuff. Ruby recieved some nice cloths and a cool little blanket that Krista made.
Adam got his 12 iBook and Gary got a sword- Samari 3000, look it up. I forget what the other things were.
Xmas Eve Night
By the time we got home Gryphon was asleep. Presents were wraped and a note was left for Santa. Sarahs Ring never did come and an email from the company said that it shipped on the 21st while Amazon said I should get it between the 16th and the 22nd...grrr. i did have the sadarus book and the Eye Candy sock for here though.
Xmas morning
i think we got up @ 6:30ish. We opened stuff at a decent pace. Gryphon was hapy with his stuff ans Sarah was surprised that I got her anything. About 8ish we decide to take the plunge and head over to my parents house.
Xmas Day
Well my parents love to buy gifts. All kinds of stuff, i hope I can do this someday. There are always lottory tickets and candy and small gifts and large gifts. Besides some gifts certificates and books and cooking spices and all kinds of stuff there was the thing that Sarah and I have been asking for for a couple years now....Play Station 2!!! The slim design. Who hooo....I can see the chapter in Gryphons book when he gets older.... "The Year of The Playstation" We also got Tony Hawks THUG and Mortal Kombat. Gryphon ran around with Deven and played with his new Geo-tracks. We hung out untill about two. My cousin showed up and we scooted out.
Day After Xmas
We got another copy of Curb and the book I got for Sarah. I returned both of them and with the Visa Gift Card from Uncle Dave we got Dance Dance Revelution Extreme(DDR) and a dance pad. we traveled back up to her parents and played DDR with her sister.
Since then we picked upu another pad so we could both go at the same time. Its alot of fun.
I hope I didn't forget to much....
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Last Day before Christmas Vacation...
The Ring is still not here...Grrr. It is supposed to be here today at the latest by priority mail...
The stuff we got for G has also not been delivered to the house yet. They still have 2 days for that stuff. If we don't have that the tree will be kind of nekked.
I broke in the Oakley shoes today at the park today. Nothing new I just practiced the backside 270's 50-50s and the normal stuff. My new board comes tomorrow, yhea! I think Ill just skate the coverse untill they are good and dead, the Oakleys look cool. yhea thats kind of vain or weird but they have a different look than I have been wearing and I just want to [reserve it a bit or maybe buy another pair.
On the Horizon is christmas...I may be getting a MP3 player, no iPod mind you just something. Sarah may get a digital camera, which will mean we should also get a bigger hard drive. I would like to back up our files and the MP3s (@40gigs) and format the drives and reload XP. I would love to get even another 60 gig and put it in the emachine and use that as a media pc. I guess a 120gig drive would be better, we will see.
I took the final step to kill the addiction I had to Magic the Gathering ONLINE. I was going to go on and give my cards away but after i logged on and saw that I had over 1000 cards i just closed it and uninstalled the game. It's a ton of fun and I love the time that I played paper and online Magic but it takes time and money to play at the level I liked to play at.
Ruby is the cutestscoot ever :o) Of course so is/was Gryphon :o)
The stuff we got for G has also not been delivered to the house yet. They still have 2 days for that stuff. If we don't have that the tree will be kind of nekked.
I broke in the Oakley shoes today at the park today. Nothing new I just practiced the backside 270's 50-50s and the normal stuff. My new board comes tomorrow, yhea! I think Ill just skate the coverse untill they are good and dead, the Oakleys look cool. yhea thats kind of vain or weird but they have a different look than I have been wearing and I just want to [reserve it a bit or maybe buy another pair.
On the Horizon is christmas...I may be getting a MP3 player, no iPod mind you just something. Sarah may get a digital camera, which will mean we should also get a bigger hard drive. I would like to back up our files and the MP3s (@40gigs) and format the drives and reload XP. I would love to get even another 60 gig and put it in the emachine and use that as a media pc. I guess a 120gig drive would be better, we will see.
I took the final step to kill the addiction I had to Magic the Gathering ONLINE. I was going to go on and give my cards away but after i logged on and saw that I had over 1000 cards i just closed it and uninstalled the game. It's a ton of fun and I love the time that I played paper and online Magic but it takes time and money to play at the level I liked to play at.
Ruby is the cutestscoot ever :o) Of course so is/was Gryphon :o)
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Skateing at last...
Well yesterday the skatepark was like the arctic tundra...frozen snow on the ramps and the rest was like a skateing rink. Today there was plenty of space to skate and hit the ramps. I spread some of the puddles out on the mini and it dried in about 5 mins. A bunch of kids/guys showed up. it sounded like most were from out of town and here for the holidays. A couple of them were really good smooth grinds and flips. Just thinking about my skateing:
On the mini: smiths, frontside rock, fakey to smith, fakey to spin to back 50-50 thing and other regular stuff. i hit some long frontside slides to fakie on the bar and was able to kick flip pretty easy. i hope the new board will make the flips easier, at least the tail will be strong and not chiped. I should be able to hit ollies of the kicker easier.
I did slam hard once. I was thinking about doing a smith on the spine and my body must have half attempted to do it. As i was comeing back down the ramp i noticed how smooth it felt and then, as i slamed into the bottom of the ramp on my hip, I relized that i was falling...ouch.
The Ring I got for Sarah still has not shown up. i am getting worried it says the delivery time is betweeen the 16th and the 22nd....hope it comes.
On the mini: smiths, frontside rock, fakey to smith, fakey to spin to back 50-50 thing and other regular stuff. i hit some long frontside slides to fakie on the bar and was able to kick flip pretty easy. i hope the new board will make the flips easier, at least the tail will be strong and not chiped. I should be able to hit ollies of the kicker easier.
I did slam hard once. I was thinking about doing a smith on the spine and my body must have half attempted to do it. As i was comeing back down the ramp i noticed how smooth it felt and then, as i slamed into the bottom of the ramp on my hip, I relized that i was falling...ouch.
The Ring I got for Sarah still has not shown up. i am getting worried it says the delivery time is betweeen the 16th and the 22nd....hope it comes.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Lets go free form...
Well the week in the Hospitol made me relise how much reality TV there is, how funny The Family Guy is, Futurama is still pretty good, there are some stupid cartoons on the cartoon network (maybe I am getting to old), I like the Yoh Gi Oh cartoon, not all Anima is good, and there is lots of trash programming on during the day.
We got a nice charlie brown tree this year. G loves it so it doesnt matter. Our plans are still up in the air for what or where we are going. The original plan was:
Xmas eve- Sarahs parents
Xmas morning - our house
Xmas afternoon - my parents
Skate videos
I got another free netflix account and rented more skate videos. The best has been Yeah Right. Very good , the best I have seen for a long time. There is lots of skateing and no stupid pranks in the main part of the film. Another good one was Trans Worlds Reason/Feedback. Very good stuff there too. They have lots of scens of getting kicked out of places and lots of old Bam skateing along with a bunch of LOVE and FDR with a dash of the old Dust Bowl.
I picked up a 25 pack of DVD-r's for $10 at Staples. That a very good deal and prices are dropping nicley for them. I burned the two skate videos. we also rented Spidey two but never watched it.
We got a nice charlie brown tree this year. G loves it so it doesnt matter. Our plans are still up in the air for what or where we are going. The original plan was:
Xmas eve- Sarahs parents
Xmas morning - our house
Xmas afternoon - my parents
Skate videos
I got another free netflix account and rented more skate videos. The best has been Yeah Right. Very good , the best I have seen for a long time. There is lots of skateing and no stupid pranks in the main part of the film. Another good one was Trans Worlds Reason/Feedback. Very good stuff there too. They have lots of scens of getting kicked out of places and lots of old Bam skateing along with a bunch of LOVE and FDR with a dash of the old Dust Bowl.
I picked up a 25 pack of DVD-r's for $10 at Staples. That a very good deal and prices are dropping nicley for them. I burned the two skate videos. we also rented Spidey two but never watched it.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
New Board and New Skate Shoes - Oakley Go Kart
I found these at Marshalls for $20. Wow are they comfy. I can finnally retire my old Airwalks and maybe even my Converse sneaks I have had for a many, many years.Google Image Result for http://www.jamesandjames.com/pictures/oakley/oakgokartblu.jpg
I also ordered a blank deck from TGM, its green this time 7.75x31.5.
I also ordered a blank deck from TGM, its green this time 7.75x31.5.
Friday, December 17, 2004
What Can Put Your baby in the Hospitol for almost a week...RSV
I never heard of it but Ruby had it and we got a week stay at the hospitol. More later.
RSV Info Center
RSV Info Center
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Added lots of extensions to Firefox.
Foxy Tunes-Adds controls for your music player, in my case WinAMp.
Gmail Notifier
A weather app that shows the weather in your tool bar.
A app that lets you right click and see the Blog this! option.
Firefox is pretty cool :o)
Gmail Notifier
A weather app that shows the weather in your tool bar.
A app that lets you right click and see the Blog this! option.
Firefox is pretty cool :o)
deviantART: madtagar
I am testing the "blog this!" extension for Firefox and bloging my deviantart.com page.
deviantART: madtagar
deviantART: madtagar
Friday, December 10, 2004
Thursday, December 09, 2004
My posting has slacked...I have to just put someting up or I may lose the itch to post...
I stayed home yesterday to help with a sick G and a crying R.
I managed to get Kates maching running. It turns out it was just the memory that was slowing it down. It only had 32mb. She ordered 256mb but, it sounds like they broke the memory stick. Those HP pavilions are a bitch to put memory into. The memory sounded crunchy and it wouldnt work in my machine. I gave her one of my 64mb chips from my machine and was able to get her going again. I ran Adaware SE, Avast Antivirus and may install Zone Alarm next time I am there. I made sure she could get on line and stuff. If she can get another 256 stick she should be in good shape untill she can get a new PC>
Rubys Dr. visit went fine. Her weight gain slowed and she only gained a couple onces from 9.12 up to 9.15. The Dr. didnt say much about the colic other than the usual she'll grow out of it. I hope it's soon because no matter what my intentinos are its hard to give G attention and help Sarah with Ruby too.
Sarah stoped by today with R and G for people to oogle over. it rained so I did nt miss skateing. Yesterday was a nice day though. I think its supposed to rain on the days I can skate until next tuesday. Supriseingly I was only at 172 on the scale. I'll have to work it back down after the holidays.
I signed up for a free 30 day netflicx account...again and another dvd mail rental place that does family freindly movies. I rented a buch of dinosaur dvds for G. It's funny they warn you of the discussion of Evelution in the dvd's :o) Its a religious based company. I rented a bunch of skate dvds from Netflix.
Movies: We watched Dodgeball last night and we saw Elf the other night. Both were pretty good.
I stayed home yesterday to help with a sick G and a crying R.
I managed to get Kates maching running. It turns out it was just the memory that was slowing it down. It only had 32mb. She ordered 256mb but, it sounds like they broke the memory stick. Those HP pavilions are a bitch to put memory into. The memory sounded crunchy and it wouldnt work in my machine. I gave her one of my 64mb chips from my machine and was able to get her going again. I ran Adaware SE, Avast Antivirus and may install Zone Alarm next time I am there. I made sure she could get on line and stuff. If she can get another 256 stick she should be in good shape untill she can get a new PC>
Rubys Dr. visit went fine. Her weight gain slowed and she only gained a couple onces from 9.12 up to 9.15. The Dr. didnt say much about the colic other than the usual she'll grow out of it. I hope it's soon because no matter what my intentinos are its hard to give G attention and help Sarah with Ruby too.
Sarah stoped by today with R and G for people to oogle over. it rained so I did nt miss skateing. Yesterday was a nice day though. I think its supposed to rain on the days I can skate until next tuesday. Supriseingly I was only at 172 on the scale. I'll have to work it back down after the holidays.
I signed up for a free 30 day netflicx account...again and another dvd mail rental place that does family freindly movies. I rented a buch of dinosaur dvds for G. It's funny they warn you of the discussion of Evelution in the dvd's :o) Its a religious based company. I rented a bunch of skate dvds from Netflix.
Movies: We watched Dodgeball last night and we saw Elf the other night. Both were pretty good.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Colic, rain and going to fix Kates PC
Colic is...
...not fun. Ruby cries and cries, it's sad. They say it can be caused jut from her temperment and getting used to just being alive outside the womb. Hopefully it goes away soon. At least I get to go to work although I wish I could be home all the time to help. G is starting to get a little rebelious since we have to pay so much attention to Ruby right now. I am sure it will pass...
No Skateing today
Its raining and I forgot my skate cloths anyway. I did go to Micro Center and foudn that DVD-R's have really dropped in price, 20 for $10,cool.
Kate's PC
Apperantly kate's PC is down for the count. Amber tried to install the new Memory that she bought in it. I told her to just try it by itself and even only just the old memory but it does not even post. I am going to go over and give it a good fDisk, format and clean install of windows.
Dads got DSL and...
my Dad beat me to highspeed internet :o( Not only that but he bought himself a nice Dell 2.8ghz with a LCD, printer faxer copier thing....oh well I guess I get to keep the PC i found :o)
...not fun. Ruby cries and cries, it's sad. They say it can be caused jut from her temperment and getting used to just being alive outside the womb. Hopefully it goes away soon. At least I get to go to work although I wish I could be home all the time to help. G is starting to get a little rebelious since we have to pay so much attention to Ruby right now. I am sure it will pass...
No Skateing today
Its raining and I forgot my skate cloths anyway. I did go to Micro Center and foudn that DVD-R's have really dropped in price, 20 for $10,cool.
Kate's PC
Apperantly kate's PC is down for the count. Amber tried to install the new Memory that she bought in it. I told her to just try it by itself and even only just the old memory but it does not even post. I am going to go over and give it a good fDisk, format and clean install of windows.
Dads got DSL and...
my Dad beat me to highspeed internet :o( Not only that but he bought himself a nice Dell 2.8ghz with a LCD, printer faxer copier thing....oh well I guess I get to keep the PC i found :o)
Friday, December 03, 2004
2004 News Corp Global Excellence Awards
2004 News Corp Global Excellence Awards
Cool, I won an award from work. Im not sure who nominated me (maybe i signed up myself :o) My name is on the page Chris Faulkner. Can't wait to sell...I mean see the artwork I won.
Cool, I won an award from work. Im not sure who nominated me (maybe i signed up myself :o) My name is on the page Chris Faulkner. Can't wait to sell...I mean see the artwork I won.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Ruby's pics at work...
Ruby's Pics
i took some pics of Ruby into work today. Of course everybody (ok, well the Girls) gushed on them.
Skate Park
A sign at the park said that the winter hours were 1pm to dusk... :/ I dont get it. Why 1pm? Oh well, i got there at 12:40 and skated. I am such a rebel :op It was empty untill about 120 and then a bunch of decent teen ledge skaters came, and some bikers. I felt really good today and pulled some Frontside rock and rolls. I cant wait to get a new board, my tail is starting to really chip up and get short. I had the urge to not come back to work...
I almost forgot. Yesterday it satarted out raining and by the afternoon it was super windy and the sun was out so the mini dried up nicely and I got to skate in the wind storm.
i took some pics of Ruby into work today. Of course everybody (ok, well the Girls) gushed on them.
Skate Park
A sign at the park said that the winter hours were 1pm to dusk... :/ I dont get it. Why 1pm? Oh well, i got there at 12:40 and skated. I am such a rebel :op It was empty untill about 120 and then a bunch of decent teen ledge skaters came, and some bikers. I felt really good today and pulled some Frontside rock and rolls. I cant wait to get a new board, my tail is starting to really chip up and get short. I had the urge to not come back to work...
I almost forgot. Yesterday it satarted out raining and by the afternoon it was super windy and the sun was out so the mini dried up nicely and I got to skate in the wind storm.
My feet are getting wet...
Abandone Ship!!!
TV Guide layed off 69 people today, 2 from our department. My feet are getting wet, I think the ship is sinking.
My new project for the New Year is finding a new job.
TV Guide layed off 69 people today, 2 from our department. My feet are getting wet, I think the ship is sinking.
My new project for the New Year is finding a new job.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Back to the Grind...
I am gettting a post together to catch up what was going on during my two week Baby Vacation, but untill then I should get back to regular posts.
I've skated every day this week. i can feel some weight sneaking back in and I need to work it off. The park has been kind of quiet so far this week.
new Cloths
I got some new cloths from old navy. Size 33/30s and medium shirts. It probably the first time that a medium has fit me nice for a while. Now when I put my old cloths on I feel like I am drowning in them.
Sims 2, Krack
I got the sims crack to work last night. The only problem is that build mode does not work. I am going to try another crack tonight.
I've skated every day this week. i can feel some weight sneaking back in and I need to work it off. The park has been kind of quiet so far this week.
new Cloths
I got some new cloths from old navy. Size 33/30s and medium shirts. It probably the first time that a medium has fit me nice for a while. Now when I put my old cloths on I feel like I am drowning in them.
Sims 2, Krack
I got the sims crack to work last night. The only problem is that build mode does not work. I am going to try another crack tonight.
Friday, November 12, 2004
It's A Girl > Ruby Harvest Faulkner
More details later but for now:
We would like to announce the arrival of
Ruby Harvest Faulkner
8lb and 19inches
Born, at home, on
November 11, 2004 at 5:55pm.
Sarah and Ruby are recovering nicely and Gryphon and I are doing fine as well.
We would like to announce the arrival of
Ruby Harvest Faulkner
8lb and 19inches
Born, at home, on
November 11, 2004 at 5:55pm.
Sarah and Ruby are recovering nicely and Gryphon and I are doing fine as well.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Young kids at the park and Yahoo!'s kind of messed up today.
Well, there were a ton of kids at the park today. They were all over the place... it's fun to watch them and pick the ones out that have some natural talent. Good ledge skater was there, I am starting to thing he may be sponsered.
Yahoo is screwed today
I dont know if its just me but Yahoo seems to be haveing problems today. I am getting permission denials and a very messed up email interface.
Speaking of email, Gryhpon got his first email account today. We got it for him so that we could sign him up for things on the net.
Well, there were a ton of kids at the park today. They were all over the place... it's fun to watch them and pick the ones out that have some natural talent. Good ledge skater was there, I am starting to thing he may be sponsered.
Yahoo is screwed today
I dont know if its just me but Yahoo seems to be haveing problems today. I am getting permission denials and a very messed up email interface.
Speaking of email, Gryhpon got his first email account today. We got it for him so that we could sign him up for things on the net.
Skate Site:: DesertPipes.com
This guy has some great memories to take with him. I never skated a big pipe or a small one. Its sounds like a lot of fun waas had out in the desert!
This guy has some great memories to take with him. I never skated a big pipe or a small one. Its sounds like a lot of fun waas had out in the desert!
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Anybody Want a Cat!
This cat is out of control...she is driving us crazy. I would say if she doesnt calm down after the birth she is outta here. Im not sure where yet but, when most of your time is spent chaseing the cat off of stuff and tripping over them as they beg for food something has got to happen. I sound like a horrible person but, I am ready to be pet-less. A baby on the way and barely enough money for our own food and a cat that just raises tensions in the house. Anyway...
Ice Age
G watched ice Age last night. It cute to see him crack up and some of the slapstick humor ;o)
Just me and two other skaters today. I had a good time i busted out some methods and pulled a 5-0 stall on the mini. I had soe nice long frontside slides to fakie on the flat rail also.
sarahs sister heather has let some gastro pains go for a long time and she had a problem the other night. She now gets to run the gauntlet of tests...hope fully its just the ulcer thing.
This cat is out of control...she is driving us crazy. I would say if she doesnt calm down after the birth she is outta here. Im not sure where yet but, when most of your time is spent chaseing the cat off of stuff and tripping over them as they beg for food something has got to happen. I sound like a horrible person but, I am ready to be pet-less. A baby on the way and barely enough money for our own food and a cat that just raises tensions in the house. Anyway...
Ice Age
G watched ice Age last night. It cute to see him crack up and some of the slapstick humor ;o)
Just me and two other skaters today. I had a good time i busted out some methods and pulled a 5-0 stall on the mini. I had soe nice long frontside slides to fakie on the flat rail also.
sarahs sister heather has let some gastro pains go for a long time and she had a problem the other night. She now gets to run the gauntlet of tests...hope fully its just the ulcer thing.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Taking the RadioKaos button off.
I took the radioKaos link down. I feel bad that I can not contribute to them and the guy has lost his job and needs donations to keep the extra bandwith. So I have stoped listening....no hard feelings.
No Baby Yet, Skating....and weekend update.
No Baby Yet
Ruby or Harvest or Phoneix or Haven is not ready yet. Kate found that she has two viles of the antibiotics that sarah may need. She would like us to help recover the cost of them though since we could not get a prescription for it...but, why wouldn't this be covered in the $2000 we will be paying? Oh well, I guess if you work outside the system you have to expect things like this.
Skate park
I skated to day, of course. sarah called me on the Tracphone and I did a little run while on the phone with her. No major falls, just skateing and haveing fun :o)
Old Navy
Since I lost @15+ pounds I got a reward of racking up the OldNavy CC. $90 got me jeans, khakis, cords and 2 MEDIUM size shirts. I haven't bought medium shirts for a while and I fit prefectly into 33/30 size pants. I am hovering at the 170lb range right now. I d like to be hovering @ 165.
We got a smattering of groceries, a plug for the now working dryer(yhea for small victories!) and now we have about $20 in the bank....
the eagles got pounded for there first lost of the season.
Ruby or Harvest or Phoneix or Haven is not ready yet. Kate found that she has two viles of the antibiotics that sarah may need. She would like us to help recover the cost of them though since we could not get a prescription for it...but, why wouldn't this be covered in the $2000 we will be paying? Oh well, I guess if you work outside the system you have to expect things like this.
Skate park
I skated to day, of course. sarah called me on the Tracphone and I did a little run while on the phone with her. No major falls, just skateing and haveing fun :o)
Old Navy
Since I lost @15+ pounds I got a reward of racking up the OldNavy CC. $90 got me jeans, khakis, cords and 2 MEDIUM size shirts. I haven't bought medium shirts for a while and I fit prefectly into 33/30 size pants. I am hovering at the 170lb range right now. I d like to be hovering @ 165.
We got a smattering of groceries, a plug for the now working dryer(yhea for small victories!) and now we have about $20 in the bank....
the eagles got pounded for there first lost of the season.
Case Closed, pro skater identified: www.this-is-chriscole.net.tc .:: This is Chris Cole ::. Chris Cole Fansite
Ah ha! I was looking through a skate zine this weekend and I was like "hey, this is the guy I saw at the park last week!
I was right He is a pro skater. He sounds like a cool guy.
www.this-is-chriscole.net.tc .:: This is Chris Cole ::. Chris Cole Fansite
I was right He is a pro skater. He sounds like a cool guy.
www.this-is-chriscole.net.tc .:: This is Chris Cole ::. Chris Cole Fansite
Friday, November 05, 2004
Stardock: Object Desktop - DesktopX
Stardock: Object Desktop - DesktopX
One of the things I liked about Linux and KDE was karamba. Now I have found this for windowsXP. I also found that one of my favorite Icon sets, Umicons and Gant, was made originally for Windows and not linux.
One of the things I liked about Linux and KDE was karamba. Now I have found this for windowsXP. I also found that one of my favorite Icon sets, Umicons and Gant, was made originally for Windows and not linux.
Problems Resolved....Kind Of. :o)
When G's away the cats will play
Sarah dropped G of at her grandmoms so we could have some down time. If we had some money we would ave went out but we settled for a little talking, chips and soda and re watching Starsky&Hutch. We crashed around 11. That was the earliest I have been to bed in a while. i found myself waking up and relizing I could still go back to sleep. Once I even woke up and noticed that G wasnt in his bed. I headed out thinking that he was sleeping in the living room and then relised he was a grandmoms :o)
We decided to keep with the budget: Pay rent, peco, statefarm, oldnavy, and Capitol One. we pushed off kate(midwife) and eric(car). That still only leaves us with like $120 but, at least the bills are getting paid.
The Cleocin stuff
Sarah read some stuff to me that made me feel better about going into the birth with only one dose of the meds. It a very low chance that the baby would get Group B with out meds and kate has done this before and we do have the one dose...
Skate Park
Ahhh...I felt good today. I have to really flex my foot to feel whats left of my foot injury and my ribs are healing. It was empty again and I got to mess around doing low reverts out of grinds and ollies. I also nailed some frontside slides to revert on the flat rail and slide the whole bench backside. Jose showed up again today. said he hadnt skated in a while, actually it was the same day that I hurt my ankle.
What else...the Due date is this weekend so Im am getting excited....and lets go EAGLES. They are working on 8 and ohhh.
Sarah dropped G of at her grandmoms so we could have some down time. If we had some money we would ave went out but we settled for a little talking, chips and soda and re watching Starsky&Hutch. We crashed around 11. That was the earliest I have been to bed in a while. i found myself waking up and relizing I could still go back to sleep. Once I even woke up and noticed that G wasnt in his bed. I headed out thinking that he was sleeping in the living room and then relised he was a grandmoms :o)
We decided to keep with the budget: Pay rent, peco, statefarm, oldnavy, and Capitol One. we pushed off kate(midwife) and eric(car). That still only leaves us with like $120 but, at least the bills are getting paid.
The Cleocin stuff
Sarah read some stuff to me that made me feel better about going into the birth with only one dose of the meds. It a very low chance that the baby would get Group B with out meds and kate has done this before and we do have the one dose...
Skate Park
Ahhh...I felt good today. I have to really flex my foot to feel whats left of my foot injury and my ribs are healing. It was empty again and I got to mess around doing low reverts out of grinds and ollies. I also nailed some frontside slides to revert on the flat rail and slide the whole bench backside. Jose showed up again today. said he hadnt skated in a while, actually it was the same day that I hurt my ankle.
What else...the Due date is this weekend so Im am getting excited....and lets go EAGLES. They are working on 8 and ohhh.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Why Doesn't she have what she needs?
Cleocin, Clindamycin, or Dalacin C
Thats the stuff that is needed when S goes into to labor. It is an antibiotic to keep the Group B strep from the baby. Kate only has one vile and you need to give 900mg every 8 hours. So if it takes longer than what do we do? kate has Sarah calling all over the place trying to get a perscription for some. Of course people just dont write perscriptions for anybody calling in on the phone. kate says that she will know when to give the shot but, what if it goes to long? I guess maybe we have to decide that either she knows what she is doing or that we dont think she can give us the safty that we need and make alternative plans.... Jeeze, why can't anything go smooth.
Rain today so no skating. i had a Pumpkin pie this morning and generally have fallen into bad habits so I wanted to work it off.
Thats the stuff that is needed when S goes into to labor. It is an antibiotic to keep the Group B strep from the baby. Kate only has one vile and you need to give 900mg every 8 hours. So if it takes longer than what do we do? kate has Sarah calling all over the place trying to get a perscription for some. Of course people just dont write perscriptions for anybody calling in on the phone. kate says that she will know when to give the shot but, what if it goes to long? I guess maybe we have to decide that either she knows what she is doing or that we dont think she can give us the safty that we need and make alternative plans.... Jeeze, why can't anything go smooth.
Rain today so no skating. i had a Pumpkin pie this morning and generally have fallen into bad habits so I wanted to work it off.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
The dopes have spoken-CNN.com Election 2004 - U.S. President
CNN.com Election 2004 - U.S. President
Well, we have 4 more years of BUSH. Eek... I won't be surprised if we invade another country, i never find a good job and the rich get richer.
Not to bloggy right now. i stayed home yesterday to get some things done: chalked, laundry , dishes, returned stuff...we are really out of money. This paycheck comeing up will not cover everything.... ihave now i dea how to split it up. kate, eric, statefarm, rent,oldNavy,capitolOne, food,gas....hhmm...im screwed. i did skate today. i had my old board together. its wider. I cant concentrate on work with the money stuff...plus I have 3 school things due, i have to pick my classes and i am hungry.... and we are busy, busy busy aat work. I am looking forward to the baby, anytime now baby. Work pulls and tugs....i am hungry. bye
Well, we have 4 more years of BUSH. Eek... I won't be surprised if we invade another country, i never find a good job and the rich get richer.
Not to bloggy right now. i stayed home yesterday to get some things done: chalked, laundry , dishes, returned stuff...we are really out of money. This paycheck comeing up will not cover everything.... ihave now i dea how to split it up. kate, eric, statefarm, rent,oldNavy,capitolOne, food,gas....hhmm...im screwed. i did skate today. i had my old board together. its wider. I cant concentrate on work with the money stuff...plus I have 3 school things due, i have to pick my classes and i am hungry.... and we are busy, busy busy aat work. I am looking forward to the baby, anytime now baby. Work pulls and tugs....i am hungry. bye
Monday, November 01, 2004
Skate Park::11/1/04
Skate park
No bikers at the park today. it was a very nice day out. the sun did mess with me a bit on the ramp though. i started getting over my fear of coming in from a disaster though. I ll get back to that tomorrow. I also still have to swith decks.
No bikers at the park today. it was a very nice day out. the sun did mess with me a bit on the ramp though. i started getting over my fear of coming in from a disaster though. I ll get back to that tomorrow. I also still have to swith decks.
Weekend Update::Halloween
I had the class I don't like and then my Mom and sister bought us a cool baby dresser from Ikea. They all came over to deliver it, including Wendy's new bo, Jeremy. I dont remember much else from Saturday...oh yhea...I stayed up till 4am working on my oil project. I decided I could not get it done and decided not to go to class Sunday.
I sleept in till like 11am and then we got ready and headed down to Rowans for a kids party. they did some crafts, had a Bean Bag Cauldren Toss, G was cool with not winning. the prize was a Magic Tree house book and I know he wanted it. he also refused to eat and had to pee the whole time. He did enjoy himself though.
Pumpkin baby
Sarah painted her belly like a pumpkin and wore it out all day. It was odd because it didnt look like her belly when it was painted, she did a really good job.
Trick or treat
After the party we trucked over to my parents for a little and then raced back to our 'hood to trick or treat with tabitha. We only did about a third of our area and we got a nice haul. At one house Gryphon didn't notice the edge of he porch and tumble off and rolled under a bush :o) he was ok and laughed. He claimed that his armor saved him. He was a knight for the 2nd year in a row. the baby and getting ready made it hard to get a Elton john or something else costume together. he didnt care though.
Kay and jack
back in the car again we ride over to see kay and Jack. We sit and chat a bit. they are really into teh election tommorrow so that dominated the conversation.
Midnight Ritual
Then it was time for the treck to the Green Lane camp ground for the midnight ritual. SGG has been together for a year now. G was asleep when we got there so I put him in the tent that was set up. we hung around the fire and ate untill 12. G ahd woke up and we were cold. We sat in the car and hung out untill it was done at 1:30am. In the computer talk, Ron offered up a graphics card, 128mb and i jumped all over it :o) It's PCI, i wonder if I have an open slot....
I had the class I don't like and then my Mom and sister bought us a cool baby dresser from Ikea. They all came over to deliver it, including Wendy's new bo, Jeremy. I dont remember much else from Saturday...oh yhea...I stayed up till 4am working on my oil project. I decided I could not get it done and decided not to go to class Sunday.
I sleept in till like 11am and then we got ready and headed down to Rowans for a kids party. they did some crafts, had a Bean Bag Cauldren Toss, G was cool with not winning. the prize was a Magic Tree house book and I know he wanted it. he also refused to eat and had to pee the whole time. He did enjoy himself though.
Pumpkin baby
Sarah painted her belly like a pumpkin and wore it out all day. It was odd because it didnt look like her belly when it was painted, she did a really good job.
Trick or treat
After the party we trucked over to my parents for a little and then raced back to our 'hood to trick or treat with tabitha. We only did about a third of our area and we got a nice haul. At one house Gryphon didn't notice the edge of he porch and tumble off and rolled under a bush :o) he was ok and laughed. He claimed that his armor saved him. He was a knight for the 2nd year in a row. the baby and getting ready made it hard to get a Elton john or something else costume together. he didnt care though.
Kay and jack
back in the car again we ride over to see kay and Jack. We sit and chat a bit. they are really into teh election tommorrow so that dominated the conversation.
Midnight Ritual
Then it was time for the treck to the Green Lane camp ground for the midnight ritual. SGG has been together for a year now. G was asleep when we got there so I put him in the tent that was set up. we hung around the fire and ate untill 12. G ahd woke up and we were cold. We sat in the car and hung out untill it was done at 1:30am. In the computer talk, Ron offered up a graphics card, 128mb and i jumped all over it :o) It's PCI, i wonder if I have an open slot....
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Man, reports can be depressing.
Not for the data that you may dig up but for the time lines that you see. Like in the year 2112 oil will be at this level. 2112...!! ugh, I will just be memory in a picture and maybe a great grandchild of mine will have known me. It's so depressing...even G and my new baby will be long gone...god I have to finish this report...life sucks to a point...its a freaking trap...it's to much to think of. I have to slip back to the hear and now and be in the present, this is the time that counts. I need to be sure that G will have many happy memories of this time.
One day at a time, enjoy each and every minute and make people around you happy
I hav a new baby coming, I have Gryphon and Sarah. I will enjoy every day. I have skateboarding and Star Wars. In the end it doesn't matter but for now...it matters. Peace-=ccf=-
One day at a time, enjoy each and every minute and make people around you happy
I hav a new baby coming, I have Gryphon and Sarah. I will enjoy every day. I have skateboarding and Star Wars. In the end it doesn't matter but for now...it matters. Peace-=ccf=-
Friday, October 29, 2004
Dry Ramp, Dry! and Scooting around with G
Dry Ramp, DRY!
It was raining this morning and on the way out to the car the parking lot was pretty wet. My routine has sunk in enough though, so I went to the park. The surface was soaked and the ramp was wetter than the other day. I took a pic or two and then decided I would rather get a work out trying to dry the ramp off than sit in the car. So, I grabed my blanket and started the drying process. 10 to 15 mins later and I was skateing. I did a couple grinds, but just palyed benieth the wet coping and deck :o) Good enough fr a good work out.
Skate Rug Rats
I hear some voices and look up to see about 8 young kids and a mother comeing into the soaking wet park. i think "Man these kids are going to get hurt...and mess up my dry ramp! But then they started riding down the fun box on the butts and haveing a great time :o) How fun. A couple even tried going back and forth on the mini. I think that some were Gryphons age. i think next summer will be a good time to see if he is into it. I'll just have to remember not to push him and just have fun and get back to what got me into it...raceing down the street on my knees and such.
Me and G out on the town
It was raining this morning and on the way out to the car the parking lot was pretty wet. My routine has sunk in enough though, so I went to the park. The surface was soaked and the ramp was wetter than the other day. I took a pic or two and then decided I would rather get a work out trying to dry the ramp off than sit in the car. So, I grabed my blanket and started the drying process. 10 to 15 mins later and I was skateing. I did a couple grinds, but just palyed benieth the wet coping and deck :o) Good enough fr a good work out.
Skate Rug Rats
I hear some voices and look up to see about 8 young kids and a mother comeing into the soaking wet park. i think "Man these kids are going to get hurt...and mess up my dry ramp! But then they started riding down the fun box on the butts and haveing a great time :o) How fun. A couple even tried going back and forth on the mini. I think that some were Gryphons age. i think next summer will be a good time to see if he is into it. I'll just have to remember not to push him and just have fun and get back to what got me into it...raceing down the street on my knees and such.
Me and G out on the town
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Skate Crack and Full Moon
Skate Crack
I noticed on my way to work that my griptape looked like it was cut on one side of my board. On further enspection it is a crack in the board that seperated the griptape :o( Riding on the tail feels very slushy. I can ride the board backwards for some time but I may have to slap the old deck together for me to make it untill Christmas.
Matching Groins
I irritated my groin today, enough to make me stop skateing for the day. When Sarah called she said hers was really hurting today too.
Full Moon
The SGG gang came over for the Moon last night. David took a look at but could not fix my modem in linux problem. Ever since I updated the kernal, my WinModem has not worked. Ron brought David a nice MB and a killer Graphics card. He said he had more. I was jealous and hoped he would offer me one... Lots of inscence and candles later and the house was a wreck again.
Icons Cause Problems??????
I was asked yesterday to refrain from using non-standard Icons on my iMac at work. They sited that they may cause network problems.... WTF!!!. They help to organize my desktop and work flow... A big Grrr. I told them I disagree with that but I would change them back. I hate those blue folders all over espiccially in my tool bar. I made every thing as small as I could and even positoined my desktop icons of the edge of the screen so all you could see is the words.... Ill take a picture.
I noticed on my way to work that my griptape looked like it was cut on one side of my board. On further enspection it is a crack in the board that seperated the griptape :o( Riding on the tail feels very slushy. I can ride the board backwards for some time but I may have to slap the old deck together for me to make it untill Christmas.
Matching Groins
I irritated my groin today, enough to make me stop skateing for the day. When Sarah called she said hers was really hurting today too.
Full Moon
The SGG gang came over for the Moon last night. David took a look at but could not fix my modem in linux problem. Ever since I updated the kernal, my WinModem has not worked. Ron brought David a nice MB and a killer Graphics card. He said he had more. I was jealous and hoped he would offer me one... Lots of inscence and candles later and the house was a wreck again.
Icons Cause Problems??????
I was asked yesterday to refrain from using non-standard Icons on my iMac at work. They sited that they may cause network problems.... WTF!!!. They help to organize my desktop and work flow... A big Grrr. I told them I disagree with that but I would change them back. I hate those blue folders all over espiccially in my tool bar. I made every thing as small as I could and even positoined my desktop icons of the edge of the screen so all you could see is the words.... Ill take a picture.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Skatepark and Group B
So the skatepark was hopping today. The "poser bikers" were there along with a couple street skaters. There was also a fruit booter smoking a cig the whole time. he had a skate off so maybe he hurt his foot. i got in my normal routine.My ollies on the mini are feeling realy good. I'll have to see if I can float them above the coping. The "Tech Deckers" showed up and I get the feeling the one guy is pro. He had a brand new board. The board he had the other day was barely used. The kids saw him comeing and said its Chris so and so again... the bottom of his board had a name in hand writeing on it that said Chris and the last name I could not read. So if I'll have to do some research to see who he is.
Group B
Strep that is. Sarah's got it. So she will have to take anti-biotics during labor. kate said that she has never had a baby catch it and the lady she learned from said she has only seen one baby catch it. i think it should be ok. kate gave a guess that it was a girl to for the record.
So the skatepark was hopping today. The "poser bikers" were there along with a couple street skaters. There was also a fruit booter smoking a cig the whole time. he had a skate off so maybe he hurt his foot. i got in my normal routine.My ollies on the mini are feeling realy good. I'll have to see if I can float them above the coping. The "Tech Deckers" showed up and I get the feeling the one guy is pro. He had a brand new board. The board he had the other day was barely used. The kids saw him comeing and said its Chris so and so again... the bottom of his board had a name in hand writeing on it that said Chris and the last name I could not read. So if I'll have to do some research to see who he is.
Group B
Strep that is. Sarah's got it. So she will have to take anti-biotics during labor. kate said that she has never had a baby catch it and the lady she learned from said she has only seen one baby catch it. i think it should be ok. kate gave a guess that it was a girl to for the record.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Different Books, Skate Park and other stuff
Gryphon Made A Holloween Book
G narrated a story to Sarah last night and she typed it up and broke it out on to pages for Gryphon. The pics are very cute so far. A summery of the book would be:
A boy gets chased by a T-Rex and a Sabertooth. While eluding them he finds himself trick-0r-treating inside of a haunted shark. The T-Rex and the Sabertooth continue the chase and Gryphon has to find a way to escape!
Babies First Story
I read a board book, ehh, I forget the name of the book. it was about counting indian rabbits...I'll get the link, to the baby inside. We had done this for G also.
magic treehouse #12
We started on the 12th book of the series last night. We do about half a book anight. G is really enjoying them.
Angels done
We finished off angel last night. it was an odd season with an acceptable season ending wrap-up.
At the skatepark
I was hopeing to test out the ring volume of the TracFone at the park today but Sarah did not get my message to give me a call.
It was empty today, which was fun for me. I tried to hit all the stuff in the park. My ribs are still a bit tender so i didnt go to hard on the mini. Bailing out on the mini means jumping and the landing is hurty on the ribs. So I hit lots of board slides and got my couple smiths in. I also hit a couple low half-cabs and nollie to fakie on the mini. Anyway it was a good work out.
G narrated a story to Sarah last night and she typed it up and broke it out on to pages for Gryphon. The pics are very cute so far. A summery of the book would be:
A boy gets chased by a T-Rex and a Sabertooth. While eluding them he finds himself trick-0r-treating inside of a haunted shark. The T-Rex and the Sabertooth continue the chase and Gryphon has to find a way to escape!
Babies First Story
I read a board book, ehh, I forget the name of the book. it was about counting indian rabbits...I'll get the link, to the baby inside. We had done this for G also.
magic treehouse #12
We started on the 12th book of the series last night. We do about half a book anight. G is really enjoying them.
Angels done
We finished off angel last night. it was an odd season with an acceptable season ending wrap-up.
At the skatepark
I was hopeing to test out the ring volume of the TracFone at the park today but Sarah did not get my message to give me a call.
It was empty today, which was fun for me. I tried to hit all the stuff in the park. My ribs are still a bit tender so i didnt go to hard on the mini. Bailing out on the mini means jumping and the landing is hurty on the ribs. So I hit lots of board slides and got my couple smiths in. I also hit a couple low half-cabs and nollie to fakie on the mini. Anyway it was a good work out.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Tracfone is here and forgot my skate.
Well our Tracfone came in today. We are going to activate it tonight. I am also trying to get some other free minutes before I start it up.
No skate today
I was halfway to the park today before i remembered that my board is in the Stanza. i went anyway and sat on the bleachers and did a journal entry. I saw a guy slam hard on a bike coming out of a 360 over the spine and one of the "ledge skaters" was there. bummer for me.
No skate today
I was halfway to the park today before i remembered that my board is in the Stanza. i went anyway and sat on the bleachers and did a journal entry. I saw a guy slam hard on a bike coming out of a 360 over the spine and one of the "ledge skaters" was there. bummer for me.
Skate park on Friday.... and week end update.
We were wicked busy at work on Friday so I forgot to blog.
The park was a busy place as well. A bunch of bikers and skaters and "Crazey Mom". I Skated the mini until my groin pull got a bit to painful.
Tech Deck gang
A group of skaters I will call teh "tech deckers" because they do tricks that I only do with my TechDeck. At least one of them was probably sponsered. He had that eary control over his deck and you could feel his confidence. The "Ledge Gang" could only hope to be so good. The "tech deck" guys were doing the "Ledge Gangs" trick on the round kinked rail and more. All i had to do was see these guys walkning into the park to sense there skill. I was happy to sit back and watch these guys for the rest of my break.
Late Night
I stayed up Friday night till @4am and wrote out my papers for English class. I've learned some things from that class I just really don't like the class subject itself.
Winding Hill Farm
We went to a farm today for birthday for boy Sage. The farm does the whole Harvest Festival type thing. You can get a wagon load of people together for a hay ride and use of the grounds, including a fire pit and benches for $125. So we got the HayRide and enjoyed a very beutiful day there. Maybe I'll add some more on this Monday.
Rock Bottom
Rowan asked if I new a place to get pumpkin beer :o) Do I! The last time that Sarah and I went to Rock Bottom was, oh about 9months ago... it was Valintines day. Anyway, they did not have the pumpkin beer yet but we shared apitizers, stories and beer. It was a good time I think we will be able to have some good times with them. :o)
Eagles, Legos and Landmark
We did not have school today. That was very nice because every day I have to jump out of bed and take of to school or work, so it was nice to sleep a bit longer today. We did skip off to babies R us to exchange the defective humidifier and use up the rest of our gift card. Sarah went to a presentation of Landmark at Amy's. In the mean time G and I watched the Eagles win a close one vs the Browns and played legos. We also set up the birth pool when Sarah got home, very nice.
The park was a busy place as well. A bunch of bikers and skaters and "Crazey Mom". I Skated the mini until my groin pull got a bit to painful.
Tech Deck gang
A group of skaters I will call teh "tech deckers" because they do tricks that I only do with my TechDeck. At least one of them was probably sponsered. He had that eary control over his deck and you could feel his confidence. The "Ledge Gang" could only hope to be so good. The "tech deck" guys were doing the "Ledge Gangs" trick on the round kinked rail and more. All i had to do was see these guys walkning into the park to sense there skill. I was happy to sit back and watch these guys for the rest of my break.
Late Night
I stayed up Friday night till @4am and wrote out my papers for English class. I've learned some things from that class I just really don't like the class subject itself.
Winding Hill Farm
We went to a farm today for birthday for boy Sage. The farm does the whole Harvest Festival type thing. You can get a wagon load of people together for a hay ride and use of the grounds, including a fire pit and benches for $125. So we got the HayRide and enjoyed a very beutiful day there. Maybe I'll add some more on this Monday.
Rock Bottom
Rowan asked if I new a place to get pumpkin beer :o) Do I! The last time that Sarah and I went to Rock Bottom was, oh about 9months ago... it was Valintines day. Anyway, they did not have the pumpkin beer yet but we shared apitizers, stories and beer. It was a good time I think we will be able to have some good times with them. :o)
Eagles, Legos and Landmark
We did not have school today. That was very nice because every day I have to jump out of bed and take of to school or work, so it was nice to sleep a bit longer today. We did skip off to babies R us to exchange the defective humidifier and use up the rest of our gift card. Sarah went to a presentation of Landmark at Amy's. In the mean time G and I watched the Eagles win a close one vs the Browns and played legos. We also set up the birth pool when Sarah got home, very nice.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Would you like some tender Ribs to go with your sore ankle?
Imagine standing on a 6 foot platform and diving to the ground, landing on your arm which is tucked against your ribs. No. No, its not something you would want to do. Or even be able to force your self to do. As i was doing a smith grind on the 6 foot high mini ramp i felt my back wheel slip and my back truck lock up on the coping. Now, normally i would just step out of this and be fine. This time I relised as I was diving to the flat bottom that my feet were not under me and...SLAM. My arm was ok but it pushed into my ribs and I thought i knocked the wind out of me. What ever happened my ribs are now sore.
Alone at the park
I think this was the first day I had the park to my self since the first day. I tried some stuff I never did before. Nothing that was really new just basics that I never did. I never came out of the ramp and manualed on the deck or just flew out of the ramp on to the deck.
Alone at the park
I think this was the first day I had the park to my self since the first day. I tried some stuff I never did before. Nothing that was really new just basics that I never did. I never came out of the ramp and manualed on the deck or just flew out of the ramp on to the deck.
A little wettness never stoped me... and other stuff
from the Skatepark
Well, I took a chance and headed over to the park today. There were a pack of bikers and a guy with a rolling squeegee. The groudn was mostly wet and the mini had wet leaves on it and the bikers kept riding on the ramp, rewetting it. I considered using my blanket to sweep it off but figured the bikers just get it wet again. I sat in my car and did a journal entry for English class. About half way through my break a biker came and waas trying to dry the ramps and he was keeping the others off the ramps while they were drying. I jumped out and grabed my blanket and headed to the mini. I got the wet leaves off and scrubed at the wet marks. It dried pretty quickly and I ran the blanket along the coping and the edge of the decks. I hit some nice smiths and even got my stand up 5-0's a bit better. I did keep hitting a major ching in the coping where a bike lifted a little piece of metal. Thats kind of annoying. i know they need a place to ride too, but still.
Foot still hurts
I still ahve the ache write above my toe...when i walk my shoes bend right on that spot. It actually hurts more to walk then to skate.
Got the Tub
Well we got the birth tub today, paid Kate $100 and got the dang sign out of the house finally.
Well, I took a chance and headed over to the park today. There were a pack of bikers and a guy with a rolling squeegee. The groudn was mostly wet and the mini had wet leaves on it and the bikers kept riding on the ramp, rewetting it. I considered using my blanket to sweep it off but figured the bikers just get it wet again. I sat in my car and did a journal entry for English class. About half way through my break a biker came and waas trying to dry the ramps and he was keeping the others off the ramps while they were drying. I jumped out and grabed my blanket and headed to the mini. I got the wet leaves off and scrubed at the wet marks. It dried pretty quickly and I ran the blanket along the coping and the edge of the decks. I hit some nice smiths and even got my stand up 5-0's a bit better. I did keep hitting a major ching in the coping where a bike lifted a little piece of metal. Thats kind of annoying. i know they need a place to ride too, but still.
Foot still hurts
I still ahve the ache write above my toe...when i walk my shoes bend right on that spot. It actually hurts more to walk then to skate.
Got the Tub
Well we got the birth tub today, paid Kate $100 and got the dang sign out of the house finally.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Rainy day, Homework and need a brush.
Rainy Day
no skateing today and it looks like rain for a couple days. That hurts even more that I forgot my board yesterday.
I have a ton of homework to do. i got some done today at lunch though.
Need a brush
I have to stop and get a foam brush to finish polyuerothaning the sign tonight.
Along with all the other stuff coming out of this paycheck we need to get a TracFone or something so Sarah can get ahold of me when the baby comes.... Just a couple weeks now.
no skateing today and it looks like rain for a couple days. That hurts even more that I forgot my board yesterday.
I have a ton of homework to do. i got some done today at lunch though.
Need a brush
I have to stop and get a foam brush to finish polyuerothaning the sign tonight.
Along with all the other stuff coming out of this paycheck we need to get a TracFone or something so Sarah can get ahold of me when the baby comes.... Just a couple weeks now.
Monday, October 18, 2004
No skateing, no dinner Today.
No Skateing
I forgot my board at home today :o(
No Dinner
Kyle is under the weather today so our Dinner plans are canceled.
I forgot my board at home today :o(
No Dinner
Kyle is under the weather today so our Dinner plans are canceled.
Weekend Update - baby shower
Saturday-The baby shower that Rowan threw was great. The SGG gang was there excluding Ron, but Burton was there. Also Kate, the midwife and Grandmom and Aunt nancy.
She had a nice spread of food and even a cakeresembaling a belly and brests ;o) They made a laboring necklace, painted stones and a nice little memory book. Kate got called to a birth but, left a speacial bead for the necklace. All of the guests got a little votive to light when they got the word that labor had started. We took lots of cake home both in the belly and in containers. We received some gifts and Mark gave Sarah somethng that his great grandmother had made in like 1911.
Sunday-we went up to Sarahs parents. Her mother and sister took her out for lunch and made a belly cast. I watched G and the Eagles roll to their 5th win, 5-0 for the season so far.
I was made jealous as they , Sarahs parents, are going to give Vonage a try.
We tried yet again to make it through and episode of Angle that Sarah has fallen asleep through the last 4 times.
Saturday-The baby shower that Rowan threw was great. The SGG gang was there excluding Ron, but Burton was there. Also Kate, the midwife and Grandmom and Aunt nancy.
She had a nice spread of food and even a cakeresembaling a belly and brests ;o) They made a laboring necklace, painted stones and a nice little memory book. Kate got called to a birth but, left a speacial bead for the necklace. All of the guests got a little votive to light when they got the word that labor had started. We took lots of cake home both in the belly and in containers. We received some gifts and Mark gave Sarah somethng that his great grandmother had made in like 1911.
Sunday-we went up to Sarahs parents. Her mother and sister took her out for lunch and made a belly cast. I watched G and the Eagles roll to their 5th win, 5-0 for the season so far.
I was made jealous as they , Sarahs parents, are going to give Vonage a try.
We tried yet again to make it through and episode of Angle that Sarah has fallen asleep through the last 4 times.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Skatepark and G wants to goto Bed early...
The rain stopped in time today to let most of the park dry up. There were some school age kids there and I saw one of the "Ledge Skaters" just watching. He may have skated after I left but there was big wet spots infront of the ledges. The other kids were skating the FunBox. I guess its ok if you like just hitting the stairs, railing and ledge just once. I swept the leaves off of the mini and stayed there most of the time. I pulled of a feeble and got some decent smiths. I want to do ollie to tails but I can't seem to figure out were to ollie at to get the tail around... Oh well, I may get to chances to skate on Monday. We have tentative plans to go to Kyle and Kristins for dinner and they said something about meeting at the skatepark first. Uhm, ok...go ahead and twist my arm. It would be cool to see Kyle on a board again.
Boys Night
Sarah went to a card swap thing tonight, so G and I had the whole night. We started to get into building lego submersibles and support boats. Then at like 7:30 G wanted to go to bed? He went in and got changed and we read the rest of MagicTreeHouse #8 and then read some of #30. Yhea big jump but the #30 was from the library and we could not find #9 in the house. he finnaly feel asleep and it felt like he had a minor fever.
I was able to finsih re-writeing my paper for my morning class before Sarah got home at like 10:45pm. She traded for some cards. Some looked like happy cards from a depressed mental patient. She recounted the days adventure with Sage and Amy and then she started to watch the Angle that she feel asleep to last night. I started catching up in my class journol and she fell asleep.
Positvie compliment
Peggy complimented me on haveing a very positive and good atitude. I deceded long ago that being negative just wasn't worth it. We have so little time here and why waste it being unhappy. Things may get hard sometime but you can almost always find something to be positive about and work out from there. I like to be happy...
The rain stopped in time today to let most of the park dry up. There were some school age kids there and I saw one of the "Ledge Skaters" just watching. He may have skated after I left but there was big wet spots infront of the ledges. The other kids were skating the FunBox. I guess its ok if you like just hitting the stairs, railing and ledge just once. I swept the leaves off of the mini and stayed there most of the time. I pulled of a feeble and got some decent smiths. I want to do ollie to tails but I can't seem to figure out were to ollie at to get the tail around... Oh well, I may get to chances to skate on Monday. We have tentative plans to go to Kyle and Kristins for dinner and they said something about meeting at the skatepark first. Uhm, ok...go ahead and twist my arm. It would be cool to see Kyle on a board again.
Boys Night
Sarah went to a card swap thing tonight, so G and I had the whole night. We started to get into building lego submersibles and support boats. Then at like 7:30 G wanted to go to bed? He went in and got changed and we read the rest of MagicTreeHouse #8 and then read some of #30. Yhea big jump but the #30 was from the library and we could not find #9 in the house. he finnaly feel asleep and it felt like he had a minor fever.
I was able to finsih re-writeing my paper for my morning class before Sarah got home at like 10:45pm. She traded for some cards. Some looked like happy cards from a depressed mental patient. She recounted the days adventure with Sage and Amy and then she started to watch the Angle that she feel asleep to last night. I started catching up in my class journol and she fell asleep.
Positvie compliment
Peggy complimented me on haveing a very positive and good atitude. I deceded long ago that being negative just wasn't worth it. We have so little time here and why waste it being unhappy. Things may get hard sometime but you can almost always find something to be positive about and work out from there. I like to be happy...
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Phone interview and a rainy day.
Phone interview
Well, the intervie went down as planned. It was very general. Here's who we are, what is your experiance, what classes are you taking...thank you we will be in touch. Maybe they are looking to give somebody an "in" to the IT industry. I guess we will see.
It's raining today, so no skating. The foot is still a tad swollen and hurts a bit but nothing to cry about.
I need to get back to my school work. Rewrite a paper, do some journel entries, do the readings and start on my project. Its getting close to the end already.
USB is Crashing Linux
My 64mb USB drive is crashing my system. i am going to try to reformat the drive and see how that works.
Well, the intervie went down as planned. It was very general. Here's who we are, what is your experiance, what classes are you taking...thank you we will be in touch. Maybe they are looking to give somebody an "in" to the IT industry. I guess we will see.
It's raining today, so no skating. The foot is still a tad swollen and hurts a bit but nothing to cry about.
I need to get back to my school work. Rewrite a paper, do some journel entries, do the readings and start on my project. Its getting close to the end already.
USB is Crashing Linux
My 64mb USB drive is crashing my system. i am going to try to reformat the drive and see how that works.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
The CHUD.COM Message Boards - SPOILERS: Episode 3
The CHUD.COM Message Boards - SPOILERS: Episode 3 pics, krispy fried Anakin, and what lies beneath Sidious' hood...
I don't think I BlogThis!'ed yet. Tons of spoilers and pics of EP3 Stuff
I don't think I BlogThis!'ed yet. Tons of spoilers and pics of EP3 Stuff
Radnor Skatepark Today and other stuff.
The lady from the other day and her 4 kids were abusing the park like a playground were there when i arrived, Ill call her "lady4". Also there was the guy that goes over the hips and is pretty good, we will call him "HipGuy". Another new kid from Havertown a couple other skaters and some bikers came as i was getting ready to leave.
Bikers in Black
There must be some trend to paint your bike black. I think 90% of the bikes I have seen at the park have been all black. To go with that is a trend to die your hair black and wear all black and look sort of "grease monkeyish"...odd.
Bad Ice Cream good Ice Cream
We tried some Generic Safeway IceCream the other night. Sarah said it was nasty. It was 3 containers for 6 bucks so it was worth a try. I took it back and got Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream...oh my god. That is the smoothest coffe ice cream ever, yum.
I still havent heard back from HMS guy about our call tomorrow...
We watched dome Angel last night and then I just kept tinkering with Suse. I let YaST update Xine so I hope that dvd's still work. Sone I'll be cracking into the web program to start my Non-western Soc project.
The lady from the other day and her 4 kids were abusing the park like a playground were there when i arrived, Ill call her "lady4". Also there was the guy that goes over the hips and is pretty good, we will call him "HipGuy". Another new kid from Havertown a couple other skaters and some bikers came as i was getting ready to leave.
Bikers in Black
There must be some trend to paint your bike black. I think 90% of the bikes I have seen at the park have been all black. To go with that is a trend to die your hair black and wear all black and look sort of "grease monkeyish"...odd.
Bad Ice Cream good Ice Cream
We tried some Generic Safeway IceCream the other night. Sarah said it was nasty. It was 3 containers for 6 bucks so it was worth a try. I took it back and got Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream...oh my god. That is the smoothest coffe ice cream ever, yum.
I still havent heard back from HMS guy about our call tomorrow...
We watched dome Angel last night and then I just kept tinkering with Suse. I let YaST update Xine so I hope that dvd's still work. Sone I'll be cracking into the web program to start my Non-western Soc project.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Radnor Skatepark Today.
Testing the Ankle
I was able to skate today. I took it easy didn't try anything big or new. i had no problems. My foot actually felt better just by putting on my sneaks. I guess because they are loser.
Bikers galore again. Man it is scarey to watch them launch over the spine. I noticed a regular pack of skaters. I'll call them the "Ledge Pack". They just skate the grind box, bench and rail. They do some of the killer tech stuff that you see in the videos, non of the flippy to grind stuff just the other techy grind stuff, and they can hit some good flatland flips.
If I end up getting that other job, it would be the end of my Skatepark Lunchbreaks...it is only down in KoP but it would, I think be to far away to make it worth it. :o(
I was able to skate today. I took it easy didn't try anything big or new. i had no problems. My foot actually felt better just by putting on my sneaks. I guess because they are loser.
Bikers galore again. Man it is scarey to watch them launch over the spine. I noticed a regular pack of skaters. I'll call them the "Ledge Pack". They just skate the grind box, bench and rail. They do some of the killer tech stuff that you see in the videos, non of the flippy to grind stuff just the other techy grind stuff, and they can hit some good flatland flips.
If I end up getting that other job, it would be the end of my Skatepark Lunchbreaks...it is only down in KoP but it would, I think be to far away to make it worth it. :o(
An email from HMS!
A New Hope
I got this email today:
Subject: Junior System Administrator Position at HMS
> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 18:21:05 -0400
> From: "Rob DiMarco"
> To: <_tagar_@yahoo.com>
> Chris,
> I received your resume a few months ago, both from
> Kyle Burton and by
> mail. I'm sorry that I haven't responded to you
> earlier, but it took a
> while for the position to be officially approved.
> I'd like to see if we
> can get some time to talk on the phone about the
> position, your
> experience, and what you are looking to do. I
> expect this call to last
> about 10-15 minutes. Good times for me are Wed.
> between 1 - 3 PM,
> Thurs. 9-10 AM or 2-4 PM, or Friday from 9-11 AM.
> Please let me know
> what a good time to call would be and what number I
> can reach you at.
> I have attached the job description to the email for
> you to review.
> I hope to hear from you soon.
> Thanks.
> Rob Di Marco
> Director of Software Development
> Health Market Science
> 610-940-4002 x122
> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msword
The only thing on the .doc that I havent done yet is install win2000.
I am going to come in late so I can talk to him on Thursday at 9am.
I did some quick salary searches. It look like anywhere from 32 to 60. I would love to get 40 but I'll take anything above what I am getting now.
I got this email today:
Subject: Junior System Administrator Position at HMS
> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 18:21:05 -0400
> From: "Rob DiMarco"
> To: <_tagar_@yahoo.com>
> Chris,
> I received your resume a few months ago, both from
> Kyle Burton and by
> mail. I'm sorry that I haven't responded to you
> earlier, but it took a
> while for the position to be officially approved.
> I'd like to see if we
> can get some time to talk on the phone about the
> position, your
> experience, and what you are looking to do. I
> expect this call to last
> about 10-15 minutes. Good times for me are Wed.
> between 1 - 3 PM,
> Thurs. 9-10 AM or 2-4 PM, or Friday from 9-11 AM.
> Please let me know
> what a good time to call would be and what number I
> can reach you at.
> I have attached the job description to the email for
> you to review.
> I hope to hear from you soon.
> Thanks.
> Rob Di Marco
> Director of Software Development
> Health Market Science
> 610-940-4002 x122
> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msword
The only thing on the .doc that I havent done yet is install win2000.
I am going to come in late so I can talk to him on Thursday at 9am.
I did some quick salary searches. It look like anywhere from 32 to 60. I would love to get 40 but I'll take anything above what I am getting now.
Monday, October 11, 2004
Radnor Skatepark Today and Stuffs Closed
Well some schools must have been off today because there were a bunch of younger kids all over the ledges today and a couple braving the mini-ramp. There were a couple decent teens but none of the ususal bikers and no Jose. I just watched from the bleachers. i could have sworn that my foot felt better by the minute and my board was calling me from the car :o)
It's Columbus Day
So the Credit Union was closed. so i have to wrtie a check for the rent...i hate checks.
Well some schools must have been off today because there were a bunch of younger kids all over the ledges today and a couple braving the mini-ramp. There were a couple decent teens but none of the ususal bikers and no Jose. I just watched from the bleachers. i could have sworn that my foot felt better by the minute and my board was calling me from the car :o)
It's Columbus Day
So the Credit Union was closed. so i have to wrtie a check for the rent...i hate checks.
Weekend Update
How's the Foot
Well the foot swelled up pretty good and I couldn't put much pressure on it. I thought my saturday was going to include a trip to the hospitol for x-rays. Satuday mornming I was able to walk on it again and the sharp pain was gone above my little toe. So its sprained and a bit swollen and hurts but i think I'll get by. Maybe I'll just go watch the action at the park during the week.
In our "Never a Dull Moment" lifestyle norm, after class I get home to find that we are heading down to Rowan and Peters for a late Pancake lunch followed by a trip to G moms for a quick visit. By the time we get home its @4pm and we launch into cleaing the house up untill about 8'ish. We did also watch some Season 4 Angle and I figured out what YaST was for and let it update Suse.
I skipped gong to see the Lost Boys of the Sudan at class as we still had alot to do before the midwives came. So while Sarah finished up the gowns I cleaned house and did laundry. Untill 3pm. Kate, the midwife, said that everything was looking good and she liked the sign, even though it was a bit yellow, and the gowns. I wish we could just give her some money also...but we will be jamming that into the next to paychecks. We ended the night off with some yummy Guacamole and Angle. I also got Xine working with DVD's somehow.
Well the foot swelled up pretty good and I couldn't put much pressure on it. I thought my saturday was going to include a trip to the hospitol for x-rays. Satuday mornming I was able to walk on it again and the sharp pain was gone above my little toe. So its sprained and a bit swollen and hurts but i think I'll get by. Maybe I'll just go watch the action at the park during the week.
In our "Never a Dull Moment" lifestyle norm, after class I get home to find that we are heading down to Rowan and Peters for a late Pancake lunch followed by a trip to G moms for a quick visit. By the time we get home its @4pm and we launch into cleaing the house up untill about 8'ish. We did also watch some Season 4 Angle and I figured out what YaST was for and let it update Suse.
I skipped gong to see the Lost Boys of the Sudan at class as we still had alot to do before the midwives came. So while Sarah finished up the gowns I cleaned house and did laundry. Untill 3pm. Kate, the midwife, said that everything was looking good and she liked the sign, even though it was a bit yellow, and the gowns. I wish we could just give her some money also...but we will be jamming that into the next to paychecks. We ended the night off with some yummy Guacamole and Angle. I also got Xine working with DVD's somehow.
Linux Stuff That Works - xine - A Free Video Player
xine - A Free Video Player
I'm not sure how. I think it's a combination of figuring out YaST and DL and installing lots of stuff but, Xine finally will play DVD's. Yea me...Now I can't get my AVI files to play with sound...
I'm not sure how. I think it's a combination of figuring out YaST and DL and installing lots of stuff but, Xine finally will play DVD's. Yea me...Now I can't get my AVI files to play with sound...
Friday, October 08, 2004
Fresh from the Radnor Skatepark...the big OUCH!!!
So i get to the park later today around 1:30. There are about 6 bikers 5 skaters and a pack of mixed newbs. I felt more balanced today so when people started trying to ollie off the kicker over a bike i joined in. i should have been able to pop right over but my enexperiance ollieing off the kicker was caueing me to abort my ollie just as ai took off. i hit one nice solid ollie over the tire an thought i was ready to make it next time. i went up and started to bail and landed on my front foot really wierd and sort of rolled my ankle and crushed the outside of my foot. needless to say it hurt like hell and still hurts. the sprained ankle doesn't worry me too much it's more the pain above my little toe. i guess Ill be hobbleing aroudn for while...that sucks...well at least I made it every day for the first week. Man this hurts.
Got Cash?
I dont but G does. $60 from G-pop hamilton. I think he is getting new sneaks with some of it.
So i get to the park later today around 1:30. There are about 6 bikers 5 skaters and a pack of mixed newbs. I felt more balanced today so when people started trying to ollie off the kicker over a bike i joined in. i should have been able to pop right over but my enexperiance ollieing off the kicker was caueing me to abort my ollie just as ai took off. i hit one nice solid ollie over the tire an thought i was ready to make it next time. i went up and started to bail and landed on my front foot really wierd and sort of rolled my ankle and crushed the outside of my foot. needless to say it hurt like hell and still hurts. the sprained ankle doesn't worry me too much it's more the pain above my little toe. i guess Ill be hobbleing aroudn for while...that sucks...well at least I made it every day for the first week. Man this hurts.
Got Cash?
I dont but G does. $60 from G-pop hamilton. I think he is getting new sneaks with some of it.
No DVD's with Xine...next up MPlayer
Well after wasting two nights with XINE and following some very good instructoins I still can not get it to play DVDs. I did get it to play AVI's though.
Ill try MPlayer next.
Ill try MPlayer next.
No DVD's with Xine...next up MPlayer
Well after wasting two nights with XINE and following some very good instructoins I still can not get it to play DVDs. I did get it to play AVI's though.
Ill try MPlayer next.
Ill try MPlayer next.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Fresh from the Radnor Skatepark
Holy biker park Batman!
Something was off for me today. My balance was off or something. Jose was there and another guy who was killing the hips and spine. Then the bikers started to show up. About 6 of them... It was about time for me to go anyway. Maybe I'll have to try a different time to go to lunch.
Something was off for me today. My balance was off or something. Jose was there and another guy who was killing the hips and spine. Then the bikers started to show up. About 6 of them... It was about time for me to go anyway. Maybe I'll have to try a different time to go to lunch.
Legos, Linux and Late Nights and other stuff
Another set of LEGOs came today from Heather. IT was a set that you could make deep see creatures from. Sarah had helped G put together the shark, which as really neat and had lots of moving parts. When she went to her Mom's Coffee, me and G put the Gulper Eel together to , as Gryphon put it, "give her Terror". I also sorted out the legos from the stuff that was not legos from the sets my mom found at yard sales.
I a little frustrated with Linux. I know I am going to give it more time. Once I get all the programs I usually use to work everything may get smoother. The internet connection seems slower to. Maybe I'l have to hook up the external and see how that goes.
Late nights
Between writing my papers for English and getting Linux up to speed I have been staying up until 2 again. I had really broke the habit and was getting to bed before 12.
More Cloths Than you Can Shake A Stick At
A neighbor, Erin-Seans Mom, brought over a couple tubs of unused cloths. Apperantly her mother keeeps buying cloths for Sean and they have tubs of brand new cloths that they could never use, so they are giving soe away.
DDR Recovery
Sarah is recovery nicely from her DDR injuries.
Another set of LEGOs came today from Heather. IT was a set that you could make deep see creatures from. Sarah had helped G put together the shark, which as really neat and had lots of moving parts. When she went to her Mom's Coffee, me and G put the Gulper Eel together to , as Gryphon put it, "give her Terror". I also sorted out the legos from the stuff that was not legos from the sets my mom found at yard sales.
I a little frustrated with Linux. I know I am going to give it more time. Once I get all the programs I usually use to work everything may get smoother. The internet connection seems slower to. Maybe I'l have to hook up the external and see how that goes.
Late nights
Between writing my papers for English and getting Linux up to speed I have been staying up until 2 again. I had really broke the habit and was getting to bed before 12.
More Cloths Than you Can Shake A Stick At
A neighbor, Erin-Seans Mom, brought over a couple tubs of unused cloths. Apperantly her mother keeeps buying cloths for Sean and they have tubs of brand new cloths that they could never use, so they are giving soe away.
DDR Recovery
Sarah is recovery nicely from her DDR injuries.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Radnor Skatepark Today.
More Bikes!!!
Eeek...I hope this isn't a trend. 4 bikes today. They take up so much room and I know they are going to warp the ramps where they transfer. And they are boring to watch all they do are airs over the hip, over the spine and back..no cool peg grinds. Oh well hopefully they are't there everyday.
They need a sign
They need a sign that says "Please keep young children off of the ramps and out of the skateing area". I had to inform a lady that her 3 year old was sitting on a ramp that was in being used and that her kid could get hurt. Duh...common sense to some.
I meet a guy toady that I saw yesterday as I was leaving. He works at the Elementy School right here in Radnor. I guess we will be seeing more of each other.
Because of the bikers I wasnt able to work on much stuff. I did get some nice smith grind though.
Eeek...I hope this isn't a trend. 4 bikes today. They take up so much room and I know they are going to warp the ramps where they transfer. And they are boring to watch all they do are airs over the hip, over the spine and back..no cool peg grinds. Oh well hopefully they are't there everyday.
They need a sign
They need a sign that says "Please keep young children off of the ramps and out of the skateing area". I had to inform a lady that her 3 year old was sitting on a ramp that was in being used and that her kid could get hurt. Duh...common sense to some.
I meet a guy toady that I saw yesterday as I was leaving. He works at the Elementy School right here in Radnor. I guess we will be seeing more of each other.
Because of the bikers I wasnt able to work on much stuff. I did get some nice smith grind though.
RPM success and G starts putting the letters together.
Oh so thats how you install RPM's
Duh, stupid me. I was trying to use YaST to install RPMs. Out of frustation I was looking through the KDE menus and found the RPM Manager, oh yhea. I remember using this the last time I was on my Linux adventure. So I start this puppy up and BAM, I've installed: Gstreamer, Amarok1.1, SuperKaramba, and qBrew (which I can't find) all up and running. So now I know...and knowing is half the battle.... things hsould get easier from here on in.
CAT, BAT, RAT, MAT....What do these word have in common?
They are all the first words that G is staring to put together by sounding them out. Our baby is learning to spell/read. Sarah said he wassounding out words from the Dr. Suess book "Hop on Pop"
Duh, stupid me. I was trying to use YaST to install RPMs. Out of frustation I was looking through the KDE menus and found the RPM Manager, oh yhea. I remember using this the last time I was on my Linux adventure. So I start this puppy up and BAM, I've installed: Gstreamer, Amarok1.1, SuperKaramba, and qBrew (which I can't find) all up and running. So now I know...and knowing is half the battle.... things hsould get easier from here on in.
CAT, BAT, RAT, MAT....What do these word have in common?
They are all the first words that G is staring to put together by sounding them out. Our baby is learning to spell/read. Sarah said he wassounding out words from the Dr. Suess book "Hop on Pop"
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
10/05/04 Skatepark
This is not a play ground and Bikes!
A lady, heh, a lady she probably wasn't much older than me... Anyway she had 4 kids. One on a bike maybe 7 to 10, one a scooter about 6 or 7 , and two yougner girls just running around like it was the kiddie park. It didnt bother me to much but they shouldn't be in the skatepark. The kid on the bike is ok..
A couple other skaters showed up and put the ledges and "Box of Terror" to decent use. i just stuck to getting my basics down on the mini-Frontside smith, backside 50-50, fakie slides, ollies. Two bikers showed up and were able to flow around the mini ramp-hip-spine setup. i can see that the mini ramps are going to get warped from the bikes landing. Even the Bikers had an awkward time with the "Box of Terror". i bet bladers can flow the park pretty easily too.
I would say that I get a decent 40 mins of skateing..pretty cool. The prospect of skating every day is really good for me...mind body and soul. STAY.
A lady, heh, a lady she probably wasn't much older than me... Anyway she had 4 kids. One on a bike maybe 7 to 10, one a scooter about 6 or 7 , and two yougner girls just running around like it was the kiddie park. It didnt bother me to much but they shouldn't be in the skatepark. The kid on the bike is ok..
A couple other skaters showed up and put the ledges and "Box of Terror" to decent use. i just stuck to getting my basics down on the mini-Frontside smith, backside 50-50, fakie slides, ollies. Two bikers showed up and were able to flow around the mini ramp-hip-spine setup. i can see that the mini ramps are going to get warped from the bikes landing. Even the Bikers had an awkward time with the "Box of Terror". i bet bladers can flow the park pretty easily too.
I would say that I get a decent 40 mins of skateing..pretty cool. The prospect of skating every day is really good for me...mind body and soul. STAY.
Lets see if this works. rpmseek.com
rpmseek.com - The search engine for Linux rpm and Debian packages
This is where I am going to try to get RPM's from. I'll report back tonight after I try them out. I got the Amarok and Ogle rpms.
This is where I am going to try to get RPM's from. I'll report back tonight after I try them out. I got the Amarok and Ogle rpms.
Getting Amarok and Xine to Work
Sometimes getting Linux software to run is like bakeing bread...from scratch, includeing planting the wheat...
Amarok 1.1
So I finnally notice that I am getting an error messaage and that I need to install something called
Taglib so, I am doing that now.
I am also DLing gStreamer and plugins.
I tried to watch a DVD ad nope you cant do that with out working for it in Linux so now I am trying to update Xine to a version that will play DVD's.
So i am DL:
Xine-lib 1rc6a
I think I am sticking to RPMS...man after installing all this stuff, still nothing works. Sometimes it feels good to do it the long way but, somethimes it is just frustration...
Amarok 1.1
So I finnally notice that I am getting an error messaage and that I need to install something called
Taglib so, I am doing that now.
I am also DLing gStreamer and plugins.
I tried to watch a DVD ad nope you cant do that with out working for it in Linux so now I am trying to update Xine to a version that will play DVD's.
So i am DL:
Xine-lib 1rc6a
I think I am sticking to RPMS...man after installing all this stuff, still nothing works. Sometimes it feels good to do it the long way but, somethimes it is just frustration...
Monday, October 04, 2004
Giggleberyy Birthday, Amarok and Skate Stuff.
The main thing that Is Frustrating about Linux
For about 2 days now I have been obsessed with getting Amarok 1.1 to work. I have tried the Suse RPM and the ./configure,make,make install way.
I cant seem to get YAST to give me the RPMs as an option to install. The one thing I haven't tried is a command line RPM install, I'm not sure of the command to use. I did install the KDE3.3 via command line RPM but I found the exact command to use on the net.
I was able to ./configure,make,make install but, I can not find the shell script or exe to start the program. I even did a search for it.
So the quest continues...
Gigglebery Birthday
Wow, if you are young in heart (and body) and you have some money and a child having a birthday, I would highly recomend Gigglebery Fields. This place is fun. It has a 3 story 6 level obstical course. The kids can run full speed through while the adults have to hunch and dive through little holes and climb stuff and "man I never got enough of the climbing things at Sesame Place and Chucky Cheese type stuff. And to add to the frenzy the bottom level has thousands of foam balls that you can vacumm up and head up to the 2nd level wear there are blasters to load them in and shoot them around.....Uhmm, Gryphon had fun too :o)
We played some games that You can win tickets on and Sarah pulled some muscles DDRing at 8 months pregnent.
Sudie and Gary brought Lunch and we ate outside. Gary was kind enough to bring an Extra Beer! :oP
We got home and there were messages on the answering machine with birthday wishes for G. My parents came over and brought Pizza for us. We opened presents and ate the ocean scene cake that sarah made. G loved the Kids dinosaur excavation kit. It should keep him working for a week or so.
Skate Stuff
Sunday after school found us going to my parents house for a Tastefully simple party. I was able to get away to the UP Skatepark. It was very busy and I slamed hard once which stoked my little fear factor for the reast of the day. It was really croweded also with lots of little kids too. Nt that the little kids should not be able to skate its just that they need some direction so that they don't just stand in what little flow the park has. It was fun none the less. the park is starting to show signs of wear and tear.
Speaking of parks--
I went to the brand new Radnor park today at lunch. it's as bad as I thought from my last post. The mini-ramp is fine. It's not hard to screw up. I wouldn't mind it being a little lower but I'll get over that. It's the fun box, or "Box of Terror" as I would refer to it that not right for the park. It looks like a piece that would go in the middle of ohter pieces of a large skatepark set up. From the bank that hips up to the mini you can only hit the middle of box, which is a bank with two grind boxes and stairs and hand railing on the other side. If they would have at least exchanged the steps for another bank it would give you a chance to ollie over the box. On either side of the ledges there are banks that are about a foot and a half wide and you cant hit them from the bank. They should have gotten a smaller fun box and put a bank or a quarter pipe on the other side of that so that you could work the park... Well the mini should be fun, they have some rails, picnic table, and a grind box to use also. And there is really no place for the younger kids to learn. the thing in the middle is dangerous for everyone...
Fire Drill!!!
I was talking to Sarah and our Fire drill went off here at work. I grabed my stuff and headed out. it turns out that it was a mechanical failure in the water pressure something or other.
For about 2 days now I have been obsessed with getting Amarok 1.1 to work. I have tried the Suse RPM and the ./configure,make,make install way.
I cant seem to get YAST to give me the RPMs as an option to install. The one thing I haven't tried is a command line RPM install, I'm not sure of the command to use. I did install the KDE3.3 via command line RPM but I found the exact command to use on the net.
I was able to ./configure,make,make install but, I can not find the shell script or exe to start the program. I even did a search for it.
So the quest continues...
Gigglebery Birthday
Wow, if you are young in heart (and body) and you have some money and a child having a birthday, I would highly recomend Gigglebery Fields. This place is fun. It has a 3 story 6 level obstical course. The kids can run full speed through while the adults have to hunch and dive through little holes and climb stuff and "man I never got enough of the climbing things at Sesame Place and Chucky Cheese type stuff. And to add to the frenzy the bottom level has thousands of foam balls that you can vacumm up and head up to the 2nd level wear there are blasters to load them in and shoot them around.....Uhmm, Gryphon had fun too :o)
We played some games that You can win tickets on and Sarah pulled some muscles DDRing at 8 months pregnent.
Sudie and Gary brought Lunch and we ate outside. Gary was kind enough to bring an Extra Beer! :oP
We got home and there were messages on the answering machine with birthday wishes for G. My parents came over and brought Pizza for us. We opened presents and ate the ocean scene cake that sarah made. G loved the Kids dinosaur excavation kit. It should keep him working for a week or so.
Skate Stuff
Sunday after school found us going to my parents house for a Tastefully simple party. I was able to get away to the UP Skatepark. It was very busy and I slamed hard once which stoked my little fear factor for the reast of the day. It was really croweded also with lots of little kids too. Nt that the little kids should not be able to skate its just that they need some direction so that they don't just stand in what little flow the park has. It was fun none the less. the park is starting to show signs of wear and tear.
Speaking of parks--
I went to the brand new Radnor park today at lunch. it's as bad as I thought from my last post. The mini-ramp is fine. It's not hard to screw up. I wouldn't mind it being a little lower but I'll get over that. It's the fun box, or "Box of Terror" as I would refer to it that not right for the park. It looks like a piece that would go in the middle of ohter pieces of a large skatepark set up. From the bank that hips up to the mini you can only hit the middle of box, which is a bank with two grind boxes and stairs and hand railing on the other side. If they would have at least exchanged the steps for another bank it would give you a chance to ollie over the box. On either side of the ledges there are banks that are about a foot and a half wide and you cant hit them from the bank. They should have gotten a smaller fun box and put a bank or a quarter pipe on the other side of that so that you could work the park... Well the mini should be fun, they have some rails, picnic table, and a grind box to use also. And there is really no place for the younger kids to learn. the thing in the middle is dangerous for everyone...
Fire Drill!!!
I was talking to Sarah and our Fire drill went off here at work. I grabed my stuff and headed out. it turns out that it was a mechanical failure in the water pressure something or other.
Friday, October 01, 2004
Fear of something has always held my skateing back.
So I was out at my little spot today skateing and I decide to try the gap between parking lots. The top edge is a very low curb and the bottom is a high curb. It drops about a foot and half and is about 2 to 3 and half feet wide. All it should take is a couple pushes and a half decent ollie to float over it...I can't let go my fear of, fear of , fear of what? That is my question. I must have some fear of dropping from heights while my moving. Its not just the dropping I guess. All the things that I could never force my self to do while skating always concerned ollieing down something. maybe its the landing and rolling away...I dont think I'm afriad of falling. Stairs, I could do small sets of stairs 4 or 5. I bet if that top curb wasn't there I could do it. After the first couple times I did handrailing boardslides i could never push my self to do them again. Another thing I could go fast and far off of lauch ramps but I could never ollie with tom much confidence off of them. Give me a bank and I could ollie the hell out of it. Again going off a ramp you have to go up and then drop below the top of the ramp but , wtih a bank you are only going back down as far as the top of the bank. At the saketpark recently i was finnally able to make my self ollie from bank to bank over the pyramid ramp. its just an odd thing. It holds me back. It held me back today...
Skate park update
I drove by the park today and got a better look. Besides the missing ramp to keep the flow going I noticed just how scary the "fun box" is going to be. Its steep and the ramps on the edges are very narrow and the middle one has steps on the other side. Eh, looks like I'll be getting better at mini-ramp riding.
Skate park update
I drove by the park today and got a better look. Besides the missing ramp to keep the flow going I noticed just how scary the "fun box" is going to be. Its steep and the ramps on the edges are very narrow and the middle one has steps on the other side. Eh, looks like I'll be getting better at mini-ramp riding.
Layed Buffy to rest, Killed Austin Powers 3 and got stuff for G
Bye, Bye Buffy
We finished up Buffy last night :o( we only ever watched parts of the first season on TV. When Sarah's parents started to get the DVDs and pushed them on us we became hooked. I guess the most shocking thing about the last episode was Anya Dieing. I knew she died but the quick slashing, almost cutting in half nature of it made me draw my breath. I guess we have to wait to see the last season of Angel before we get to see how spike comes back to life or death...
Austin Powers 3
If you liked the first movie and liked or didn't like the 2nd then you really won't like 3rd movie. We just turned it off. We felt embaressed for every one in the movie. 'nuff said.
Present shopping for G
We stepped out to get some stuff for G last night. He is really exited about these books called "Magic Tree House".
Magic Tree House Series
Step into a world of adventure—go back in time or to distant lands with Jack and Annie! From France in the Middle Ages to the prairies of America to the Moon, Jack and Annie make history fun by taking you right there!
We also picked up a kids card game called "CHOMP". It looks like you have a hand of fish cards and the bigger fish eat the smaller fish with a couple twists, I think he will love it :o)
Lets see, e got him Nemo plates and a plastic Nemo cup. Then we went to 5Below and got him some candy and a little plasitic sling shot that shoot foam balls. Sarah is planning on getting him an egg that you chip away to find a dinosaur.
We finished up Buffy last night :o( we only ever watched parts of the first season on TV. When Sarah's parents started to get the DVDs and pushed them on us we became hooked. I guess the most shocking thing about the last episode was Anya Dieing. I knew she died but the quick slashing, almost cutting in half nature of it made me draw my breath. I guess we have to wait to see the last season of Angel before we get to see how spike comes back to life or death...
Austin Powers 3
If you liked the first movie and liked or didn't like the 2nd then you really won't like 3rd movie. We just turned it off. We felt embaressed for every one in the movie. 'nuff said.
Present shopping for G
We stepped out to get some stuff for G last night. He is really exited about these books called "Magic Tree House".
Magic Tree House Series
Step into a world of adventure—go back in time or to distant lands with Jack and Annie! From France in the Middle Ages to the prairies of America to the Moon, Jack and Annie make history fun by taking you right there!
We also picked up a kids card game called "CHOMP". It looks like you have a hand of fish cards and the bigger fish eat the smaller fish with a couple twists, I think he will love it :o)
Lets see, e got him Nemo plates and a plastic Nemo cup. Then we went to 5Below and got him some candy and a little plasitic sling shot that shoot foam balls. Sarah is planning on getting him an egg that you chip away to find a dinosaur.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Almost lost my Stick and KDE3.3 what a Breeze and Almost done Buffy.
My Skate History Repeats it Self, Almost
So this is how it happened in, oh lets see in 1996 I think. I was attending Antonelli and working at Domino's full time. My skating had slowed down a bit but I still got out when I could. For some reason I was skating at the old Antonelli building and stopped for a bit to sit in my truck and listen to the Eagles game. I drove off leaving my board alone in the parking lot. I realized it when I got home and raced back but it was gone. I think it was my Santa Cruz Everslick board. The place was a local skate spot so some kids probably came by and picked it up... I would have done the same. I didn't get another board until 4 or 5 years later. :o(
So yesterday I am at my little lunchtime skate spot. I got back in the car to change and closed the door. I got changed a sat there for a minute thinking if I could get in trouble for changing in my car in that parking lot and if I would be able to change in the lot of the Skate Park . Anyway, I drive off back to work. As I am getting in the car to leave for the day I glance at the back seat and notice that board isn't there. I sit in the car for a sec and then realize that I didn't get back out and pick up my board! Dread overtakes me...I start to think of what I can sell to get another board...and the skate park opens Monday, figures. I take off for the lunchtime skate spot. In my head I am playing out both scenarios. In one I see the board from far off and am relieved in the other, the board is gone and I cry. The spot is only like 2 mins from TV Guide, if that. I whip through a shortcut that I just found today and start to scope out the parking lot from a distance. Then I see it. A small red spot near the edge of the lot! Whoopee! I feel my luck gathering again. I swoop in to get the board at the same time another car turns into the lot. I know that the car is not going for my board but I feel like it is. I drive a little crazier through the lot. I pick up the board and apologize to it and give it a little kiss. Yea, I said kiss, what'chu going to do about it? 8o|
KDE 3.3 install was a Breeze
The install went very easy actually there were problems at all. I found very easy instructions (sometimes very easy instructions for Linux stuff is hard to find.). It was basically 1-download all of the RPM's 2-open a Console window in that directory and sign in as root. 3-enter this: rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps *.rpm let it do its thing. 4-reboot and you are done.
Almost done Buffy
I caught up on Buffy last night, so now we can watch the last episode... Angle awaits us next I think its season 4.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Walk in the Rain, KDE3.3, late night Buffy and skate stuff.
Walk in the Rain
I grabed my umbrella and headed out for my walk yesterday. The remnents of Hurricane Jeneane, i think it is, were entering the area. First stop was the Credit union so I could deposit a meager 40 bucks so I could partially pay the trash bill. The guy ahead of me was checking his balances...among his other accounts he had $6000 in savings.. :o(
I stoped at the car to grab my English book to read. I remembered also that I was not going to be at class this Saturday because of G's birthday :o) So I left the book behind and started off. I thought I would try to play Space Trader on my PDA. The rain was a bit much and it was getting on the screen so I decided to just walk and think. I started to plan out my project for my Non-western Soc class. It will be in web format and be about the amount of oil left in the world...hmmm, i should ask the teacher if that is enough on topic. I should have wrote right after I walked because i worked out a couple other things while doing my 4 laps and now i forget them. At one point it really started to come down, it was pretty cool.
More Linux and KDE3.3
I started getting Karamba configured last night...I converted some icons from gray to green and changed the format from .svg to .png. I am downloading KDE3.3 today and will install that tonight or tomorrow depending how long the coven stuff takes tonight. I also make my linux partition bigger. i'd love to wipe both drives and repartition them..but I just wait till i get a bigger hard drive.
Late night with Buffy
Again Sarah woke up at 12 as I was getting ready to go to bed and wanted to watch buffy. We watched two and then i went to bed at two. she must have watched two more as she was up till four!
Skate Stuff
I stoped by the park again today before skating. It looks to be done, unfortunatly. I am no skatepark designer but it looks like they left out a ramp. As you go into the park, about the size of a tennis court, to your left going away from you there is a quarter pipe. That Pipe leads to a spine. On the other side of the spine is another QP that hips to a mini-ramp. Off of the other hip is a bank that heads to a big fund box. this is where the problem is. there should be another bank or QP on the other side of the FunBox so that you can keep moving. Oh well it will be fun to learn going over the hip. Its something we never had back in the day.
I came across this web page today. Fix the Fountains at Balboa Park in San Diego. They are trying to get the skate industry to put up some money to pay for damamge to a fountain, yhea right. There is an area to send out a spam message in support of getting money from the companies. i used the spot to push for the government to take action and get free public skateparks.
Lots of Rain
Whew, we got a ton of rain last night. i think I made it down some roads that were probably closed down not to long after i went down them due to flooding.
I grabed my umbrella and headed out for my walk yesterday. The remnents of Hurricane Jeneane, i think it is, were entering the area. First stop was the Credit union so I could deposit a meager 40 bucks so I could partially pay the trash bill. The guy ahead of me was checking his balances...among his other accounts he had $6000 in savings.. :o(
I stoped at the car to grab my English book to read. I remembered also that I was not going to be at class this Saturday because of G's birthday :o) So I left the book behind and started off. I thought I would try to play Space Trader on my PDA. The rain was a bit much and it was getting on the screen so I decided to just walk and think. I started to plan out my project for my Non-western Soc class. It will be in web format and be about the amount of oil left in the world...hmmm, i should ask the teacher if that is enough on topic. I should have wrote right after I walked because i worked out a couple other things while doing my 4 laps and now i forget them. At one point it really started to come down, it was pretty cool.
More Linux and KDE3.3
I started getting Karamba configured last night...I converted some icons from gray to green and changed the format from .svg to .png. I am downloading KDE3.3 today and will install that tonight or tomorrow depending how long the coven stuff takes tonight. I also make my linux partition bigger. i'd love to wipe both drives and repartition them..but I just wait till i get a bigger hard drive.
Late night with Buffy
Again Sarah woke up at 12 as I was getting ready to go to bed and wanted to watch buffy. We watched two and then i went to bed at two. she must have watched two more as she was up till four!
Skate Stuff
I stoped by the park again today before skating. It looks to be done, unfortunatly. I am no skatepark designer but it looks like they left out a ramp. As you go into the park, about the size of a tennis court, to your left going away from you there is a quarter pipe. That Pipe leads to a spine. On the other side of the spine is another QP that hips to a mini-ramp. Off of the other hip is a bank that heads to a big fund box. this is where the problem is. there should be another bank or QP on the other side of the FunBox so that you can keep moving. Oh well it will be fun to learn going over the hip. Its something we never had back in the day.
I came across this web page today. Fix the Fountains at Balboa Park in San Diego. They are trying to get the skate industry to put up some money to pay for damamge to a fountain, yhea right. There is an area to send out a spam message in support of getting money from the companies. i used the spot to push for the government to take action and get free public skateparks.
Lots of Rain
Whew, we got a ton of rain last night. i think I made it down some roads that were probably closed down not to long after i went down them due to flooding.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Baby Swings, Back Up and AutoGK Freezes up
Baby Swings
Not the real baby mind you, but Gryphons Baby. G took his belt and hooked it between two chairs. Then took a lanyard and attached it to the other side and hung baby from that mess and he swung. Then we attached G's little Bob the Builder lunch box to the lanyard. We used some rubber bands to keep the lunch box open so that baby could sit ontop and a intruding bear could swing under the box.
We read a book about getting to know the Thomas trains. Brushed teeth. Then both of us fell asleep on the bed after a while. I of course got back up.
Back up
With Sarah now sleeping and recovering from being sick and heartburn i decided to convert the little house disk 1 into an AVI and burn some other AVI's and burn back up disks of my Documents folder. I updated my magic online game and poked around at the cards I still had there. I played one game, lost. I should take my meger decks to the more casual room. I can't keep up with the new decks with my now ageing online cards. I started a sealed deck game in the old MicroProMagic (I'll call them MTGO=Magic Online and MPMagic=Microprose magic from now on). The AutoGK program frooze when i shut all my other programs down for the night...gahh 4 hours of wasted processing time.
Sarah woke up and we watched 2 more buffy's. I was trying to get to sleep at 12 but feeling bad for Sarah I stayed up to 2 and watched the buffy's.
Not the real baby mind you, but Gryphons Baby. G took his belt and hooked it between two chairs. Then took a lanyard and attached it to the other side and hung baby from that mess and he swung. Then we attached G's little Bob the Builder lunch box to the lanyard. We used some rubber bands to keep the lunch box open so that baby could sit ontop and a intruding bear could swing under the box.
We read a book about getting to know the Thomas trains. Brushed teeth. Then both of us fell asleep on the bed after a while. I of course got back up.
Back up
With Sarah now sleeping and recovering from being sick and heartburn i decided to convert the little house disk 1 into an AVI and burn some other AVI's and burn back up disks of my Documents folder. I updated my magic online game and poked around at the cards I still had there. I played one game, lost. I should take my meger decks to the more casual room. I can't keep up with the new decks with my now ageing online cards. I started a sealed deck game in the old MicroProMagic (I'll call them MTGO=Magic Online and MPMagic=Microprose magic from now on). The AutoGK program frooze when i shut all my other programs down for the night...gahh 4 hours of wasted processing time.
Sarah woke up and we watched 2 more buffy's. I was trying to get to sleep at 12 but feeling bad for Sarah I stayed up to 2 and watched the buffy's.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Extended Weekend...
S is for Sarah and Sick
Sarah started on a flu/sinus infection last night and it knocked her down today. I left work soon after I got there to come home and help her out. Along with being sick she was able to find something to give her horrible heartburn.
Go fly a kite
I took G over to castle Park to fly kites. Ya'know what flying kites and no wind equal up to....right, a lot of running :o) Gryphon really enjoyed himself though. After a couple laps of kite running we walked down to the little amphitheater. Gryphon got up on the stage and I got him to do a bunch of Elton john songs. Actually after he did his first he kept going with-out encouragement. He would go around the back and I would chant his name and cheer. He would come stomping out (why he was stomping I am not quite sure, maybe he thinks it is rock star like :o) and perform his songs. He did "crocodile Rock", "Benny and the Jets", "Get back honky cat", "Saturday" and then busted out songs from his other group "...I'll have to get the name again. He would walk around to the back stage area between every song.
RTS Skatepark update
I stopped by the park on the way home and they are very close to being finished. The ramps look larger than the Skatewave stuff I was used to. Maybe that's due to them allowing bankers in. The best thing was that they are not going to monitor the park and pads are only "highly recommended" Whohooo! I may still just wear knee pads since Ill be going during lunches.
Well I got the scale back up to 173. I haven't been there for a month or 2. I have to start watching what I am eating again. I should be able to knock the bread stuff out again...
Suse 9.1
I have a few things that I need Linux to be able to o do for me to make a major switch.
that's it so far...Every thing else works fine. The net connection seems slower than from windows and the CPU seems to get overloaded quickly for some reason.
Sarah started on a flu/sinus infection last night and it knocked her down today. I left work soon after I got there to come home and help her out. Along with being sick she was able to find something to give her horrible heartburn.
Go fly a kite
I took G over to castle Park to fly kites. Ya'know what flying kites and no wind equal up to....right, a lot of running :o) Gryphon really enjoyed himself though. After a couple laps of kite running we walked down to the little amphitheater. Gryphon got up on the stage and I got him to do a bunch of Elton john songs. Actually after he did his first he kept going with-out encouragement. He would go around the back and I would chant his name and cheer. He would come stomping out (why he was stomping I am not quite sure, maybe he thinks it is rock star like :o) and perform his songs. He did "crocodile Rock", "Benny and the Jets", "Get back honky cat", "Saturday" and then busted out songs from his other group "...I'll have to get the name again. He would walk around to the back stage area between every song.
RTS Skatepark update
I stopped by the park on the way home and they are very close to being finished. The ramps look larger than the Skatewave stuff I was used to. Maybe that's due to them allowing bankers in. The best thing was that they are not going to monitor the park and pads are only "highly recommended" Whohooo! I may still just wear knee pads since Ill be going during lunches.
Well I got the scale back up to 173. I haven't been there for a month or 2. I have to start watching what I am eating again. I should be able to knock the bread stuff out again...
Suse 9.1
I have a few things that I need Linux to be able to o do for me to make a major switch.
- Play Avi's - Cant get it to work
- Rip DVD's - Haven't tried.
- convert DVD files to avi - Haven't Tried
that's it so far...Every thing else works fine. The net connection seems slower than from windows and the CPU seems to get overloaded quickly for some reason.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
To Much to Go Back Over...
radiator fixed, sign messed up, birthday plans made, stuff gathered for birth, dinner at rowans, mabone cancelled..week 5 of school, sarah getting sick...NEVER A DULL MOMENT!
Friday, September 24, 2004
Sir. Yes? I belive we have run out of luck, Sir. Hmmm...yes I see that....
Wow! What a full day...get ready, get set...go!
Good Start
I took the day off so that we could go to the "back-up" OBGYN for an appointment at 4 and get stuff done before that.
The Sign
We got the first couple layers of polyurothane down on the sign. We will just need to flip it over and coat the back also. It sounds like we will not have to be held to putting the sign up, which is good...because I am not that "handy".
The Day Goes Down Hill from Here, Fast!
First stop Taget
So we had bought this thing that goes on a booster car seat so that Gryphons head would not slump to the side if he fell asleep. It ended up pushing his head forward and being very uncomfortable and not preventing his head from slumping. So we had it for a while and we decided to return it to target. I go in and of course forget my Debit card which is how we bought it. So we either have to exchange it right there or come back later with my card. i deceide to wait as we are under some time contraints and we still have to go food shoping.
Trust your feelings
So we head back toward Fresh Fields and find a police detour at the light we need to make a left onto, the light we were just at 5 minuts ago. So we go toward home and there is another detour at the next light. They are not letting anyone come down the road we are comeing out of. At this point we figure there is an accident and Sarah mentions that maybe we should just scrap the food shopping for now. No, not us. We loop back around and head toward 309 to come in to Whole Foods from the other side. We hit traffic and allot of it. Now we know its an accident. there is a helicopter hovering near where the 309 intersection would be if we were close enought to see it. We turn on KYW and here that it is a jackknifed tractor trailer. Oh yhea...
Where there is Smoke...
...There is fire! More like mental and pschological fire...or a fire bomb. So we are sitting there in the traffic and smoke starts to rise from the hood, f!@#! We find a road through an industrial park and the movement keeps the smoke down. We end up on the other road to fresh fields and run into another Police blockade. We tell him we are just trying to get to Whole Foods and he ltes us through. I pop the hood and there is a small crack in the plastic part on top of the radiator. We decide to do the shopping if nothing else to let the traffic die down. While inside we here that the truck that crashed was a tanker truck and it spilled 8000 gallons of Aspalt... The traffic is not going to be letting out anytime soon. So we work our way back out to the road and with the heater blasting, it's supposed to help keep the heat off of the engine we sit throught the traffic and make it home with no more smoke.
It figures the car does this since it gets inspected on Friday and we were planning/ budgeting on nothing being wrong with it...
Long Car Ride to the OBGYN
So, we get home and switch cars and make the long haul to Lankeneua hospital. If there were an emergency this would not be the place we would want to have to make a trip to. So long story short. The guys was very nice very pro-homebirth, respected our choices, blah, blah. Sounds like this guy was nicer than the guy our friend Amy went to.
Ease into the Night
If not for the leaky radiator I guess the day would not ahve been that horrible. i did get 4 coats on the sign and then we watched 2 episodes of Little House on Prarie for G. he was such a good sport with al of the running around.
I finished rewriting my English paper and messed around with Suse a little. We take the Stanza in for the inspection tomorrow.
This is more to write but...I am getting tired of writing so I am done.
Good Start
I took the day off so that we could go to the "back-up" OBGYN for an appointment at 4 and get stuff done before that.
The Sign
We got the first couple layers of polyurothane down on the sign. We will just need to flip it over and coat the back also. It sounds like we will not have to be held to putting the sign up, which is good...because I am not that "handy".
The Day Goes Down Hill from Here, Fast!
First stop Taget
So we had bought this thing that goes on a booster car seat so that Gryphons head would not slump to the side if he fell asleep. It ended up pushing his head forward and being very uncomfortable and not preventing his head from slumping. So we had it for a while and we decided to return it to target. I go in and of course forget my Debit card which is how we bought it. So we either have to exchange it right there or come back later with my card. i deceide to wait as we are under some time contraints and we still have to go food shoping.
Trust your feelings
So we head back toward Fresh Fields and find a police detour at the light we need to make a left onto, the light we were just at 5 minuts ago. So we go toward home and there is another detour at the next light. They are not letting anyone come down the road we are comeing out of. At this point we figure there is an accident and Sarah mentions that maybe we should just scrap the food shopping for now. No, not us. We loop back around and head toward 309 to come in to Whole Foods from the other side. We hit traffic and allot of it. Now we know its an accident. there is a helicopter hovering near where the 309 intersection would be if we were close enought to see it. We turn on KYW and here that it is a jackknifed tractor trailer. Oh yhea...
Where there is Smoke...
...There is fire! More like mental and pschological fire...or a fire bomb. So we are sitting there in the traffic and smoke starts to rise from the hood, f!@#! We find a road through an industrial park and the movement keeps the smoke down. We end up on the other road to fresh fields and run into another Police blockade. We tell him we are just trying to get to Whole Foods and he ltes us through. I pop the hood and there is a small crack in the plastic part on top of the radiator. We decide to do the shopping if nothing else to let the traffic die down. While inside we here that the truck that crashed was a tanker truck and it spilled 8000 gallons of Aspalt... The traffic is not going to be letting out anytime soon. So we work our way back out to the road and with the heater blasting, it's supposed to help keep the heat off of the engine we sit throught the traffic and make it home with no more smoke.
It figures the car does this since it gets inspected on Friday and we were planning/ budgeting on nothing being wrong with it...
Long Car Ride to the OBGYN
So, we get home and switch cars and make the long haul to Lankeneua hospital. If there were an emergency this would not be the place we would want to have to make a trip to. So long story short. The guys was very nice very pro-homebirth, respected our choices, blah, blah. Sounds like this guy was nicer than the guy our friend Amy went to.
Ease into the Night
If not for the leaky radiator I guess the day would not ahve been that horrible. i did get 4 coats on the sign and then we watched 2 episodes of Little House on Prarie for G. he was such a good sport with al of the running around.
I finished rewriting my English paper and messed around with Suse a little. We take the Stanza in for the inspection tomorrow.
This is more to write but...I am getting tired of writing so I am done.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Something Fell Off The Car, TV Guide Picnic and Skatepark Update.
Something Fell off of the Car
Nice. I was riding along and heard something scraping when I would hit bumps. I was close to the road that WINGS Airport is on. So I pulled over on a road that goes by the end of the runway and heard something fall from the car and slide across the ground. It looks like its only protective plate for something. It must have rusted away and it looked liek it was just holding on by a thread. I showed it to Brian at work and he said it wasn't dangerous but might be a good idea if I could reconnect it somehow.
TV Guide, Ad Production picnic
We had our TV Guide Department Picnic today at Fenimore Woods. I didn't have money but I usually bring veggie dogs or burgers. I still found enough to eat, mostly junk. Then we had a freindly but very close volley ball match. The teams only had 4 aside but It worked out well. In the past we just left from there but this time it was 12 to 3 and we had to come back to work.
Skatepark Update
Brian brought me a flyer from the Township building. They are haveing the grand opening on the 2nd of October. Thats a Satturday so I won't and wouldn't want to go then, but believe me I'll be there that next Monday to check it out! He said he saw them ncovering the ramps that hve been coverd in the parking lot.
Nice. I was riding along and heard something scraping when I would hit bumps. I was close to the road that WINGS Airport is on. So I pulled over on a road that goes by the end of the runway and heard something fall from the car and slide across the ground. It looks like its only protective plate for something. It must have rusted away and it looked liek it was just holding on by a thread. I showed it to Brian at work and he said it wasn't dangerous but might be a good idea if I could reconnect it somehow.
TV Guide, Ad Production picnic
We had our TV Guide Department Picnic today at Fenimore Woods. I didn't have money but I usually bring veggie dogs or burgers. I still found enough to eat, mostly junk. Then we had a freindly but very close volley ball match. The teams only had 4 aside but It worked out well. In the past we just left from there but this time it was 12 to 3 and we had to come back to work.
Skatepark Update
Brian brought me a flyer from the Township building. They are haveing the grand opening on the 2nd of October. Thats a Satturday so I won't and wouldn't want to go then, but believe me I'll be there that next Monday to check it out! He said he saw them ncovering the ramps that hve been coverd in the parking lot.
Installed Suse 9.1
I got in on a free Novell/Suse resource kit, 3 DVD's of Linux stuff. I came last week and since I was at a point were I wanted to get back on Linux I decided to install it over my Mandrake 9.2 install. The thing that was holding me back was that , I thought that LInux didnt support my WinModem. I had done alot of research and nver could get it to work. I eventually bought a cheap external modem that worked with Linux but droped alot while in windows. The last time I rebuit the machine I was using WinXP alot and decided to just go with the WinModem. So last night I hooked the external modem back up with plans to run the telephone line through the external and into the internal. I was happily surprised that the Suse 9.1 install saw the WinModem and worked with it. i got the whole thing running and while I started typeing up my English paper in Open Office I downloaded Firefox and got that running. I am going to check out another desktop, right now I have KDE 3.2 running.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Cats, Skateboarding, Birthday for G, Baby, Football, Student Loans and More
Cool Skate DVD
I watched a really cool Skate DVD last night STREETS: San Francisco. It took you on a tour of the popular street skating spots. The one spot they showed has een around for ever and has been in some of the older skate videos. it was neat to see people talking about the spots and not just skateing them. It even had an interveiw with Mark Gonzales, one of my idols of skateboarding.
Skate or Die
I decided to get more skateboarding in during the lunch breaks. I am losing weight with the walking but I think the skateing will help tone...come on skatepark.
Speaking of the Skatepark
I did a quick drive by today and the orange fences are down and they were putting some bleachers up in the grass.
Birthday for G
Again of course we are tight on money for Gryphons party...I feel so horrible about it :o( One of these times I'll give him a great birthday, well hopefully more than once. Sucks... I m going to see if I can sell my Hamilton collection Star Wars plates. Maybe I can get him some extra money for him. Again..it sucks.
The only sport that I will take time out to watch is Football. I don't plan my life around it but if I am in the right spot I'll watch or listen to it. The Eagles beat the Vikings in Monday Night Football last night. they also beat the Giants last sunday so they are 2-0 so far and look very good.
From the paying for school dept
I called school because it did not look like I was going to be able to cover my 3 and 4th term this semester. Lead, told me they don't process the Pell grants that far ahead and I should get money from them at that time. Cool, one less thing to worry about.
Turn Baby, Turn.
Kate , the Mid-wife, said that the baby is not quite in the right position yet. She recomended that Sarah do more "hands and knees" yoga poses, such as the cat
Cats Need A Home
Still no luck on finding new homes for the cats. They are to old for most shelters to want them. I guess we are just going to continue to ask around and hold tight and see if Kratz pushes the issue any further.
Blooger and Safari don't play well together
I have noticed that when I use blogger from home with Firefox there are alot more options and the spell check works better. So excuse my spelling. Right now I am using Safari on OSX.
I watched a really cool Skate DVD last night STREETS: San Francisco. It took you on a tour of the popular street skating spots. The one spot they showed has een around for ever and has been in some of the older skate videos. it was neat to see people talking about the spots and not just skateing them. It even had an interveiw with Mark Gonzales, one of my idols of skateboarding.
Skate or Die
I decided to get more skateboarding in during the lunch breaks. I am losing weight with the walking but I think the skateing will help tone...come on skatepark.
Speaking of the Skatepark
I did a quick drive by today and the orange fences are down and they were putting some bleachers up in the grass.
Birthday for G
Again of course we are tight on money for Gryphons party...I feel so horrible about it :o( One of these times I'll give him a great birthday, well hopefully more than once. Sucks... I m going to see if I can sell my Hamilton collection Star Wars plates. Maybe I can get him some extra money for him. Again..it sucks.
The only sport that I will take time out to watch is Football. I don't plan my life around it but if I am in the right spot I'll watch or listen to it. The Eagles beat the Vikings in Monday Night Football last night. they also beat the Giants last sunday so they are 2-0 so far and look very good.
From the paying for school dept
I called school because it did not look like I was going to be able to cover my 3 and 4th term this semester. Lead, told me they don't process the Pell grants that far ahead and I should get money from them at that time. Cool, one less thing to worry about.
Turn Baby, Turn.
Kate , the Mid-wife, said that the baby is not quite in the right position yet. She recomended that Sarah do more "hands and knees" yoga poses, such as the cat

Cats Need A Home
Still no luck on finding new homes for the cats. They are to old for most shelters to want them. I guess we are just going to continue to ask around and hold tight and see if Kratz pushes the issue any further.
Blooger and Safari don't play well together
I have noticed that when I use blogger from home with Firefox there are alot more options and the spell check works better. So excuse my spelling. Right now I am using Safari on OSX.
Monday, September 20, 2004
How Far Back can I remember Thrasher?
[Thrasher] 1986
[Thrasher] 1987
[Thrasher] 1988
[Thrasher] 1989
[Thrasher] 1990
I found the Thrasher cover archives. I must have started buying it in 1986 because I remember all of these covers. i looked at the 1985 covers but nothing was ringing a bell...
I must have stoped buying them in 1990. I remember some of them and I don't remember any of the 1991 covers.
[Thrasher] 1987
[Thrasher] 1988
[Thrasher] 1989
[Thrasher] 1990
I found the Thrasher cover archives. I must have started buying it in 1986 because I remember all of these covers. i looked at the 1985 covers but nothing was ringing a bell...
I must have stoped buying them in 1990. I remember some of them and I don't remember any of the 1991 covers.
Pulled out of Jerel's business
I forgot to mention that I pulled out of the Business with Jerel. I can't gave the time right now to what he wanted me to do. I agreed to still be able to do graphics work and some html.
School, poly or umbre thane and reinstalled autogk
School week 4 of 10
English-We got our first papers back. The teacher said that I have the backbone there but my writing style needed to be flushed out. Thats always been my major problem so no surprise there. She gave lots of good suggestions and the revision goes on my list of things to do this week. I still have a hard time seperating between getting involved learning what the stories are about and writing about the story and what all the hidden meanings are...
Non-Western Soc- Again we wove our way around the main topic in a very conversational way and ended getting our first take home "assesment". it basiclsy was going to be 4 small essay questions. he wrote down 3 and then said we could do numbe 3 and one other one. He explained a essay style called 5x5, 5 paragraphs, 5 sentences each with the first stating the idea the next 3 are facts and the last is the conclusion. I'll give it a try.
Poly or umbre -urothane?
The sign painting was fifnished all we had to do was coat it with umbreurothane or something like that. I suggested to try it on the scrap paint tester. Whew...it came out with a honey color and effected some of the paint also. I knew this was probably the wring stuff. We took it back to home depot, asked the paint people and again they suggest the same stuff so we re bought it. After aksing the "dads" we decided wer would go back and get regular polyuerothane. That is what Sarah used on the Old World Cafe signs and it went on clear and did not seem to mess with the paint.
Re-installed AutoGK
I was cleaning up my folders on the pc and must have messed with something that was included with AutoGK. it would get to one step and then just freeze up and stay that way all night. It takes 5 or 6 hours to take a 4.5gb DVD down to a 650mg AVI. I finnally thought to reinstall it and now its fine.
English-We got our first papers back. The teacher said that I have the backbone there but my writing style needed to be flushed out. Thats always been my major problem so no surprise there. She gave lots of good suggestions and the revision goes on my list of things to do this week. I still have a hard time seperating between getting involved learning what the stories are about and writing about the story and what all the hidden meanings are...
Non-Western Soc- Again we wove our way around the main topic in a very conversational way and ended getting our first take home "assesment". it basiclsy was going to be 4 small essay questions. he wrote down 3 and then said we could do numbe 3 and one other one. He explained a essay style called 5x5, 5 paragraphs, 5 sentences each with the first stating the idea the next 3 are facts and the last is the conclusion. I'll give it a try.
Poly or umbre -urothane?
The sign painting was fifnished all we had to do was coat it with umbreurothane or something like that. I suggested to try it on the scrap paint tester. Whew...it came out with a honey color and effected some of the paint also. I knew this was probably the wring stuff. We took it back to home depot, asked the paint people and again they suggest the same stuff so we re bought it. After aksing the "dads" we decided wer would go back and get regular polyuerothane. That is what Sarah used on the Old World Cafe signs and it went on clear and did not seem to mess with the paint.
Re-installed AutoGK
I was cleaning up my folders on the pc and must have messed with something that was included with AutoGK. it would get to one step and then just freeze up and stay that way all night. It takes 5 or 6 hours to take a 4.5gb DVD down to a 650mg AVI. I finnally thought to reinstall it and now its fine.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Late for Kate
Late for Kate
By the time I got home from school today it was close to one and our appointment was at 2. We had to stop for gas and since I entered our payment info wrong on our new credit card they ,Capital One,has a hold on our card until it gets fixed. So I had to squeeze 5 bucks out of the main account. By this time we had about 20 minutes to go 40 minutes away. Since we were close we stopped at a pay phone, we have no cell phone yet, for Sarah to try a phone card out. Of course the card was expired so we headed to my parents at 10 of 2. I called Kate and we decided to just hold off and Sarah would just go on Monday. That should be good anyway since the sign will be done and she can take it to her. I was hoping to check on her computer.
By the time I got home from school today it was close to one and our appointment was at 2. We had to stop for gas and since I entered our payment info wrong on our new credit card they ,Capital One,has a hold on our card until it gets fixed. So I had to squeeze 5 bucks out of the main account. By this time we had about 20 minutes to go 40 minutes away. Since we were close we stopped at a pay phone, we have no cell phone yet, for Sarah to try a phone card out. Of course the card was expired so we headed to my parents at 10 of 2. I called Kate and we decided to just hold off and Sarah would just go on Monday. That should be good anyway since the sign will be done and she can take it to her. I was hoping to check on her computer.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Goodbye Cats, Birthday Revamped, Family to the Rescue
Nice Cats Looking for a Good Home
I doesn't look like I mentioned it but our land lords have sent everyone a notice warning that they are going to take action against people who have animals in thier rentals. So of course someof our neighbors get nutty and call the landlords yelling and complaining about it. It makes no sense really. It's written in the lease that we can't have animals. We just took the chance and now they are "calling our bluff". So we now search for new homes for Mister and Missy. i can't imagine putting them in the SPCA....
Party or no Party
We may decide on a different birthday for G. Instead of haveing a party with tons of people we may deceide to dpent the money directly on G and do something fun with him for he day.
Mom and Wendy to the Rescue
Wendy called and told Sarah she was going to come over and help her for a day and that she and Mom would help out with the stuff on our list of things needed for the birth. Got to love them, they are very family orientated. Thanks guys!
I doesn't look like I mentioned it but our land lords have sent everyone a notice warning that they are going to take action against people who have animals in thier rentals. So of course someof our neighbors get nutty and call the landlords yelling and complaining about it. It makes no sense really. It's written in the lease that we can't have animals. We just took the chance and now they are "calling our bluff". So we now search for new homes for Mister and Missy. i can't imagine putting them in the SPCA....
Party or no Party
We may decide on a different birthday for G. Instead of haveing a party with tons of people we may deceide to dpent the money directly on G and do something fun with him for he day.
Mom and Wendy to the Rescue
Wendy called and told Sarah she was going to come over and help her for a day and that she and Mom would help out with the stuff on our list of things needed for the birth. Got to love them, they are very family orientated. Thanks guys!
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Star Wars the TV series?
So George Lucas says that he may turn the reins over to someone to produce a Star Wars TV series..hmmm. That could be cool or very not cool. Cool would be if they turned some novels into short mini series and such. Not-Cool would be doing something like the young Jedi knights...
We will see.
We will see.
Skated, Birthdays, playgroup and Jerel
Mini-Chocholate Bars=Skateing during lunch
Well somebody decided to kill everyone her and bring in a bag of mini-chocolate bars. Since my will power is not where it should be, I felt like I needed more than just walking for exercise. I didn't wear jeans so I decided to change out at my skatespot. It worked out very nice. i just sat in the car and put my shorts and t-shirt on and away I went. This is good because i will be able to do this when the skatepark gets finished, man, I hope they dont get strict about pads there. i should be able to get in about 45mins of park action, at least once a week.
Today is my dad's birthday. He was not at work so i will try to give him call at home and wish him a good one. I know that Kyle's is right about now, I'll send out an email. Sarah finished up G's b-day invites. Hopefully we will have enough money to fund the party and get a gift or two.
We were supposed to speak again today. I can do all the stuff on the site that he would like except the data base stuff. i could probably learn it but if he wants it done faster he may want to find some one else for that part. i left a message for him at his room.
Well somebody decided to kill everyone her and bring in a bag of mini-chocolate bars. Since my will power is not where it should be, I felt like I needed more than just walking for exercise. I didn't wear jeans so I decided to change out at my skatespot. It worked out very nice. i just sat in the car and put my shorts and t-shirt on and away I went. This is good because i will be able to do this when the skatepark gets finished, man, I hope they dont get strict about pads there. i should be able to get in about 45mins of park action, at least once a week.
Today is my dad's birthday. He was not at work so i will try to give him call at home and wish him a good one. I know that Kyle's is right about now, I'll send out an email. Sarah finished up G's b-day invites. Hopefully we will have enough money to fund the party and get a gift or two.
We were supposed to speak again today. I can do all the stuff on the site that he would like except the data base stuff. i could probably learn it but if he wants it done faster he may want to find some one else for that part. i left a message for him at his room.
Belly stretches, Thomas and RIPPED
The baby has been really giving sarah's belly some painful stretches, it seems a bit more than G did but, I'm sure it's all normal.
Boy's night in
Sarah had here meeting with the Sacred Grove of the Goddess gang. That gave me a Gryphon a chance to play. We built a decent track for his Thomas trains and played with them untill bed time. For bed time we finished reading The Littles chapter book.
I saved the Elton John and Little House on the Prarie DVDs so that we can watch them at a later point. I plan on creating avi's and then VCD's out of them.
The baby has been really giving sarah's belly some painful stretches, it seems a bit more than G did but, I'm sure it's all normal.
Boy's night in
Sarah had here meeting with the Sacred Grove of the Goddess gang. That gave me a Gryphon a chance to play. We built a decent track for his Thomas trains and played with them untill bed time. For bed time we finished reading The Littles chapter book.
I saved the Elton John and Little House on the Prarie DVDs so that we can watch them at a later point. I plan on creating avi's and then VCD's out of them.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
White paint...never a dull moment
Sarah just called and told me that she was going to start painting the sign. She went to shake up the white paint and the lid was not on tight...So paint went every where and we lost a lot of the white paint.. :o(
Color me Green
Well not me but, I just checked the RTS skate park and they have painted or sealed the surface with a green substance. There is also a sign that says to stay off so that it can cure and be a state of the art surface.
Business Venture?
After a long conversation with Jerel and checking out some sites he wanted to model his site after i have an idea of what he wants to do. its kind of like a website that sells ad space to people who may not want or need a web page. he would also offer to design and host web sites in the Salon and Spa type industries. The way he wants it to work would work best with a database and .ASP pages. I do not know how to do this but, would be willing to learn. it sounds like I would e investing time upfront for a return on that time at some point. I look at it as chance to get some experiance with .asp.
Elton John and Little House on the Prarie
So Gryhon likes elton john and I decided to rent a EJ concert DVD. I think it was alot mellower than G liked. The concert was from 2000 and G has only heard EJ from his earlier days. he still enjoyed the songs that he knew but even those were slower than the CD that we have. We also rented the first disc of Little House. We had read Farmer Boy which is about Almonzo Wilder whoe eventually marries laura Ingels, who wrote all of the stories. I think we watched 2 or 3 episodes and he really enjoyed it.
Domestic Us
Sarah baked like 6 or 7 loves of bread yesterday. they are very yummy and save us from buying bread for awhile.
Other stuff
I didn't walk much yesterday but i'll be back out there today reading and walking...
After a long conversation with Jerel and checking out some sites he wanted to model his site after i have an idea of what he wants to do. its kind of like a website that sells ad space to people who may not want or need a web page. he would also offer to design and host web sites in the Salon and Spa type industries. The way he wants it to work would work best with a database and .ASP pages. I do not know how to do this but, would be willing to learn. it sounds like I would e investing time upfront for a return on that time at some point. I look at it as chance to get some experiance with .asp.
Elton John and Little House on the Prarie
So Gryhon likes elton john and I decided to rent a EJ concert DVD. I think it was alot mellower than G liked. The concert was from 2000 and G has only heard EJ from his earlier days. he still enjoyed the songs that he knew but even those were slower than the CD that we have. We also rented the first disc of Little House. We had read Farmer Boy which is about Almonzo Wilder whoe eventually marries laura Ingels, who wrote all of the stories. I think we watched 2 or 3 episodes and he really enjoyed it.
Domestic Us
Sarah baked like 6 or 7 loves of bread yesterday. they are very yummy and save us from buying bread for awhile.
Other stuff
I didn't walk much yesterday but i'll be back out there today reading and walking...
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
One for the Baby book
So, out midWife calls and says that she has something to ask/tell us and its kind of odd/funny. Sarah calls her back and she tells us that people from the show The Simple Life. Apparently Paris Hilton and NIcole Ritchie want to be at a home birth. They did a google search for homebirth and came up with our midwife. I tried it a couple times and did not come across her. They are going to be filming the first week of November and since our birth is during that time they would want to be at our birth. Was surprised that Kate was open to it at all. I guess she sees it as an opertunity to expose a certain generation to Homebirth but, I hearing what the show is like I don't think this would be the way. Hmm...I wonder if they compensate you...babies got to go to college at some point :o) Oh, i just figured out how they found here they must have done a google search for pa homebirth. The third link down is pahomebirth.com, this is the site she is affiliated with and they must have just picked her from there. I guess we will just see how this pans out.
No more syrup
We decided to have pancakes and eggs for dinner. Gryphon isn't a big fan of eggs for some reason so I just gave him enough for 3 bites. he started to get pissy when I told him he had to eat the eggs, he assumed I ment before he could have pancakes so he threw a small fit that grew into a tantrum when Sarah informed him that there was not enough syrup. Had he given her a second before throwing his fit she would have shown him the alternative toppings. But no, everybody gets stressed and the night keeps that mode untill we chilled out with Buffy later on. We continued to read the Littles chapter book for the bedtime story.
I played a little THPS3 and got the rest of the addresses to Rowan. And we are down to about 15 bucks which will probably be eaten up by a check thats out there. Fun, fun, fun. I just keep telling my self that the bills are getting paid....
I mean weight, mine that is : around 170.
Of Cat's and Landlords
Sarah said we received a letter in the mail reminding al the tenents about the no animal rule in our building. Thank you! Yes, I didn't have anything else to worry about.
So, out midWife calls and says that she has something to ask/tell us and its kind of odd/funny. Sarah calls her back and she tells us that people from the show The Simple Life. Apparently Paris Hilton and NIcole Ritchie want to be at a home birth. They did a google search for homebirth and came up with our midwife. I tried it a couple times and did not come across her. They are going to be filming the first week of November and since our birth is during that time they would want to be at our birth. Was surprised that Kate was open to it at all. I guess she sees it as an opertunity to expose a certain generation to Homebirth but, I hearing what the show is like I don't think this would be the way. Hmm...I wonder if they compensate you...babies got to go to college at some point :o) Oh, i just figured out how they found here they must have done a google search for pa homebirth. The third link down is pahomebirth.com, this is the site she is affiliated with and they must have just picked her from there. I guess we will just see how this pans out.
No more syrup
We decided to have pancakes and eggs for dinner. Gryphon isn't a big fan of eggs for some reason so I just gave him enough for 3 bites. he started to get pissy when I told him he had to eat the eggs, he assumed I ment before he could have pancakes so he threw a small fit that grew into a tantrum when Sarah informed him that there was not enough syrup. Had he given her a second before throwing his fit she would have shown him the alternative toppings. But no, everybody gets stressed and the night keeps that mode untill we chilled out with Buffy later on. We continued to read the Littles chapter book for the bedtime story.
I played a little THPS3 and got the rest of the addresses to Rowan. And we are down to about 15 bucks which will probably be eaten up by a check thats out there. Fun, fun, fun. I just keep telling my self that the bills are getting paid....
I mean weight, mine that is : around 170.
Of Cat's and Landlords
Sarah said we received a letter in the mail reminding al the tenents about the no animal rule in our building. Thank you! Yes, I didn't have anything else to worry about.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Weekend College-week 3 of 10
English We ran out of paper so I had to hand my paper in on paper that was misscut. It's bad but hopefully I can learn to improve in this kind of writing. Since I had just gotten the book I had to rush to do the readings. In class we picked the readings apart and I took notes on them. This is the first class I haven't enjoyed, nothing against the teacher she is really into and that makes it easier. i just think I would like the math classes better and I am not reallly that confedent at math. Anyway, the readings should be easier now that i can read them while I walk at work. I still don't have the MLA writing style book.
Non-western Soc This is going to be a good class. Great teacher with lots of stories to tell. He is the principle of St. Gabs correctional school during the week. He has a very NPR'ish approach to teaching history. During the class he opened a window and apparently a big what I call Racer Spider, fell on the floor and I watched it as it got onto somebodies backpack and roamed aroudn for abit. At break I told the guy and he searched the bag but found nothing. As soon as he put the bag down the spider popped out and started to run. The teacher helped corner it and caught it in a bag and took it outside.
While on break I approached the teacher about me not getting the books yet and not knowing when I would be able to get them. He told me not to worry and said that he would bring me a set of 8th edition books in!! He said he only used them for the historical content and not the the current event type stuff. Cool!
Money and lack there off
Well after paying for Rent, Eric, paint and the CC we have like 70$ left ofr food and gas for the next two weeks... Bills are getting paid and it will take a few paycheckks to get into this new budget... We are going very basic as far as food and using WIC and we have some money left on the CC so we will see what happens.
G Money
Gryphon went to tucker and Jonahs Birthday party. We got them some books from Atlanticbook Wherehouse. It sounds like they had a sort of free form party with a bunch of kids running around and playing. Sarah said they bult a sandbox that is huge with a mountain of sand. i know Gryphon had fun. Apperantly htye don't open presents while people are there. i guess it makes more of the emphisis on the people instead of the gifts.
Baby and related stuff
I still have to get address to Rowan for the Shower and now Sarah's mom wants to have a little something on the 17th. The baby is kicking up a storm and Sarah paniced a little when whe remembered that the baby has to come out... yhea, i'd freak out alittle to. But she has done it before so don't expect any problems. Oh, we registered at babies are us for some stuff.
Down time
We started watching Buffy season 7. I think we are up to episode 6 or 7. Sarah's parents have season 4 of Angel at thier house also when we are ready!
English We ran out of paper so I had to hand my paper in on paper that was misscut. It's bad but hopefully I can learn to improve in this kind of writing. Since I had just gotten the book I had to rush to do the readings. In class we picked the readings apart and I took notes on them. This is the first class I haven't enjoyed, nothing against the teacher she is really into and that makes it easier. i just think I would like the math classes better and I am not reallly that confedent at math. Anyway, the readings should be easier now that i can read them while I walk at work. I still don't have the MLA writing style book.
Non-western Soc This is going to be a good class. Great teacher with lots of stories to tell. He is the principle of St. Gabs correctional school during the week. He has a very NPR'ish approach to teaching history. During the class he opened a window and apparently a big what I call Racer Spider, fell on the floor and I watched it as it got onto somebodies backpack and roamed aroudn for abit. At break I told the guy and he searched the bag but found nothing. As soon as he put the bag down the spider popped out and started to run. The teacher helped corner it and caught it in a bag and took it outside.
While on break I approached the teacher about me not getting the books yet and not knowing when I would be able to get them. He told me not to worry and said that he would bring me a set of 8th edition books in!! He said he only used them for the historical content and not the the current event type stuff. Cool!
Money and lack there off
Well after paying for Rent, Eric, paint and the CC we have like 70$ left ofr food and gas for the next two weeks... Bills are getting paid and it will take a few paycheckks to get into this new budget... We are going very basic as far as food and using WIC and we have some money left on the CC so we will see what happens.
G Money
Gryphon went to tucker and Jonahs Birthday party. We got them some books from Atlanticbook Wherehouse. It sounds like they had a sort of free form party with a bunch of kids running around and playing. Sarah said they bult a sandbox that is huge with a mountain of sand. i know Gryphon had fun. Apperantly htye don't open presents while people are there. i guess it makes more of the emphisis on the people instead of the gifts.
Baby and related stuff
I still have to get address to Rowan for the Shower and now Sarah's mom wants to have a little something on the 17th. The baby is kicking up a storm and Sarah paniced a little when whe remembered that the baby has to come out... yhea, i'd freak out alittle to. But she has done it before so don't expect any problems. Oh, we registered at babies are us for some stuff.
Down time
We started watching Buffy season 7. I think we are up to episode 6 or 7. Sarah's parents have season 4 of Angel at thier house also when we are ready!
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